And Yuanzi whispered back to Xiaolan: "I just said that she is not a simple girl. I think those two little devils are right. She also likes my uncle Maoli!"

"Hmm!" Hui Yuan seemed to have heard it, and cast a cold look at Yuan Zi.

Yuanzi immediately sat upright, as peaceful as a primary school student.

Haibara's aura erupted, and no one present could stop it, while Ayumi turned her head sideways and looked at Haibara with admiration.

At this moment, Maoli Kogoro came over with eight lunch boxes in both hands. He immediately sensed the strange atmosphere at the scene, and asked, "What's wrong, Xiao Ai, why are you standing up?"

When Huiyuan saw Kogoro Mori, he immediately showed a smile, turned back into a soft little lolita again, and obediently sat back in his seat, everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

Xiaolan asked, "Dad? Where have you been, and why have you been there for so long?"

Mori Kogoro shook the bento in his hand: "Officer Sato and I went to the dining car, and then she told me about some cases, plus the delay in queuing, that's why I came back so late, come, let's have a bento Bar!"

Mori Kogoro put four copies on the table in front of Dr. Ali, and four copies on Xiaolan's table, then reached out and picked up little loli Haibara again, letting her sit on his lap!

Huiyuan behaved like a kitten, completely different from the little female leopard who had just blown its fur.

But Mori Kogoro soon noticed Ayumi who buried her head on the table, and asked, "What's wrong with Ayumi?"

Yuanzi immediately chuckled and said, "She's shy. Just now I asked her if she liked Uncle Mao Li, and she blushed like an apple, and shyly turned into a little ostrich!"

Kogoro Mouri also had a smile on his face: "Oh, is that so?"

When Ayumi heard Sonoko's words, she couldn't help raising her head and said, "That's not the case!"

Sure enough, her face was flushed, and she looked so cute!

Xiaolan also couldn't help but want to tease this little loli: "Then, Ayumi, how about you say in front of my father that you don't like my father?"

"I..." Sure enough, Ayumi couldn't speak at all, she was so ashamed that she was about to cry.

Seeing Ayumi's appearance, Mori Kogoro was very happy, and couldn't help stroking Ayumi's small head with his big hand and smoothing her hair.

A gentle and magnetic voice came out of his mouth: "Uncle also likes little girls like Ayumi very much!"

Hearing this, Ayumi was very happy, the corners of her mouth curled up beautifully, her eyes narrowed into smiling eyes, and she let out a cheerful laugh.

And Huiyuan was not angry, and a smile was raised on the corner of his mouth.

Only because the accent of Mori Kogoro's sentence falls on the second half of the sentence 'such a little girl! 'superior.

When he said this, he blinked at Haibara. Haibara completely thought that Mori Kogoro was teasing Ayumi, but he was actually talking about himself, so he felt very satisfied.

Mitsuhiko and Genta, who were sitting in the front seat, pricked up their ears, and when they heard Mori Kogoro say such words, both of them looked ugly, and cursed in their hearts: What a hateful and greedy uncle!

As for Conan, he didn't pay attention to these things. In fact, when he learned that Officer Takagi and the others were escorting the prisoner, he paid close attention to the movement of Officer Takagi's seat, and was not distracted by these trivial matters at all.

Ayumi's cute loli voice came out: "Then uncle, can I sit on your lap like Xiao Ai?"

She glanced at the bento on the table, and instantly found a reason: "Otherwise, I'm afraid I'm not tall enough to reach the bento on the table!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro was taken aback, but then he picked up Ayumi and put it on his lap, and hugged two more lolis in his arms, full of achievements.

Chapter 0323 Ayumi playing chest muscles

Mori Kogoro hugged the soft bodies of the two little lolitas, watching them eat quietly, with a smile on his face.

After eating, Haibara kicked Mori Kogoro's calf with his short legs from time to time, obviously dissatisfied with him holding Ayumi.

Mouri Kogoro gently grabbed Huiyuan's naughty calf with his big hand, and little Lolita became very quiet after that.

It's okay to be idle, and Kogoro Mori's big hands under the table began to rub the ashes.

Haibara is like a docile cat, although it will explode from time to time, but as long as Mori Kogoro starts masturbating, her little temper will soon disappear.

She also had to pretend to be calm and calm in front of Xiaolan Yuanzi, and her face remained unchanged, which was undoubtedly a test for her.

The little loli Haibara still twisted her body from time to time, if Kogoro Mori hadn't just sparred with Miwako, maybe she would react again at this moment.

Naturally, Xiaolan and Sonoko couldn't see what Mori Kogoro was doing with his big hands under the table.

But as soon as Ayumi lowered her head, she saw the scene below, she couldn't help but blushed a little, and she began to feel a little envious again.

However, the left hand holding Ayumi was well-behaved and did not move at all, so Ayumi could only lean on Mori Kogoro's chest in disappointment.

She felt Uncle Maori's strong chest muscles, full of elasticity, and soon she found a fun game.

The little head kept bumping back and then bouncing up, and the cycle went on and on, and I had a great time playing.

Yuanzi and Xiaolan got together and whispered together, and the two girls began to discuss how to arrange their vacation after returning to Tokyo.

The time was spent in this relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.



When I was a child, three men walked by the aisle, each holding a newspaper. Mori Kogoro glanced at the three men and frowned.

Immediately afterwards, Conan said, "It seems that something happened behind?"

Then the sound of high heels sounded, and Miwako ran to Mori Kogoro, and then said, "Kogoro, come here, I need your help here!"

Mori Kogoro immediately put down the two little lolitas, and told everyone: "You guys sit in your seats obediently, don't run around!"

After finishing speaking, he and Miwako followed a male policeman and ran towards the No. [-] carriage.

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