
Kogoro Mori, who had returned to the bottom, still did not put down Ooka Momiji, and led Xiaolan, Haibara and other women to the safe place of the square. Burnt steel or rocks kept falling from behind.

After returning to a safe place, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Otaki Goro hurriedly called the medical staff to meet her, and Mori Kogoro put Ooka Momiji on the stretcher. She was not injured, but her ankle was sprained.

On the other hand, Koyo Ooka got down from Kogoro Mori with a look of reluctance.

At this moment, a man with curly hair and a suit rushed over. It was Ooka Momiji's housekeeper, Iori Muga.

"Thank goodness, Miss, you are fine, Detective Maori, thank you so much, if something happens to Miss, I don't know what to do."

While speaking, Iori bowed deeply to Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Your lady's ankle is sprained, please take it to the hospital!"

Iori Muga thanked her again, and sent Ooka Momiji to the hospital together with the medical staff.

On the occasion of parting, Ooka Hongye looked at Mouri Kogoro with tears in his eyes: "Mori-kun, you must come to the hospital to see me!"

All the girls looked at the two with strange expressions, Kogoro Mori nodded with a wry smile.

Hattori Heiji was shocked again, such a cute girl was hooked up by Uncle Mori just like that.

He faintly felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

Hattori Heiji looked at Mori Kogoro, feeling deep reverence once again in his heart, wishing to ask him about how to seduce girls, so as to win Kazuba's heart back.

As for Conan, he was already used to seeing these scenes, he just turned his head and sneered, "Oh! Woman!"


Otaki Goro greeted him after arranging the work, he said with concern: "Detective Maori, you just climbed so many floors, you didn't get hurt, did you?"

"It's okay!"

Hattori Heiji quickly asked, "Officer Otaki, what happened? Why was the entire Osaka TV station blown up?"

Otaki Goro took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Mori Kogoro, Hattori Heiji and Conan also came over.

"This is the notice letter received by the headquarters today, saying that the Osaka TV station will be blown up. At first we all thought it was a prank, but the police felt that we should not be so careless, so we ordered evacuation."

"Fortunately, we evacuated in time and did not cause too many casualties, but the good Osaka TV station was destroyed like this!"

Otaki Goro looked at the TV station covered by the fire, and sighed long.

Miraiko approached Kogoro Mouri, and hesitantly said, "Maori-kun, what about the flower cards?"

It was only then that Kogoro Mouri remembered that the flower card was in Ooka Hongye's hand, and she hadn't returned it to him just now. It seemed that she had resorted to some tricks in order to let him see her.

"That pair of flower cards is in Ooka Hongye's hands, let's go, let's get back the flower cards."

Xiaolan Yuanzi and other girls also hurriedly followed, while Dr. A Li planned to take Sanxiao back to the hotel to rest first, and the two groups of people separated.

Chapter 0308 active girl

Naniwa General Hospital is the nearest hospital to the TV station. Mori Kogoro is walking in the corridor of the hospital, with Xiaolan and Sonoko at his side.

As for He Ye, he accompanied Miraiko to do the inspection. Miraiko seemed to have strained his arm when he escaped with Conan. He was afraid that it would affect the subsequent games, so he hurried to check.

Hattori Heiji and Conan are investigating the explosion, both of them feel very strange.

Why did the criminal want to blow up the Osaka TV station this time, but instead notified the Osaka Prefectural Police to give the Osaka Prefectural Police time to issue an evacuation notice.

And according to Otaki Goro, no one died in this incident except for some people who were accidentally injured by the splashing stones.

If the purpose of the criminal is not to kill, then what is it?Is it to prevent the flower card contest that was originally scheduled to be recorded in Osaka TV?

The two still didn't know why, but they could only think about it in this way, and began to collect various information.

While the two were thinking hard, Otaki Goro told Hattori Heiji the latest news.

Someone found the body of Mr. Yajima who was supposed to appear in the flower card exhibition this morning. Yajima was attacked and killed in a mansion in Kyoto.

Hearing that the seed player of the flower card contest died, Conan and Hattori Heiji simultaneously judged that the incident was related to the Satsukikai contest.

Kyoto is only a ten-minute drive away from Osaka, so the two hurriedly rode on their motorcycles and rushed over.

At the same time, the two chose not to tell Kogoro Mori about Yajima's death, but they wanted to solve the case before Kogoro Mori.


Mori Kogoro in the hospital corridor turned his head to look at Xiaolan: "Xiaolan, Dad is just going to get back that pair of flower cards, you and Yuanzi don't need to follow."

Xiaolan turned her face sideways and smiled sweetly: "Dad, I just want to see how the girl you saved is injured, Dad."

On the other hand, Yuanzi said without hesitation: "Don't watch closely, uncle is about to be seduced by her!"

Sonoko's words naturally got a big bang from Mori Kogoro.

Soon the three of them came to Ooka Hongye's ward, which was opened by Butler Iori.

As soon as the three of them walked in, they saw that Ooka Hongye had changed clothes and was sitting on the hospital bed. Her pink skirt was matched with black stockings, her pair of beautiful legs were dangling, and she was still stepping on high heels, exuding the style of a little princess.

Ooka Hongye's cat eyes lit up when she saw Mori Kogoro: "Mori-kun, you're here!"

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