Seeing this, Conan also wanted to run over, but was stopped by Dr. A Li: "Conan, there is Maori detective here, let him handle it, and you just stay here obediently."

Moori Kogoro and Miwako ran all the way, and after a while, they came to the toilet in the No. [-] car. The toilet inside was put down, and there was a handbag on it, which read [There is a bomb inside, please do not touch it! 】The words.



At the same time, Chizo Ogura beside Police Officer Takagi spoke again, and he was covering his stomach with an anxious expression on his face: "Officer, can you let me go to the bathroom? There is a way to endure until Tokyo!"

Takagi had a look of hesitation on his face: "We'll talk about that when Officer Sato comes back!"

Chizo Ogura's face became more and more ugly: "I just couldn't help but say it now, do you want me to shit in public?"

He made a gesture to untie his belt, and Takagi She was frightened by this posture, so he quickly escorted Chizo Ogura to the toilet at the junction of the carriages in front of the third carriage.

On the way, Dr. Ali, Conan, and Xiaolan passed by, and Takagi also greeted them.

At this moment, the bullet train entered the Xindan Tunnel, which is the closest to Tokyo. The passage time of this tunnel is extremely long, and it takes about ten minutes to pass through it completely.



And outside the toilet in carriage No. [-], there were only Mori Kogoro, Miwako, and the male policeman.

The passengers on the left and right looked panicked, and even fled to the junction of the carriages, for fear that the package inside would explode.

Kogoro Mori had already dispatched an Ant-Man robot to investigate the scene, and he couldn't help but be surprised, so he quickly opened the zipper, and it turned out to be a plastic bomb that was beating time.

Both Miwako and the male police officer were taken aback.

But Mori Kogoro started to move his hands without any other tools. His fingers started to fly like butterflies, and he used his bomb disposal skills.

Before Miwako and the male marshal could react, Mori Kogoro had already completed most of the bomb disposal project, and soon the bomb was completely disassembled into countless small parts.

"Hiss!" The male marshal couldn't help exclaiming.

Finally, Mori Kogoro walked out of the toilet with the clock used for timing the bomb, and informed everyone in the car that the crisis was resolved. The passengers in the No. [-] car immediately burst into warm applause.

But Mori Kogoro didn't care about the group of people, he pulled Miwako and rushed towards the direction of the third carriage.

Miwako was stunned, and she kept asking after being dragged away: "Xiao Goro, shouldn't we investigate the source of the bomb there? The whole car was almost killed!"

And Moli Kogoro said while running: "This is a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain. If you don't hurry up, the prisoner you are holding may be dead!"

Hearing these words, Miwako's face also changed, and the two speeded up, and soon ran from No. [-] car to No. [-] car. Sure enough, the police officer Takagi who was in his original position had disappeared.

Mori Kogoro dragged Miwako forward and passed Xiao Ran and the others, and saw Takagi Tsutomu rushing towards him.

He looked panic-stricken, and was overjoyed to see Miwako Sato and Kogoro Mori.

"Officer Sato and Detective Mori, I can't get through the phone. I was just about to find you. Chizo Ogura committed suicide in the toilet!"

Mori Kogoro pushed Police Officer Takagi forward, walked a few steps and opened the sliding door, and soon came to the door of the toilet.

The three of them saw Chizo Ogura with a knife handle stuck in his chest and blood oozing from his shirt struggling to find any other tools to cut off the handcuffs.

When Chizo Ogura saw the three heads sticking out suddenly, he laughed dryly: "Officer, I'm just making a little joke with you!"

Mori Kogoro patted Chizo Ogura's head with his big hand: "Just kidding, you almost died. Your accomplice didn't come here to rescue you, but to kill you!"

Chizo Ogura hurriedly exclaimed: "What accomplices, I don't have any accomplices! Detective Maori can really make jokes!"

Miwako reached out and pulled out the handle of Chizo Ogura's abdomen, which was a retractable knife: "How did you get this thing without an accomplice, I said Takagi, you are too careless, you are not sure how he died If you don’t want to, you want to leave the prisoner and go to us without authorization!”

"If something unexpected happened during this period, what should we do? Fortunately, Kogoro saw through this as a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain, so we rushed back, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!"

Chapter 0324

Officer Takagi quibbled: "Because the car entered the tunnel just now, the mobile phone has no signal, so I have no choice but to find Officer Sato in person!"

Mei Hezi couldn't help but stare: "Still quibbling, you are not a rookie who just joined the job. If you leave without knowing whether the prisoner is dead or not, you are dereliction of duty."

"Besides, wouldn't you ask the passengers in the car to help find me, and stay by the prisoner's side? There are Xiao Lan and Dr. A Li in the third car, and they should be able to hear me."

"Fortunately, nothing went wrong, otherwise you will have to be punished when you go back!"

Gao Mushe lowered his head when he heard Officer Sato's scolding, his eyes became darker.

Mori Kogoro forgot to look around, he was very careful when he just ran here, there was no accomplice of the murderous drug dealer in the original book around the toilet.

It seems that my phishing law enforcement has not been successful!

Mori Kogoro touched the uncoagulated blood in Ogura Chizo's abdomen, and then took the handle of the knife from Miwako.


The blade bounced out, flashing a cold light.

"Hey, this is a real knife. If you just want to pretend to be a suicide, then you only need to give you a handle. Why do you choose to buy this retractable real knife?"

"Besides, this bus is a direct train from Osaka to Tokyo. It is impossible to stop halfway, and there are already police officers at Tokyo Station to pick it up. Mr. Ogura, have you ever thought that you really escaped and hid in the car? , How can I escape the police's search when I arrive at the station?"

Kogoro Mori showed a bewitching smile on his face: "At this time, if I were your companion, I would just choose to do nothing, eject the blade, and kill you. After all, the dead are not If you can speak, naturally you won’t be afraid of being betrayed by you!”

"At that time, you can pretend to be an ordinary passenger and walk out of the platform easily. What do you think of this plan?"

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