
In a bar street in [-]-chome, Toriya City, Miwako Sato and her men were ambushing in the side street. They were all familiar faces from Tsukage Island before. Dasa and Yamada led the team respectively, a total of six people, and Takagi Tsutomu was not called. .

The Colonel looked at this luxury bar in front of him, covering an area of ​​several hundred square meters, with people moving around and waves of sound surging inside.

He couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and looked at Officer Sato: "Officer Sato, just the seven of us, won't it be a bit difficult to take down this lair of drug lords?"

The older Yamada also looked hesitant: "Yes, Officer Sato, why don't we call Officer Megure for support!"

Mei Hezi tapped the gun with her fingertips, squinted at the luxury bar, and said, "Stop talking nonsense, I've already called foreign aid, just wait patiently!"

Hearing these words, the six people felt a little relieved. At this moment, a black Lexus drifted into the field, and the car stopped in the street outside. Kogoro Mori walked towards Miwako Sato and the others, blatantly and unscrupulously.

Da Zuo was stunned, hesitantly said: "Officer Sato, the powerful foreign aid you are talking about is not the Maori detective!"

Yamada looked sideways, and Kogoro Mori was the only one: "Although Detective Mori is powerful, the drug dealers inside must have guns. Is he going to single-handedly take down all the drug dealers?"

Chapter 0329 Black Torrent

Mori Kogoro came to Miwako and greeted Miwako's subordinates with a smile.

Mei Hezi also frowned: "Xiao Wulang, this is their lair. There are at least a hundred drug dealers and security personnel."

"Plus, there are still many customers in the bar. How about we retreat tonight and call Police Officer Megure and the others next time, and we will start an arrest operation together."

Naturally, Miwako can trust Mori Kogoro to do it, but after all, drug trafficking is a business with a head.

The drug dealers had guns in their hands one by one, so she was afraid of accidents to her sweetheart, so naturally she didn't want to take risks.

It can only be said that the target this time is really difficult. It is not like the gangsters before, all without weapons, which can be single-handedly overthrown.

Mori Kogoro looked confident, and said directly: "Miwako, don't bother, we can take them all down tonight."

He began to deploy tasks: "General, Yamada, this bar has a back door on each side of the back, you should guard there first, and ignore the guests when you see them leave, and attack together when Miwako gives you the signal Come in!"

Da Zuo and Yamada looked at Officer Sato hesitantly, and seeing him nodding, they had no choice but to take orders and leave.

The six people divided into two teams and went to the back door each.

Miwako looked puzzled: "Xiao Goro, could it be that you plan to let the two of us attack from the front, like Mr. and Mrs. Smith, to take down this drug lord's lair in the midst of gunfire!"

Mori Kogoro knocked on Miwako's head: "What are you thinking? I won't put you in such a dangerous situation. Just watch, a good show is about to be staged."

As soon as the voice fell, all the lights in the bar suddenly disappeared, all the noisy speakers faded, the whole bar was pitch black, and the power supply was cut off.

There was a loud scream, and many men on the dance floor took advantage of the chaos to rape women wantonly.

Immediately afterwards, obviously there was no fire, but the water sprinkler on the ceiling turned on automatically, and water mist sprayed out.

At this time, the guests in the hotel panicked and looked for the exit one by one, and escaped from the bar through the front and rear doors.

The leader Sakata in the office on the second floor was furious, and shouted into the walkie-talkie: "What's the matter, why is the power cut off and water is still being sprayed, did someone set fire? Quickly solve it for me, waste, I support so many of you, What to eat."

His men immediately ran to the electric box to check for power outages and shower problems.

About three or four minutes later, Mori Kogoro saw that there were no customers coming out of the bar gate, so he dragged Miwako to the bar gate.

"Kogoro, do you want to ask Da Zuo and the others to act together?"

"No, you don't have to do it, just watch!"

At this moment, the sound of uniform footsteps came from behind Mei Hezi, and she turned her head to look, and couldn't help but be surprised!

When did these people appear in the back?

About forty two-meter-tall iron tower men in black suits and sunglasses followed behind the two of them, like a black torrent, icy cold and without any temperature, it was frightening to watch.

The black torrent quickened its pace, passed the two of them and rushed into the bar.

Miwako's purple eyes widened: "Xiao Goro, what's going on?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "This is someone from the Wuxia Security Company invested by the Banner Consortium. They are high-level bodyguards who have been trained using the training model of the US Marine Corps. Usually, one person can deal with a dozen or so masters."

"I have a good relationship with Xia Jiang, the head of the Banner Consortium, so I seconded her here. Naturally, it will not be a problem to deal with these drug lords."

Miwako still looked panicked: "But drug dealers have guns!"

Kogoro Mori is not worried at all, these steel and iron robots are not afraid of guns!

"Don't worry, each of these bodyguards has a gun license, and they all wear the latest bulletproof vests and night-vision sunglasses. It's dark inside, and nothing will go wrong."

Mori Kogoro walked into the bar with his arms around Miwako's soft waist, and said with a light smile, "We don't need to do anything tonight, just watch the show, and when all the prisoners are dealt with, you can just take them back."

Soon, there were screams in the bar, and people kept shouting: "Enemy attack!" "Enemy attack!"

The gunshots rang out, but they could only shoot their own people.

The Ant-Man robot in the dark was like a ghost, approaching a figure, slashing his neck with a knife, and instantly stunned him.

When Da Zuo and Yamada heard the sound of gunfights coming from inside, they panicked even more, and shouted into the walkie-talkie: "Officer Sato, Officer Sato, have you gone in? Are we ready to act?"

Miwako Sato immediately replied: "It's not yet time, you stay at the back door, from now on, don't let anyone go, if there is danger, you are allowed to kill the criminals directly."

Da Zuo and Yamada heard that the tone of Police Officer Sato on the walkie-talkie was normal, as if he was not fighting, and they were very puzzled. Who was in the gunfight? Could it be the Mori detective?

After about ten minutes, the sound of the gun battle became weaker and weaker, until finally all the sound disappeared.

The sound of footsteps came from Meihezi's ears again, and the group of strong men with iron towers retreated.

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