
Forty minutes later, the sound of flushing water came from the toilet, and the sliding door was slightly opened. One eye looked around, and after confirming that there was no one there, the sliding door was pushed open.

Mori Kogoro came out with Miwako in his arms, and Miwako rested on Mori Kogoro with most of her weight, her legs were stepping on high-heeled shoes, and she walked softly.

There was still a hint of intoxicating blush on her little face, and her speech and breath became very delicate.

"Xiao Wulang, let's go, I should go back to guard the prisoner!"

"Who is the prisoner in charge of? This train goes directly to Tokyo. If the prisoner wants to escape, the only chance is to play tricks more than ten minutes before the arrival at Tokyo Station. This way, there is a chance of survival. It is still early, and there is no need to go back!"

"Besides, look at your current state. If the prisoner escapes, you won't be able to catch him. Let's go to the dining car to eat something to replenish the lost energy."

Miwako greeted Mori Kogoro with soft fists, "You still said that it was all your fault just now."

"Hey, Miwako, I think you still have to watch the drug dealers, so I've already restrained myself."

"You're like this even though you haven't used your power twice. You're really getting weaker and weaker. Tsk tsk tsk. It seems that it's not enough to call Yumi next time. You should also call Chengzi!"

Thinking of the excitement, Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing smugly.

"You still talk! You still talk!" Miwako's small hands kept patting Mori Kogoro's shoulder.

Mori Kogoro hugged Miwako's soft waist tightly: "Okay, okay, don't talk, don't talk, kiss Miwako, now let my husband take you to find something delicious!"

The two then crossed the long corridor and walked towards the No. [-] dining car.

But not long after, Kogoro Mori spoke again: "I said, Miwako, you are the most familiar with Sumiko and Yumi. After you return to Tokyo, let them get together more and get closer!"

"There is no purpose! Oh! Don't pinch me! Okay, okay, okay, I won't say anything!"



While Mori Kogoro and Sato Miwako were having a good time, Takagi Tsuru's mood became more and more unhappy. It must have been too long for the two of them to have a meal!

The image of the two sitting on the dining car seat, you and me, you feed me, and I feed you, suddenly appeared in Gao Mushe's mind.

When he thought of this scene, his heart felt like a knife was twisting, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

But his association is completely correct, the two of them are indeed cloyingly sweet in the dining car.

It's just that he didn't expect that apart from the dining car, the two of them would also have some unspeakable things happen in the toilet of the moving car.

If Gao Mushe knew, he would be so angry that the three corpses would jump violently, and the seven orifices would be full of smoke. He worked hard to guard the prisoner, but the two of them were happy. How can this be tolerated!

Ayumi who was in the front of the third carriage couldn't help but stood up and turned her head to look at the back of the carriage: "How come uncle hasn't come back after so long? And I didn't see uncle behind."

0322 - Queen Fan of Huiyuan

Huiyuan then put down the newspaper: "I just saw him and Officer Sato go to the back, maybe they went to the dining car!"

"However, Ayumi, sister Xiaolan hasn't started worrying yet, why are you worried? Could it be..."

On the opposite side, Sonoko's eyes lit up, and he looked at Ayumi curiously and asked, "Ayumi, do you also like Uncle Maoli?"

Ayumi's small face suddenly burst into steam, red like an apple, and the panic in her eyes couldn't be concealed: "Where is it? Where is it?"

Seeing this expression, Sonoko immediately exclaimed: "Ayumi, you are blushing, and I really hit the spot. You also like Uncle Mao Li. Sure enough, the charm of the uncle I have a crush on is astonishing, and it kills all ages!"

Yuanzi looked proud, and Xiaolan couldn't help but give this best friend a blank look.

But the two girls didn't care about Ayumi's liking for Mori Kogoro at all. There was no threat at all for such a small girl.

But Ayumi simply put her head on the table, blushing, "I won't tell you guys anymore!"

On the contrary, Huiyuan showed a worried expression. From Huiyuan's point of view, although he and Uncle Maoli are in love with each other, everything they do is out of love.

But if Uncle Mori can attack such a small body like himself, there is no guarantee that he may also attack Ayumi, which would be too bad.

After all, I am actually an adult, so it doesn't matter, but Ayumi is a real little girl!

Yuan Tai in the front seat stood on the seat, turned around and asked curiously: "What are you talking about? So excited."

Sonoko, who has the attribute of a big mouth bar, will not keep secrets at all, and immediately chuckled: "We found out that Ayumi also likes Uncle Mori!"

Yuantai suddenly looked shocked, and said loudly: "What, you are lying, Ayumi also likes Uncle Maoli?"

Hearing this, Mitsuhiko couldn't help but stood up and exclaimed: "It's too much, it's fine that Haibara-san likes Uncle Mori, but now even Yoshida-san likes Uncle Mori? How can this be possible!"

Genta even remembered that when he was performing before, he secretly saw Kogoro Mori and Haibara kissing with tongue, and then he spoke angrily.

"Is it not enough for Uncle Mori to have Haibara-san? Do you still want to take Ayumi away? This is not possible. Last time I saw Uncle Mori and Haibara-san playing in the school corridor..."

Seeing the extremely cold eyes on Hui Yuan's face, Yuan Tai was dumbfounded for a moment, and when he was halfway through speaking, he was so frightened that his face was sweating, and he sat back.

Queen Xiaohuiyuan's aura exploded completely, she stood on the seat and turned around to face Genta and Mitsuhiko, the cold words came out, and the temperature of the air seemed to drop a few degrees!

"You two, pay attention to what you say. Don't talk nonsense. Those who say something wrong will be punished by swallowing a thousand needles!"

"Hi!" X2

In this scene, let alone Mitsuhiko and Genta, even Dr. Ali was so frightened that he quickly covered his face with a newspaper.

Xiaolan couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice: "Xiao Ai is too powerful!"

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