The anti-joint technique was performed, and Akira Akashi was pressed against the wall by his arm.

Seeing this, the remaining two couldn't help but shrink their pupils sharply, and stepped back a few steps, with their arms slightly backward.

Mori Kogoro smiled forward, and shrugged easily: "It's all right, now the criminal's accomplice has been found, and you are all fine too!"

Hearing these words, the burly man and the fat man breathed a sigh of relief, and relaxed their vigilance.

The two looked at each other with inexplicable expressions.

At this moment, the sliding door next to the toilet opened automatically, and the marshal fell to the ground just now, his head appeared at the door, and he said weakly: "We are exposed!"


Iwakuni Tatsuro and Tokuyama Honan's expressions changed drastically in an instant, they took out two pistols from their back waists, and immediately started shooting.


Before Takagi She could react, two bullets passed over his forehead, sank into the ceiling of the train, and almost opened his skull. He was so frightened that he lost his mind.

As for Mori Kogoro, his speed exploded completely, and as soon as he stomped his feet, there was an extra footprint on the floor.

His body was like an arrow leaving the string, and he came to the two of them in an instant.

Naturally, Kogoro Mori would not give these two a chance to fire a second shot.

I saw him squatting down in an instant, and the two dragons went out to sea, and the two Jibeng fists hit the abdomen of the two.

The two flew out and hit the wall heavily. Two dents immediately appeared on the wall, and the pistols were dropped immediately.

The two fell to the ground, their bodies convulsing continuously, obviously losing their ability to fight.

Akashi Akira, who was on the side, felt his liver and gallbladder shudder, and his body couldn't help shaking.

The passengers in the front row of the third car saw such a change, and they couldn't help but screamed and fled back.

The marshal fell down. This was shooting and fighting, which was too dangerous.

Xiaolan and the others looked over in surprise, and were relieved to see Kogoro Mori and Officer Sato standing.

Mori Kogoro returned to the front of the automatic sliding door, dragged the awakened marshal by the collar, dragged him into the junction of the carriages, and then pushed Takagi Tsutomu out.

"Officer Takagi, please go and appease the passengers in carriage [-], Tokyo is coming soon, please don't make any more trouble!"

After saying that, Takagi She was pushed out.

Mori Kogoro untied Iwakuni Tatsuro's belt, and tied up Iwakuni Tatsuro, Tokuyama Norao, and Akashi Akira.

Miwako Sato handcuffed the still incapacitated marshal.

Seeing this scene, Chizo Ogura, who was handcuffed in the toilet, had a look of despair in his eyes.

Miwako asked in surprise: "Xiao Goro, how do you know that these guys are the accomplices of this drug dealer?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Actually, I noticed them when they walked by. Although there was no one else in the aisle, these three guys walked closely together, and pretended not to know each other."

"And there are calluses on their tiger's mouth, even this white and fat man is no exception. Obviously, the calluses are from gang members holding weapons or guns, which further indicates that they are in the same gang."

"In addition, the most obvious flaw is this guy with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. He is too thin, and the outline of a pistol can be seen behind the green windbreaker!"

Miwako continued to ask: "Then Kogoro, how did you know there was something wrong with this marshal?"

"Because when I visited Izu last time, the Shinkansen bomb case caused a great impact. The Ministry of Railways issued new regulations last month and purchased security inspection equipment..."

"Things like bombs and pistols are simply not allowed in this train."

"But there is a bomb in the car, which is naturally the reason why there is an insider at the station, so I suspect the policeman."

"In addition, when we rushed to the toilet where the bomb was located, he was the only one there. Obviously he did not report the incident. Police help for the mission, that's suspicious enough!"

"The most important thing is that I deliberately pretended to be lured away. After I came back, I didn't see any actions by these three guys. Obviously someone tipped the news!"

"But we are still in the tunnel, and the mobile phone has no signal at all. Only the walkie-talkie can be used to notify them that we have returned."

"Based on the above, this marshal is naturally the leader of these gangs of drug dealers. He has been doing command work, and the thief is the first to capture the king. I will rush over and take him down first!"

After listening to the reasoning, Miwako immediately put her arms around Mori Kogoro's arm, stood on tiptoe and offered a sweet kiss: "Kogoro, you are really amazing!"

And Akashi Akira, who was still conscious underneath, exclaimed: "Your name is Kogoro, you are that great detective, Mori Kogoro, no wonder, no wonder!"

Mori Kogoro dragged the policeman over, and Miwako looked puzzled: "Kogoro, what are you doing?"

"Don't you police want information on drug lords and drug distribution routes? This guy is one of the top executives at first glance, let me help you find out!"

"Back to the Metropolitan Police Department, the number of drug lords you caught, Mei Hezi, became five, and then you took out the list and routes of drug lords, it must be another great achievement!"

The marshal glanced fiercely at Kogoro Mouri: "Don't even think about me revealing half a word!"

After saying that, he shut his mouth tightly, and without saying a word, he was brutally dragged into another toilet by Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro has a lot of ways to know information, hypnosis can shake his heart, and psychedelic charms can invade his memory, but the easiest way is to play the role of the master of expression.

The answer can be obtained directly by asking and observing the activities of the policemen's facial muscles.

There is no need to spend points to exchange for psychedelic charms. Although Mori Kogoro's current points have exceeded [-], the province still has to save.

Chapter 0326 Supporting Sato

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