Mori Kogoro got up immediately, took Ayumi's little hand, walked out of the room, came to the kitchen of the suite, and opened the refrigerator.

The room booked by the garden is expensive, and the refrigerator is naturally full of ingredients. Mori Kogoro picked a few of them, and began to prepare udon noodles.

First prepare the secret broth in the pot, then wash the cutting board and knives, and start cutting the beef. The sound of Duo on the cutting board keeps ringing, while the little loli Ayumi stands quietly at the side, watching Mori Kogoro cook meal.

Ayumi didn't know what to think of, and a sweet smile appeared on her face.

Chapter 0312 Greasy Kiss

In the afternoon, on the tatami mats in the living room of the New Otani Hotel suite, a serving of udon noodles was placed on the table in front of Mori Kogoro and Koyumi Kogoro.

Chi slip!Chi slip!

Ayumi pursed her mouth, she was sucking in the storm, her little face was full of satisfaction.

"It's so delicious, uncle, you are such a genius uncle!"

Hearing what Ayumi said, Kogoro Mori couldn't help laughing. He also picked up the noodles and started to eat. He was also hungry and ate the noodles in big mouthfuls.

"Uncle, you don't eat udon noodles like this, you have to talk about it!"

Ayumi spoke with a demonstration, took a mouthful of noodles, like a little squirrel, and made Kogoro Mori's face cute again.

Mori Kogoro then made noodles together.

Chi slip!Chi slip!

"Well, Ayumi, why don't you compete with Uncle to see who finishes the noodles first, and if you win, Uncle will give you the latest version of Masked Superman figure, how about it?"

Ayumi's eyes lit up immediately, she nodded in agreement, and immediately began to tremble first.

The speed is so fast, the little head is still shaking, the cheeks are bulging like a squirrel, it looks really cute.

Of course Kogoro Mori was letting the water go, he ate in a leisurely manner, and the final outcome of this match naturally ended with Ayumi winning.

After eating first, Ayumi jumped up and down on the tatami mat excitedly: "I won! I won!"

Jumping and jumping, he threw himself into Kogoro Mouri's arms, and directly kissed Kogoro Moori on the face, leaving a lip print.

"Okay, Ayumi, you actually kissed my uncle so oily, let's see how my uncle treats you!"

Little Loli screamed and wanted to run away, but Kogoro Mouri grabbed her little hand and pulled her back.


Mori Kogoro kissed Ayumi's face directly with his mouth wide, and also imprinted a mimeograph.

"No, uncle, your mouth is bigger than mine, I need two."


Ayumi immediately started to fight back, kissing Kogoro Mori on the other cheek.

Not to be outdone, Mori Kogoro kissed Moe on the other side of Ayumi.

Mua! Mua! Mua! ...

Mori Kogoro wanted to stop, but Ayumi still refused to let it go.

She kissed her little face flushed, pouted her mouth, and kissed Moori Kogoro's forehead, and then did not let go, and slid down along the corner of her eyebrows, and then wrapped around Moori Kogoro's left cheek After several laps, I drew a map.

After that, without stopping, it slid across the bridge of the nose, drew a map around the right cheek, and then returned to the forehead.

Only then did Ayumi let go of her mouth, and when she saw Kogoro Mori with a shiny face, she immediately burst out laughing, "Looks like Uncle Pig!"

The greasy and slightly moist soft touch made Mori Kogoro feel a little strange feeling in his heart. Seeing Ayumi's innocent smiling face, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Uncle is a pig-headed uncle, and Ayumi is a pig-headed girl!"

"It's not a pig-headed girl!"

Ayumi naturally doesn't like this title.

Mori Kogoro took Ayumi's little hand and walked to the bathroom.

"Okay, okay, neither of us will be pig heads, uncle will wash your face for you!"

The two standing in front of the bathroom mirror couldn't help laughing when they saw the two shiny faces in the mirror.

This laughter came from the bathroom, which made people feel very beautiful when they heard it!

Mori Kogoro put Ayumi on the washstand, put his arms around Ayumi, turned on the faucet, foamed the facial cleanser, wiped it on Ayumi's small face, and then gently wiped Ayumi's face with a wet towel.

This feeling is like taking care of a daughter.

Soon, the faces of the two became clean again, and Kogoro Mori took Ayumi back to the room.

"Ayumi, change your clothes, Uncle will take you to buy a Masked Superman figure!"


Not long after, Ayumi changed her clothes and came out. She was wearing a yellow top, a brown skirt and a pink headband. Her stomach didn't hurt, and she instantly regained her energetic appearance.

"Uncle, is it pretty?"

Ayumi touched the pink headband on her head, the most colorful hairbands in her luggage.

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