Mori Kogoro looked at Kazuha and Hattori Shizuka, and said to Hattori Shizuka: "Madam, if there is a chance next time, let's 'compete and learn from each other'!"

Hattori Shizuka rolled her beautiful eyes, and naturally heard what Kogoro Mori meant, her face was a little red.

He Ye asked from the side: "What are you competing for?"

Hattori Shizuka quickly replied: "Of course it's cooking, Maori detective, forget it, you are a famous detective, cooking should not be your concern."

Immediately afterwards, Hattori Shizuka looked rather disappointed: "Detective Maori, after parting, I don't know when we will see each other again, please take care of it!"

Mori Kogoro nodded, but said nothing.

He pulled He Ye over and instructed him in a low voice: "He Ye, someone will ask you to deal with the treasure we found next, and then you can follow her to go through various procedures, and you can buy whatever you want in the future. "

He Ye exclaimed: "Uncle Mao Li, I don't need that much money, you can take the money from the treasure!"

Mori Kogoro shook his head and said: "This matter has been decided, so I won't change it anymore. Uncle is not by your side, remember to be nice to yourself. Next time we meet, uncle still wants to see a full of energy and Ye Ye." Oh!"

Hearing this, He Ye showed reluctance on his face, his amber-like eyes were about to shed tears, but with so many people present, the little girl could only hold back, which made Mori Kogoro very distressed.

At this time, the announcement at Osaka Station sounded.

"Shinkansen N800 bound for Tokyo is about to arrive at the station. Passengers arriving at the station should be prepared to board!"

Soon, a bullet train arrived at Osaka Station.

Everyone bid farewell to Hattori Shizuka, Kazuha, and Heiji, and then boarded the third carriage one by one.

Mori Kogoro waved goodbye to the three of them, and boarded the Shinkansen bullet train.

Watching the high-speed train go away, the two women on the platform looked lost.

However, Hattori Shizuka seemed to feel that there was something extra in the cuff of the kimono. She reached out and touched it, and took out the card. It was a flower card.

"The rapids break on the rock, and the two hesitate to separate.

Sooner or later we will finally meet, and the deeper the worries and thoughts will be! "

Seeing this flower card, a smile appeared on Hattori Shizuka's face, and there seemed to be a light in his eyes, and his mood suddenly became extraordinarily happy!

"Hey, aunt, why are you laughing like this, where did you get the flower card in your hand, let me see!" Hattori Heiji wanted to look at the flower card curiously.

Hattori Shizuka quickly stuffed the flower card into her arms, facing Hattori Heiji's face turned cold, and the terrifying queen's aura exploded.

Hattori Heiji hurriedly put his hands together and said: "Mom, I was wrong, let me see that flower card!"

Hattori Shizuka ignored her son, instead she took Kazuha's hand and walked towards the exit, smiling gently: "Let's go, Kazuha, it's ladies' time, Auntie invites you to eat Korean food!"

Watching the two girls go away, Hattori Heiji shouted from behind: "Mom, what about me?"

"There is leftovers at home, let's go back and eat soup and rice!"

Hearing such differential treatment, Hattori Heiji, who was left behind, jumped wildly with the hash key on his face: "Damn mom!"

With a cold snort, he walked towards the exit in the other direction of the platform.


On the No. [-] carriage of the Shinkansen, everyone was noisy, but Conan's face was a little gloomy.

He was holding a newspaper in his hand, which was from the Osaka Sports News, and the headline on the front page read, "Famous World Cup soccer player—Steel Fortress Ray Katis is being tried for murder!" '

This report is the reason why Conan is in a bad mood, and there are two brats beside him, Mitsuhiko Motota, making his mood even worse.

Dr. Ali and the three little boys sat in the front four seats, and Xiaolan Sonoko and Haihara Ayumi sat in the back four seats.

Mori Kogoro was the last one to get on the bus, and when he saw this, he immediately picked up Haibara, hugged Haibara in his arms, and sat with Ayumi.

Seeing this, Ayumi looked envious.

Sonoko held the Osaka Evening News in his hand and said excitedly, "Uncle Mori, Uncle Mori, you're in the newspaper again!"

"Wow, you've been in the newspapers for the past few days, and you haven't been down. Not even a celebrity is as popular as you."

"Uncle Maori, listen to what they call you, they all say you are the greatest detective of this century!"

Xiaolan saw the headline in the evening newspaper: "It's so fast, in just an hour, President Azhibo's case has been written, Dad, look, they used a photo of you paddling, so handsome! "

Xiaolan showed the newspaper, and there was a picture next to the headline of the evening newspaper.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, wearing a suit, the tall and handsome Mori Kogoro was in a wooden boat, picking up and sending three people dressed in ancient styles to the shore. Red leaves fluttered and circled continuously. The background was waterfalls and tens of meters high. Gaoyue Hall.

Mori Kogoro on the wooden boat has deep eyes, which can make people suck their souls in; they seem to have insight into the world, like a god who controls everything;

Yuanzi has already secretly decided to include all the photos taken by the media this time in her Maori treasure house.

She still couldn't help but swallow her saliva: If you can be with Uncle Mao Li, it doesn't matter even if you lose ten years of life!

But the sound of swallowing saliva was too loud, causing Xiaolan, Haibara, and Ayumi to roll their eyes repeatedly.

Xiaolan glanced at Yuanzi: "Yuanzi, I always feel that you are thinking about something very rude!"

Sonoko immediately laughed dryly.

Genta and Mitsuhiko who acted earlier did not know what to say, and Genta shouted again: "Eel rice! Eel rice! Eel rice!"

This sound alarmed the three people at the end of the No. [-] carriage. A woman got up and looked at Yuan Tai who was yelling in front of her. She had a look of surprise on her face. She gave orders to the man next to her and then got up and walked to the front of the carriage. went.


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