Ayumi spoke with some gestures, saying that when it was hot, her hands would bloom like flowers.

After all, she looked at Mouri Kogoro expectantly with her big eyes. Mouri Kogoro was about to give her a healing spell, so naturally he would not refuse.

He lifted the quilt, and Ayumi was wearing shorts on the lower body and short sleeves on the upper body.

Mori Kogoro immediately saw a pair of pink short legs, which were not much different from Haibara.

He then put his big hands under Ayumi's clothes, and covered her belly, which felt a bit sensual, and it was very elastic and tender to the touch.

Compared to Haibara's flat belly, Ayumi's belly is a child's belly.

When Huiyuan was picked up, he was skinny and bony, but after being fed well, he returned to his normal appearance.

However, she controlled her diet and kept in shape at a young age, so no matter how Kogoro Mori fed her, she would not gain weight.

Mori Kogoro himself didn't know why he subconsciously compared Ayumi with Haibara when he touched Ayumi's body.

He put his big hands on Ayumi's stomach, and began to massage in a clockwise direction, exerting strength gently.

Ayumi hiccupped twice, her little face immediately turned red, this little loli was shy, and she looked so cute.

"Uncle Mao Li, you are so comfortable rubbing, much more comfortable than my mother."

Mori Kogoro rubbed Ayumi's soft belly, and suddenly remembered what happened to the robbers last time. He walked in a hurry last time and didn't pay attention to Ayumi's follow-up.

"Hey! By the way, Ayumi, did the money that uncle gave you go to your mother smoothly last time?"

Ayumi immediately fell silent, lowered her small head, her big eyes did not dare to look at Mori Kogoro, but she raised her eyes from time to time, and her face was bloody again.

"Uncle, I'm sorry!"

Seeing Ayumi's expression, Mori Kogoro's voice softened a little.

"It's okay, Ayumi, there is nothing to be sorry for, tell uncle, uncle will not blame you."

Ayumi still had hesitation on her face, but she decided to tell Mori Kogoro.

"Uncle, I told you that the money was left by the robber, but my mother didn't believe it. Later, I said that the money was given by you."

It's not a big deal, Mori Kogoro rubbed Ayumi's little head with the other hand, then smiled lightly.

"It's nothing!"

Ayumi became more courageous when she heard this, and said, "Uncle, I even told my mother about you stealing the sheets and beating Mr. Kobayashi with a big stick!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help coughing when he heard the big stick, and couldn't help but blush.

The master knew about doing this kind of thing on someone else's bed, which made Kogoro Mori how to face that gentle and strong young woman.

Ayumi's eyesight is tenth level, and when she saw Kogoro Mori's expression changed, she quickly covered her head with the quilt, not daring to look at Kogoro Mori.

Now that the matter has come to an end, Mori Kogoro will naturally not blame the little loli pretending to be an ostrich, so he lifted the quilt and continued to ask: "It's okay, this is uncle's lack of consideration, I don't blame you, but Ayumi, your mother knows What was your reaction afterwards?"


Ayumi bit her little finger and began to recall: "It's just that her face suddenly became very red, and then she originally said that she would return the money to you, but then she took it all."

"But my mother has always wanted to invite you to dinner at home!"

"Hmm! Uncle, you are lying!"

Ayumi didn't know what to think of, her expression changed again, she pursed her mouth: "Obviously the last time I pulled the hook and stamped to come back to see me, you didn't come to see me later."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't laugh or cry, it's only been a few days!

"Okay, okay, it's uncle's fault, when we get back to Tokyo, uncle will treat you and your mother to a big meal, okay?"

Ayumi's eyes lit up: "I still have to go to the amusement park!"

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Only then did Ayumi laugh happily, and Kogoro Mori felt that his stomach was almost rubbed, and the healing technique was displayed.

A burst of susu numbness poured into Ayumi's abdomen from his big hands, warming his whole body.

Ayumi looked extremely benefited, and couldn't help moaning a few times.

Then when she heard herself making a strange sound, Ayumi covered her small mouth with her hands again, and looked at Mouri Kogoro with her big eyes in panic.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but chuckled, being with this little loli felt really healing.

Mori Kogoro patted Ayumi's turned-out belly lightly, making a popping sound.

"Okay, Ayumi, Uncle has cured Ayumi, and it's all right now!"

Ayumi patted her stomach, and it really didn't hurt at all. She couldn't help standing up in surprise, sprinting suddenly, and threw herself into Kogoro Mouri's arms.

"Really, Uncle, my stomach pain is gone, it's amazing!"

The cute loli voice lingered in my ears, and the soft little body exuded the unique milky smell of a child, and Kogoro Mori also showed a smile on his face unconsciously.

But I don't know if it's because of the many experiments with Haibara, some strange fluctuations appeared in Mori Kogoro's heart.

This discovery made Mori Kogoro a little confused, but the gurgle from Ayumi's stomach broke the entanglement in Mori Kogoro's heart.

Ayumi shyly buried her little head in Kogoro Mouri's arms.

"Ayumi, was your stomach growling just now? You must be hungry. Wait, uncle will make you lunch."

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