After that, the two walked along the passage.

After the two left, Sonoko couldn't help complaining: "For the first time, I feel that Officer Sato is very annoying."

Ayumi couldn't help wrinkling her nose: "Yeah, obviously wanting to detain a prisoner, but holding Uncle Maori's arm and talking for a long time, isn't this called AWOL!"

Haibara looked at Ayumi at the side in amazement.



"Officer Sato, you are finally here. Hey, Detective Mori, why are you also in the car?" Seeing Mori Kogoro appear, Takagi finally understood why Miwako Sato disappeared for so long.

"Going back to Tokyo on vacation, just happened to meet!"

Miwako Sato asked: "What's the matter, Officer Takagi, what happened again?"

Chizo Ogura quickly said: "I said you police are so inhumane? I've been hungry and thirsty for most of the day, and I won't give me a drink if I stutter. I won't say a word when I go back to Tokyo. .”

Miwako Sato chuckled and said, "So that's how it is, Police Officer Takagi, go and help buy iced coffee and bento, Kogoro and I just watch over here!"

Takagi She looked at the two of them, then got up and went to the dining car to buy something to eat.

Chapter 0321

Chizo Ogura recognized Mori Kogoro, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and quickly lowered his head, not daring to meet his eyes.

Looking at the expression on the drug dealer's face, Mori Kogoro knew that this guy still wanted to escape.

It's a pity that this train is a direct train to Tokyo. It doesn't stop halfway, and it runs at high speed throughout the journey.

Even if he escapes the custody of two police officers, he must get off at Tokyo Station.

Right now when the car started, even if he escaped and was still trapped in the car, Mori Kogoro was sure of getting him back, so naturally he didn't take him seriously.

Not long after, Officer Takagi appeared with an iced coffee and bento, and the drug dealer ate it in a hurry, for fear of arousing the vigilance of Mori Kogoro.

Miwako Sato then said, "Officer Takagi, what compartment is the dining car in?"

"Carriage No. [-]."

She put her arms around Mouri Kogoro's arm, smiled and waved her hands and said, "Then please stay here and watch him, and Kogoro and I will go to the dining car to eat something."

"Ah?" Gao Mushe opened his mouth wide, but he didn't dare to say anything more. The first rank of the official rank was overwhelming, and he couldn't refuse the order of Police Officer Sato.

Gao Mushe's mood suddenly became very depressed, and after the two left, he murmured: "Why did you leave again as soon as you came back?"

Seeing this, Chizo Ogura couldn't help but sneered, his expression relaxed, and his eyes were full of contempt: "I said police officer, the people you like have left with others, why don't you react at all?"

When Takagi heard this, his face darkened, and he punched Chizo Ogura in the stomach, causing the coffee he had just drank to spit out.

"Eat your food obediently!"



A bright smile appeared on Miwako's face when she walked out of the No. [-] carriage.

When the sensor door at the back was closed and the two came to the junction of the carriages, Miwako no longer suppressed herself.

She directly slammed Kogoro Mori against the wall, and her pretty face approached Kogoro Mori's face: "You bad guy, you haven't contacted me for three days in Osaka, have you forgotten me?"

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Miwako's soft waist and put her in his arms: "How could I forget you? Yumi and I talked on the phone, and she said you were on a mission, so I dare not contact you easily !"

"Hmph, it's almost there!"

Mori Kogoro smelled the fragrance of the beautiful woman in his arms, watched the purple eyes rippling, then gently lifted Miwako's chin, and kissed her lips.

Miwako hugged Mori Kogoro's waist tightly, ignoring the eyes of passing passengers, the two stood by the car door and kissed deeply.

After a long time, Mori Kogoro let go of Miwako's body, looked at her flushed face, leaned towards her ear, and spoke softly.

After hearing Kogoro Mori's words, Miwako's pretty face became more blushing, and her small hand was weakly hammering on Kogoro Mori's chest, panic appeared in her purple eyes, but she was faintly eager to try.

"Damn you, this is on the train, I'm still on a mission!"

Mori Kogoro touched Miwako's waist with his fingertips: "Don't worry, the drug dealer won't be able to get away with me here. Besides, it will take more than two hours from Osaka to Tokyo. It's a long way!"

Miwako was a little moved, but still shook her head.

Mori Kogoro spoke again, and hit his small face with a masculine breath.

"I'm back in Tokyo, but I still have Yumi!"

Hearing this, Miwako was immediately moved. After all, this is a precious opportunity to monopolize Kogoro.

She gritted her teeth lightly, looked around, and saw that there was no one at the junction of the carriage, so she quickly ran to the toilet in the carriage.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help but chuckled when he saw this.

"Hey, Kogoro, come in quickly!"

Mori Kogoro immediately followed, the sliding door of the toilet was pushed open, and the green light on it immediately changed from a green light for people to a red light for people.

Soon, the forbearance and familiar movement sounded.


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