Seeing her like this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but asked, "Hongye, are your feet okay? Why did you change into high heels!"

Ooka Hongye shook her black silk legs: "It's okay, it's just a slight sprain. The doctor sprayed it with spray and it's not a serious problem. Fortunately, there is no injury. Otherwise, tomorrow's game will not be possible!"

Yuanzi muttered from the side: "Cut, the flower card game doesn't use your legs, so what does it matter if you get injured!" Ooka Hongye ignored it.

And Mori Kogoro said, "Hongye, did you lose that flower card?"

When Ooka Hongye heard this, she handed the flower card beside her to Mouri Kogoro, and she also looked puzzled: "Mori-kun, why do you value this flower card so much?"

Mori Kogoro said with a serious face: "That's because this flower card is a very important evidence. Well, Hongye, there are some things I want to talk to you alone!"

Dagang Hongye's little face was still a little dazed, she nodded to the butler, and the butler walked out. Xiaolan and Yuanzi also obediently walked out of the room when they heard that the case was related.

Only Kogoro Mori and Momi Ooka were left in the ward.

Kogoro Mori was also sitting on the hospital bed, Koyo Ooka immediately hugged Kogoro Mori's arm with a smile on his face, his arm fell into softness again, and his small head rubbed against his shoulder.

"Maori-kun, I'm really happy that you can come to see me?"

Sure enough, Japanese girls are taking the initiative, especially the young lady of this kind of consortium, who is almost the same as Sonoko in this respect.

It really is the garden of Kanto, and the red leaves of Kansai!

Such a beautiful girl doesn't mind another dozen.

But it was more important to get down to business, and Kogoro Mori said, "Hongye, who taught you your flower cards?"

Ooka Hongye immediately replied: "My master is Mingqing Luxiong, who is also a well-known flower card master, but because of an accident five years ago, he never showed up."

"What happened five years ago, Hongye, can you explain it in detail!"

Ooka Hongye nodded: "Five years ago, there was a Nagorokai in Kyoto, which is as famous as the Satsukikai in Osaka now, and the president is my master Nagoro Shikao."

"During the competition, as long as it is the flower card my master wants to take, I will definitely not let others get it."

"However, at that time, my master suffered from an eye disease, and his career in competitive flower cards would only last one year at most. He especially hoped to have a duel with the president of the Satsuki Society, that is, the wife of President Azhibo, Mrs. Satsuki."

"My master publicized this competition in the media, and said that the loser will disband his flower card club. However, my master was not present in the last competition."

"At that time, all the media said that my master was timid to fight, so I didn't participate in the competition. Naturally, Madam Gaoyue won the competition without a fight."

"Afterwards, my master disappeared, and our Kyoto Mingqing Association lost its president and naturally disbanded."

"After the disbandment, I, Yajima, and Sekine all joined the Satsuki Club in Osaka, and achieved good results. Before that, I won the Satsuki Club Flower Card Contest twice, and Yajima and Sekine both One is always competing for the runner-up."

Hongye Ooka had a smug expression, and he was short of saying 'come and praise me'!

Mori Kogoro exclaimed naturally: "Wow, I didn't expect Hongye to be so good, and you won two championships at such a young age."

Ooka Hongye suddenly smiled with a pair of smiling eyes.

Feeling the softness of his arms and smelling the girl's fragrance, Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling a little distracted, but he still restrained himself well.

"Hongye, shall we play a game of flower cards?"

Mori Kogoro wanted to play with Ooka Momiji to find out the most commonly used cards of Nagoro Shikao, so as to piece together the key fingerprints.

Ooka Hongye chuckled immediately: "Maori-kun, then I will give full play to it, no matter how smart you are, I can't lose this flower card match!"

Koyo Ooka was naturally very confident. Soon she let go of Mori Kogoro's arm, and then sat on the hospital bed with Mori Kogoro, leaving a position in the middle, then took out her mobile phone, and immediately selected a recording of the singer-songwriter , and started the game with Mori Kogoro.

Chapter 0309

"Yuyou is acting on behalf of God, secretly never heard of it."


Xiaolan and Yuanzi who were at the door were a little surprised when they heard the sound of waka singing coming from inside. There was actually a flower card game playing in this ward.

Ooka Hongye in the ward had a smile on her face, and only five of the twenty-five flower cards in her array were left.

And the rest of the flower cards were folded by her and put aside, it was indeed the stacking method taught by Nagoro Shikao, and the six cards on the top were Waka about red leaves.

Ooka Koyo saw that there were still twenty-five flower cards in Mouri Kogoro's position, and couldn't help laughing triumphantly.

"Maori-kun, it looks like you're about to lose. It seems that Maori-kun is not so good at everything."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Oh, Hongye, don't underestimate me! Believe it or not, I won't let you get a single card."

Ooka Hongye immediately laughed exaggeratedly, with a look of disbelief.

In fact, this flower card game is not difficult at all in Kogoro Mori's opinion. He has roughly read all the waka in the flower cards before, and all the [-] waka have been memorized by Kogoro Mouri, who has an unforgettable memory.

The next step is to listen to the sound to find cards. Like Hongye, you still need to exercise your hearing, eyesight and reaction ability, and Mori Kogoro's reaction speed alone is enough to crush Hongye.

With his speed several times that of ordinary people, finding the flower cards in front of the red leaves is as easy as pie, so this kind of competition is not difficult for him at all.

The next scene was just as Kogoro Mori said, Hongye never got half of the flower cards again, and every time she made a move, Kogoro Mori's fingertips had already touched the face of the upside-down cards.

He didn't need to swipe to knock down the rest of the flower cards. He just listened to the first half played on the phone, and picked up the corresponding twenty-five flower cards one by one.

Just like this, Hongye watched helplessly as the twenty-five flower cards continued to decrease sharply, while the number of flower cards in her position increased instead.

In the end, Mori Kogoro didn't have a single flower card in his own formation, and he defeated Hongye with an unstoppable posture.

Ooka Hongye couldn't believe it. She practiced hard for more than ten years in competitive flower cards and won the championship of the Satsuki Games twice. She lost so easily, which is simply unacceptable.

She stared closely at Kogoro Mouri with her cat eyes, as if looking at some strange race: "Maori-kun, how did you do it?"

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