Ayumi broke out with strength, and actually separated the two.

Sonoko looked surprised, then turned around and laughed, "Ah! I forgot that Ayumi also likes Uncle Mouri, and I made Ayumi jealous. Oh, it's my sister's fault."

Ayumi's face flushed red, she lowered her head in a coy look.

But as soon as she interrupted, Yuanzi didn't continue grinding, and got off the car directly.

She waved to Kogoro Mori at the car window and said, "Uncle Mori, see you at our office tomorrow!"

After finishing speaking, Sonoko stepped on his small leather shoes and ran into the villa with cheerful steps. Only Kogoro Mori and Ayumi were left in the car.

Just now Mori Kogoro sent Xiaolan and the others home first, and told them that he had something to do at night, and then continued to send Sonoko and Ayumi home.

The car kept galloping, and Ayumi in the back seat lowered her head, not daring to look at Kogoro Mori, and soon the car arrived under Ayumi's apartment.

It was too dark, Kogoro Mori got out of the car and led little Lolita to the apartment, took the elevator to the door of his house, and rang the doorbell.

Not long after, the door opened, and Akimi Yoshida, who had been waiting at home, appeared at the door.

Xu Shi had just taken a shower, Qiumei's soft hair still exuded water vapor, her pretty face without makeup was extremely gentle, her exquisite figure was highlighted in her white pajamas, and there were still drops of water on her delicate collarbone, Very young woman charm.

As soon as Akimi saw Mori Kogoro, she immediately recalled the smell she had smelled in her room before, and her face flushed, which was very obvious under the bright yellow light.

"Mom!" Ayumi threw herself into Qiumei's arms at once.

"Mori-kun, thank you for sending Ayumi back." Akimi nodded her thanks.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "It's nothing, this is what I should do, Ayumi has been very good along the way!"

Qiu Mei turned sideways and invited: "Mao Li, why don't you come in and sit for a while?"

As soon as she said the words, Qiumei regretted it. It was almost ten o'clock in the middle of the night, and she invited a man to sit in the house, and there were only her mother and daughter in the house, she was simply out of her mind!

Mori Kogoro was also stunned, but Miwako's number was not on the phone yet.

Thinking about it, she was still dealing with the first drug trafficking organization, so it wouldn't hurt to take a break by herself.

Besides, Yoshida Akimi felt very comfortable, so he didn't have the heart to resist, so Mori Kogoro walked into Yoshida's house: "Then interrupt!"

Seeing her reckless invitation, Kogoro Mori actually came in, Qiumei felt a flash of joy inexplicably.

She quickly bent down and handed the slippers next to Mori Kogoro, and the curves of her waist and buttocks were instantly highlighted, which was very attractive.

Ayumi saw that Uncle Mori did not leave, her face was full of joy.

A group of people entered the entrance and walked to the living room. Kogoro Mori was sitting on the sofa, and the TV in the living room was replaying Kogoro Mori's reasoning in the flower card contest.

On the screen, Maori Kogoro Zhizhu is holding his hand, with a personable demeanor, and a few words make Langhua Real Estate King speechless.

Mori Kogoro saw the video recorder below, which clearly recorded his own video, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Qiu Mei's pretty face flushed, and she immediately picked up the remote control to turn off the TV.

But Ayumi yelled: "Mom, mom, I was there too, are you recording me?"

After hearing this, Qiu Mei breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Of course, it's just that Mr. Mao Li's reasoning is very exciting, so I recorded it together."

Qiu Mei turned to Ayumi and said, "Ayumi, it's already so late, I've put away the bath water, go to bed after taking a bath."

Ayumi obviously didn't want to leave, but after hearing what her mother said, she could only go to the bathroom.

And Qiumei got up and went to the kitchen to pour two cups of tea, and then came to Mouri Kogoro's table, bent down, and put the two cups of tea on the table.

The white pajamas she was wearing had a very loose skirt, and as soon as she bent down, the spring colors poured out, instantly blinding Mori Kogoro's eyes!

Kogoro Mori didn't expect Qiu Mei to be so full of material.

Akimi was keenly aware of Kogoro Mori's gaze, and immediately pressed the plate to her chest in panic, and looked up, only to see Kogoro Mori admiring the potted plants on the side window.

How fast was Kogoro Mori's reaction, she turned her head away the moment she raised her head.

Qiumei naturally thought that it was her own illusion just now, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Maori-kun, I don't have any other beverages at home, just a cup of thin tea, please don't mind!"

"It's okay, tea is my favorite!"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and took a sip of tea, while Akimi resigned again, went into her room, and came out with an envelope after a while.

She knelt on the mat in front of Mori Kogoro and pushed the envelope over.

"Mori-kun, this is the money you gave Ayumi last time, Ayumi took it without understanding, now I will return it to you!"

"For our mother and daughter, Mori-kun saved Ayumi, which is already a great kindness. How can I still take your money? Please take it back!"

Kogoro Maoli coughed twice, and then said, "Madam, this money is not money for help, ahem, it's the compensation for accidentally messing up your room last time!"

Even with Mori Kogoro's thick skin, the second half of the sentence was very vague.

But Qiumei heard it clearly, her pretty face became more and more rosy, then she shook her head and said: "It's okay, Mr. Mao Li, Ayumi told me everything, it's the reason why the gangster took the drug, it's not your fault! Besides, the sheets are only worth a few dollars."

Mori Kogoro forcefully stuffed the envelope into Akimi's hand: "Ma'am, just accept it for me. I like Ayumi very much, so consider buying snacks and toys for Ayumi!"

Qiu Mei was also very stubborn, unwilling to accept it, so the two kept pushing back and forth.

Mori Kogoro didn't dare to use force, for fear of hurting this delicate young woman.

At the end of the push, Akimi's little hand fell into Mouri Kogoro's big hand.

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