Mori Kogoro was hugging the soft little loli Haibara, watching Xiaolan and Sonoko with a smile on his face, when he heard a familiar female voice from beside him.

"Xiao Goro, why are you also in the car?"

He turned his head and saw Miwako Sato wearing a gray suit skirt and black high-heeled shoes. He couldn't help but be extremely surprised.

"We just finished our vacation in Osaka and are returning to Tokyo, Miwako, why are you also in the car?"

Miwako smiled lightly, put her little hand on Mori Kogoro's shoulder, and leaned over: "Officer Takagi and I went to Osaka to escort a drug dealer back to Tokyo. I didn't expect such a coincidence that we got together with you."

Chapter 0320 two loli in arms

Seeing Miwako leaning on Kogoro Mori, Sonoko felt a little uncomfortable.

Xiao Lan asked in surprise, "Drug dealer?"

Miwako turned sideways and pointed to the guy next to Police Officer Takagi at the rear of the car. He was a middle-aged man with a very wretched face. His hands were handcuffed and he even covered the handcuffs with his clothes.

"That guy, Chizo Ogura, is a drug smuggler. We wanted to apply for an arrest warrant to catch him in Tokyo, but this cunning guy escaped."

"Then we went to ambush him at his hometown in Kansai, and we caught him there as we wished."

Mori Kogoro immediately said: "Oh, it's the drug dealer who was reported in the newspaper before that a large amount of drugs were found in his home and then arrested in Osaka. Is today the day for escort?"

"Well, so the General Administration has high expectations for him, hoping to get the name of the drug lord and the route of drug distribution from his mouth."

Genta and Mitsuhiko, the two brats, heard the conversation between Mori Kogoro and Police Officer Sato, and Genta suddenly yelled excitedly.

"Wow, drug dealers, anti-drug war, the plot on TV!"

Mitsuhiko also opened his mouth and said: "According to the plot of the TV, someone will definitely come to rescue him later!"

Conan immediately yelled at the two boys: "Shh! What are you talking about doing so loudly? It will cause trouble to Police Officer Sato!"

Genta and Mitsuhiko immediately cover their mouths.

Mei Hezi said to San Xiaowen gently: "It's okay, our police blocked the information very well along the way, with the help of the police on the Shinkansen, there will be no trouble."

"And now that we meet Kogoro in the car, there will be no problem. Your Uncle Maori can fight a hundred characters at a time!"

Miwako put her arms around Mori Kogoro's shoulders, showing off to the three boys and Dr. Ari.

"Wow! Hey! Uncle, you are so powerful, can you teach me!" The little chubby Tonmoto reacted the most intensely, standing up from his seat and talking to Mori Kogoro.

Ayumi and Haibara scolded again and again, and Genta sat back in his seat.

As Miwako talked, she squeezed beside Mori Kogoro without notice, and sat down.

Mori Kogoro simply picked up the other little loli Ayumi, let it sit on his left leg, let Haibara sit on his right leg, so that Miwako could sit down.

Ayumi leaned on Mori Kogoro's chest, and couldn't help smiling, but fortunately, Haibara didn't notice it.

And Miwako looked at the newspaper on the table, and picked it up curiously: "Xiao Goro, you solved another case, amazing!"

"Let me think about it, the case of the Langhua Gymnasium, and the case of [Golden King]'s treasure hunt and murder. In the middle, I even did a flying trapeze to save the little girl. Now this secret murder case of the head of the consortium has been solved three times in three days. Let’s start a case, it seems that you have had a very fulfilling few days in Osaka this time!”

Miwako laughed as she spoke, and Mori Kogoro could only return a wry smile.

Xiaolan was surprised and said: "Officer Sato, how could you know so clearly? Not many people know about the Langhua Gymnasium case!"

Miwako chuckled and said, "Because I have friends from the same period in the police school in Osaka Prefecture Police, that's why I know so clearly!"

And Haibara, who was sitting on Mori Kogoro's right leg, narrowed his eyebrows slightly: No, if it wasn't for deliberately paying attention, it would be impossible to say so well, this woman...

Miwako finally met her sweetheart, so naturally she didn't want to go back, so she simply sat down beside Mouri Kogoro, and chatted with Mouri Kogoro in full swing.

Mori Kogoro is holding Ayumi in one hand and Haibara in the other, with the soft bodies of two little lolis in his arms, quite like a daddy.

It is soft to the touch in the hands, and it smells the milky fragrance unique to children. It can be said to be full of happiness!

However, Miwako kept approaching, her calf was tightly attached to her own calf, and when she talked about her excitement, she smiled coquettishly and patted her shoulder from time to time.

On the other hand, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Huiyuan in their arms looked even more strangely.

This feeling is almost like facing three bombs, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but dripping with cold sweat, and secretly cried out in his heart: I said Miwako, can you restrain yourself a bit!

But a carefree person like Miwako is really not good at acting. When I saw Mori Kogoro just now, I was very restrained not to throw herself into his arms.

Miwako was in a happy mood, but Takagi Tsutomu at the rear of the carriage was a little sad.

Chizo Ogura said from time to time: "Officer, I'm thirsty and want a cup of coffee!"

"Officer, I'm hungry. I haven't eaten anything since I was detained last night. Can you give me a bowl of cup noodles!"

"Officer, do you have a tissue, I'm about to sneeze!"

A guy like Takagi She who has a soft personality can only make amends and say with a smile: "We'll talk about it when Officer Sato comes back!" "We'll talk about it when Officer Sato comes back!" "We'll talk about it when Officer Sato comes back!"

Chizo Ogura looked at Takagi Shinzo with a little more disdain!

In the end, Takagi Tsubasa couldn't get enough of it, and he couldn't see where Miwako Sato had gone, so he could only call her.

When the bell rang, Miwako remembered her mission after listening to Takagi She, and got up and said, "Okay, Kogoro, it's time for me to go and take care of the prisoner."

Mouri Kogoro got up with a thought, and he also got up and put the two little lolis back in their original positions.

"I'll go take a look."

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