Chapter 0328

The little hands are soft and boneless, and the skin is delicate, like a piece of nephrite to the touch.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but whirled the soft little hand, Qiumei suddenly reacted, a look of panic flashed across her red face, and she quickly pulled her hand back.

The envelope containing the money fell to the table with a clatter.

The two reached for the envelope at the same time, and finally Akimi grabbed the envelope with her small hand, while Mori Kogoro's big hand grabbed Akimi's little hand.

Qiumei suddenly felt that there seemed to be an electric current appearing between her hands, rushing towards herself.

Her restless heart suddenly throbbed.

Mori Kogoro's deep eyes stared at the gentle young woman in front of him, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and his big hand was playing with Qiumei's small hand.

"Ma'am, don't refuse my kindness again!"

There seems to be something in the words, which makes Qiumei a little puzzled.

Mori Kogoro took Qiumei's little hand and pushed the envelope over, but Qiumei didn't refuse anymore.

Mori Kogoro immediately withdrew his hand, and Akimi inexplicably felt lost again.

Mori Kogoro got up from the sofa, crossed the table, came to the recorder, squatted down and opened the box underneath, and there were CDs one after another.

Qiu Mei stood up in panic, and trot over to close the box.

But Mori Kogoro had already seen his name written on the front of the disc, along with the serial number and date.

Panicked, Qiumei ran too fast and fell on Kogoro Moori, and the two fell into a ball.

Mori Kogoro raised his left hand to prevent the box from knocking on Qiumei, his right hand hugged Qiumei's soft waist, and he himself became a flesh pad under it.

"Ma'am, I was rude. If you don't want me to see it, just say it. Why are you so excited!"

Seeing the CD case in front of her, Qiumei quickly squirmed forward, closed the case, took the case away, and stuffed it back under the TV cabinet.

It was almost fatal, the pajamas Qiumei was wearing were extremely flimsy.

After putting the box away, Qiumei realized what she had done, and wanted to get up in panic, but her fiery hands were still tightly wrapped around her waist.

Sensing the softness of his chest, Mori Kogoro's eyes flashed with blazing heat, he pressed Qiumei's head down with his right hand, raised his head slightly and kissed the pink lips.

Akimi's expression was dumbfounded at the moment, and a masculine man's breath came to her nostrils. After she realized it, she quickly reached out and pushed Moori Kogoro's chest, but her mouth was blocked, and her nasal cavity could only make a sound of rejection.

But Mori Kogoro's hands were like golden hoops, Akimi couldn't break free at all, and instead retreated steadily under Mori Kogoro's kissing skills.

Soon, a blurred look appeared in her eyes, water rippled in her eyes, and she gradually melted into Kogoro Mori's passionate kiss.

At the end, Akimi responded jerkyly. Even though Mori Kogoro withdrew his hands, Akimi didn't get up.

If Kogoro Mori hadn't heard the sound of Ayumi taking a shower and getting dressed in the bathroom, the long kiss would have lasted for an unknown amount of time.

Kogoro Moori let go of Akimi's little mouth, and Akimi blushed, while Kogoro Moori smiled lightly, "It's surprising that you are still my fan, Akimi!"

"Mr. Mao Li, I didn't expect you to be such a person!" Even though she said this, there was no blame in Qiu Mei's eyes.

"What kind of person?" Mori Kogoro teased, "But Qiumei, if you don't get up quickly, your daughter will probably come out of the bathroom!"

Hearing this, Akimi struggled to get up immediately, but before she stood up, her foot slipped again, and her body fell heavily on Kogoro Mouri.

Duang! Duang! Duang!

This sound effect suddenly appeared in Mori Kogoro's mind!

He helped Ayumi get up, and as soon as the two sat on the sofa, they saw the bathroom door open, and the clean little loli Ayumi rushed out and fell into Qiumei's arms again.

Ayumi originally wanted to run towards Mori Kogoro just now, but when her mother was there, the little loli changed direction and went towards her mother.

Ayumi's face was still steaming, and she looked up at Kogoro Mori from time to time: "Uncle, what were you and mom talking about just now? Why are you making such a fuss!"

"It's nothing, I just talked about some interesting things about Osaka!"

Ayumi then spoke to Qiumei, speaking with gestures: "Mom, this time I went to Osaka with the doctor and saw a lot of strange things and ate a lot of delicious food, some of which were bigger than my face Bowl..."

At this moment, Mori Kogoro's cell phone vibrated, and he glanced at the text message, it was from Miwako.

Mori Kogoro got up immediately and said: "Madam, Ayumi, it's too late now, I still have something to do, so I'll go first, and come visit again next time!"

As soon as these words were said, a look of disappointment flashed across the faces of the two girls, but they didn't dare to ask to stay, so they followed Mori Kogoro to the entrance.

Kogoro Mori changed his shoes, opened the door and waved goodbye to the two.

Ayumi yelled, "Uncle, don't forget our agreement!"

"Uncle promised you, of course I won't forget it!" After saying that, he closed the door and took the elevator downstairs.

Qiumei asked curiously: "What agreement, tell mom!"

Ayumi laughed: "When my uncle was in Osaka, he made an appointment to bring my mother and me to have a big meal, and then go to the amusement park!"

Hearing this, Ayumi's eyes lit up, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and then she took Ayumi's hand and went back to the room to rest.

There seems to be a strange breath in this home today.


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