Chizo Ogura's face was dripping with cold sweat, but this guy looked wretched, but he was very loyal: "Detective Maori, I don't even know what you're talking about? How can I have any companions?"

"I don't know which kid's pranks these things are. They are secretly placed here. I just want to scare the police officer. It's not too much!"

Mei Hezi scolded: "I advise you to be honest, if you commit crimes and make meritorious service, your sentence will be reduced!"

When Ogura Chizo heard this, he lowered his head and stopped talking.

"Uncle, did something happen again?" Conan's voice came from the side, and there were Mitsuhiko and Genta beside him, and Dr. Ali was scratching his head and laughing dryly.

Mori Kogoro recalled the scene he saw just now, and quickly said: "It's nothing, this prisoner is playing some tricks, doctor, take the child back to the original position and sit down, watch these children."

When Dr. Ali heard this, he pulled Conan back and walked back, but Conan still looked like he didn't want to leave.

At this time, Officer Takagi said: "But when I was watching the prisoner in my seat, I didn't see anyone give him a signal to go to the toilet!"

Kogoro Moori rolled his eyes at the stupid policeman: "You forgot, at that time, three men walked past you, and each of them took a newspaper, I think, those three men used the newspaper to give the signal! "

Hearing this, Ogura Chizo's pupils shrank, and Takagi suddenly realized: "Oh, so there are accomplices among those three guys, I still remember them, I will go find them and come back."

After finishing speaking, Takagi She ran to the No. [-] and No. [-] carriages ahead.

Miwako smiled lightly at Chizo Ogura, "See, there is Maori detective here, even if you don't tell, Kogoro can kick you out one by one."

But Kogoro Mori looked a little serious, and said, "Miwako, keep an eye on this prisoner here, and be vigilant. If you see a suspicious person approaching to warn you with a gun, I will go to the back compartment to catch another guy who is lurking!"

Mori Kogoro was still afraid of any accident, so he summoned the Ant-Man robot, two to protect Miwako, and eight to protect Xiaolan and others.

After finishing the arrangement, Kogoro Mouri ran to the rear compartment.

Seeing Kogoro Mouri running around, the four girls couldn't help being a little puzzled, but they all sat in their seats peacefully after hearing Kogoro Mori's orders.



When he came to the No. [-] carriage, Mori Kogoro saw the male policeman who had just informed Miwako, and he was helping an old passenger put the suitcase on the upper shelf.

He saw Mori Kogoro leaning on the aisle, and greeted him after putting away his luggage, with a puzzled look on his face: "Detective Mori, what's the matter?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "I've found clues about the bomb planter, and I need help. Can you come here?"

"of course can!"

Mori Kogoro turned around and walked back, and the marshals quickly followed!

After leaving the door, the automatic sliding door closed, and the two came to the junction of the unmanned carriages.

The marshal showed a fierce look on his face, shook his arms back, and gently pulled out a silencer pistol from his waist.

But before he raised his hand, Mori Kogoro stopped: "I wanted to go through a few more carriages to get rid of you, but you really don't know what to do!"

As soon as the words fell, the policeman raised his arm, and saw Kogoro Mori's shoulder supporting his arm inexplicably, and then the sense of weightlessness came, and the policeman flew up!

Mori Kogoro's over-the-shoulder throw was performed, and the marshal fell heavily on the floor and lost consciousness instantly.

Mori Kogoro quickly collected the walkie-talkie, silenced pistol and grenades.

Then he put the things in his suit pocket, grabbed the policeman with one hand, put his shoulders on his shoulders and led him back to the third carriage!

Not long after, Kogoro Mori and the policeman returned to the third carriage. Just as there was no one in the front seat, Kogoro Mori threw him on the seat and stood in front of the automatic sliding door.

The sliding door opened, and at the junction of the carriages, I saw Officer Takagi being yelled at by three passengers who passed by before.

"I said, are you sick, police officer? Just because we just passed in front of you, do you think we are criminals?"

"Didn't you read it? Didn't there appear toilets in my newspaper?"

"I'm still sleepy, so don't bother me with such boring things, okay?"

Takagi Tsubasa kept waving his hands and smiling, while Miwako was flipping through the newspapers of the three of them.

As soon as Mori Kogoro appeared, he said directly: "For the World Cup, you only need to cover the orld in the middle while holding the newspaper, and then the WC will come out."

"It just so happens that the title of the Osaka Sports News has the word World Cup, so some of you reminded Chizo Ogura in this way."

Chapter 0325 Thunder Offensive

The three suspects stood in front of Takagi She, very arrogance.

One is a burly man in a yellow suit, the most notable feature is the split eyebrows, his name is Iwakuni Tatsuro.

The other was a fat man who was sweating all the time and kept wiping his face with a handkerchief. His name was Norao Tokuyama.

The last one is a young man named Akashi Akira wearing a knitted hat, protruding mouth and wearing a green windbreaker.

Miwako heard what Mori Kogoro said, and she saw the headline in the Osaka Sports News, which was the news that the famous World Cup player was arrested.

She immediately said, "I remember that this newspaper belongs to Mr. Akashi!"

Miwako and Mori Kogoro had already practiced tacitly in bed, and she knew what Mori Kogoro meant with just one look.

So Miwako slowly approached the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked Akira Akashi.

Akashi Akira quickly waved his hands to defend, "Who is he? It's too far-fetched to say that I reminded him to go to the toilet just based on the two initials of the World Cup."

"Officer, I just happened to buy a sports newspaper, why do you say I'm an accomplice of the prisoner?"

As soon as the words fell, Miwako suddenly jumped up and grabbed Akashi Akira's arm in an instant.

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