Hattori Heiji immediately rushed to Otaki Goro, wanting to get Otaki Goro out of the inflatable air cushion.

But Mori Kogoro on the trapezoidal stone platform has already started to act.

Carrying Ooka Hongye on his back, he began to climb down along the leftmost part of the trapezoidal stone platform, where it is easiest to borrow strength.

Climbing all the way down, like walking on flat ground, Mori Kogoro has an arm span of more than two meters, and his limbs are full of strength. Every time he lands, he steps on the raised stone steps of the stone platform with incomparable precision.

If you can't step on it, you can borrow strength from the wall on one side, and you can connect easily. Its movements are smooth and smooth, and it is completely impossible to see that it is carrying a girl behind it.

Under the unbelievable gazes of the people below, Kogoro Mori took Ooka Hongye down seven or eight floors in just a few seconds.

Behind her, Momi Ooka was hanging on Kogoro Mori's back, also with a shocked expression on her face, her mind was at peace.

So it seems that it will be out of danger in less than half a minute!

The onlookers opened their mouths wide open as if they were watching an action drama, and looked at Kogoro Mori above.

"Is this guy Spider-Man? How can he climb so fast?"

"No, it must be an agent secretly trained by our country, just like 007."

"Oh my god, he's carrying a girl on his back, that's amazing!"


Hattori Heiji and Otaki Goro looked stunned. They looked at the inflatable air cushion that was less than one-fifth full of air, and felt that this seemed unnecessary, and it was useless at all!

However, an accident happened suddenly. Kogoro Mori and Koyo Ooka had just climbed to the eleventh floor when they heard the sound of an explosion, and countless glass burst out, followed by tongues of flames.

Mori Kogoro was on the leftmost side of the trapezoidal platform, and the window glass at that position was not shattered, so naturally it would not be affected.

But the explosion was so loud that Ooka Momiji jumped, and she instantly lost her strength and fell from Mouri Kogoro's back.

The situation was critical, Mori Kogoro immediately stretched out his right hand to grab Ooka Momiji's small hand, but his body was also suspended by Ooka Momiji, leaving only Mori Kogoro's left hand holding the stone steps in the air. support.

The hearts of the people below suddenly hung up!

Chapter 0307 Another upsurge

Xiaolan Yuanzi and other girls all exclaimed. They ignored the falling glass shards and hurriedly ran under the Osaka TV station.

The surrounding audience turned their heads one after another, unable to bear the two people being smashed into meat. From the perspective of ordinary people, this situation has already fallen into a deadly situation.

With no one to rescue them, how long can they last with only one hand and two bodies suspended in the air.

But how did they know that Mori Kogoro was not an extraordinary person, and this dangerous situation was nothing more than a small scene to him.

On the contrary, Ooka Hongye once again had tears in his eyes, and said in a farewell tone: "Mori-kun, let go, if this happens, both of us will die!"

Mori Kogoro didn't care what Ooka Hongye said, he lifted the girl's body vigorously with his right hand, and let her stand on the stone steps beside him, holding on to the stone steps above.

As soon as he swayed, he kicked the wall next to him and returned to the stone steps.

Seeing this, the people below couldn't help cheering.

"Good job!"

"Good job!"


Hattori Heiji and Conan also breathed a sigh of relief, as expected they are Uncle Mori.

Mori Kogoro, who was fixed on the eleventh floor, protected Ooka Hongye with his right hand, and said, "Hongye, now climb on my back again, we will be fine soon!"

Koyo Ooka wiped away the teardrops from his eyelids, nodded his head, put a pair of jade arms around Mouri Kogoro's shoulders again, and slowly rubbed his body from Mori Kogoro's side to his back.

hiss! ! !

This girl is really very predictable, this time the feeling is even more obvious.

Kogoro Mori saw that Hongye Ooka had hugged him tightly again, so he let go of his right hand protecting his waist, and using both hands and feet, he climbed down.

This time it went very smoothly, no other bombs exploded, Moori Kogoro soon came to the stone steps on the second floor, there was already a ladder set up by Xiaolan at the bottom, and he stepped down on the ladder.


Seeing that the two escaped safely from the [-]-storey Osaka TV station, everyone in the square applauded spontaneously and praised continuously.

This scene was also photographed by many people with their mobile phones and uploaded to the Internet, which attracted countless likes.

And because it was near the TV station, some photographers took refuge with high-definition cameras. When the photographers recognized that the trapeze man was the most popular person in Osaka——Moori Kogoro, they were even more excited.

He immediately sold the recorded footage to the TV station he knew, and Kogoro Mori swamped the morning news in an instant!

"Treasure hunting king Mori Kogoro is in danger again. He turned into a trapeze man and bravely climbed a [-]-story building to save a girl. What else can stop our Maori detective!"

"Osaka TV station suffered a terrorist attack, and the entire building was burned down. Mori Kogoro saved the girl alone!"

"The Savior of Tokyo is now renamed the Savior of Osaka, Maori Detective—the pride of Osaka Castle!"


Reports spread out one after another, and the enthusiasm for the Treasure Hunting Murder Case has not yet subsided. The TV station's rescue incident has once again aroused countless people's heated discussions, and the video captured by the high-definition camera in just a few minutes has spread wildly.

Especially when people saw Mori Kogoro pulling up the girl in the kimono with one arm, the scene of this boyfriend's overwhelming strength made countless girls obsessed with it, and each of them had love in their eyes.

Countless girls who became fans of this video joined Kogoro Mori's support club one after another, and Kogoro Mori's fan base skyrocketed again.

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