Only then did Kogoro Mori let the robot controlling the switch pull back the switch, and the lights in the entire bar were restored.

In the middle of the wet glass dance floor, hundreds of drug traffickers were all knocked unconscious to the ground, and each of them was tied hands and feet with ropes, piled up like a hill.

As for those strong men in black, they all disappeared.

"It's amazing, how did they go so fast?"

"Drug dealers can't see clearly in the dark, but if there's a light, they'll be able to see them. The bodyguards will be involved in the confession, but there will be trouble. Now we can let Dazuo Yamada come in to help find drugs and accounts!"

Miwako's walkie-talkie called Colonel and Yamada to come in, but the six people guarding the back door found nothing. It was all because the group of ant-man robots moved too fast and didn't let anyone go.

Colonel and Yamada were amazed when they saw hundreds of people piled up into a mountain, and Miwako and Detective Mori with calm faces beside them, and couldn't help admiring them in their hearts.

Miwako commanded his men to collect weapons and search for stolen goods, and then called the Metropolitan Police Department to ask the Metropolitan Police Department to send someone to help escort the criminals.

Immediately after, Mori Kogoro took Miwako out of the bar, and saw more than a dozen people on the floor next to the door were also knocked out and tied up.

Black cars drove by one after another, and after slowing down, they threw out the tied people one after another, and then drove away.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "This is the other people on the list. Except for the drug dealers staying in the lair, I asked them to catch you for you."

"Xiao Wulang, I really love you to death!"

Miwako hugged Mori Kogoro's neck and kissed him fiercely, then hurried forward to collect the weapons of the kidnapped drug dealers.

Chapter 0330 Eri's Trouble

Seeing that Miwako has brought the situation under control, and colleagues from the Metropolitan Police Department have also rushed to the scene, Kogoro Mori naturally doesn't need to worry about the next thing.

He informed Miheko, who was going to work all night, and then got in the car and left.

Miwako and the six police officers under her were all smiling. This time it was really a great achievement. Compared with the contribution made by Moon Shadow Island, promotion and salary increase should be no problem.

Officer Da Zuo counted to the end and found a total of [-] gangsters inside and outside. Others also seized three tons of finished drugs and a large amount of cash for transactions.

They even seized what was written in the record book that there was an abandoned factory in the urban area that was a drug manufacturing site.

The entire poisonous chain was uprooted, and all personnel were wiped out. The continuous good news made Chief Superintendent Baima pay attention to Miwako.

The senior police department will also promote Officer Sato to put on the agenda for the police department.

As for Mori Kogoro, he didn't drive home, instead he headed towards Fujimine Residence.

Originally, Kogoro Mori didn't want to leave Osaka so soon. There were still many things he hadn't figured out and resolved in Osaka.

However, he received a call from Yukiko, saying that Eri seemed to be in trouble, and something important was about to happen, so he rushed back to Tokyo in a hurry.

Near eleven o'clock, Mori Kogoro finally arrived at Fujimine Residence. After parking the car, he got out of the car, took out the key to open the door, and entered the villa.

As soon as he walked in, there was a soft body thrown into Kogoro Mori's arms at the door. It was Yukiko who had been hiding here just after hearing the sound of the engine.

"Kogoro, I knew that you would definitely come back if you mentioned Eri was in trouble!"

Seeing the thin quilt on the sofa in the living room, Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows: "So you have to wait for Xizi, until it's so late!"

"Well, I miss you!"

The eccentric Yukiko kissed Mori Kogoro on the cheek.

I haven't seen you for three days, Kogoro Mori also misses Yukiko very much, so he reached out to lift up a pair of beautiful legs and let Yukiko hang on his body.

He supported Yukiko's waist, and her boyfriend hugged this soft and delicate body vigorously, and walked towards the sofa.

The two were sitting on the sofa, and Mori Kogoro was reluctant to let go of Yukiko, stroking her smooth and beautiful back with his big hands.

"I could have come back earlier today, but I encountered a case on the Shinkansen and helped the police set up a drug trafficking lair, so I came back late and kept you waiting for so long!"

"It's okay, the case is important, besides, I'm used to waiting!"

Yukiko's eyes were as bright as stars, Mori Kogoro's heart was throbbing for it, he couldn't help himself, he took a breath on Yukiko's pink lips, and his mouth was sweet.

Yukiko seemed to have melted, her body became softer and softer.

Kogoro Mori naturally knew Yukiko's body well, so he teased Yukiko away with just a few touches.

On the way, Yukiko seemed to wake up suddenly, and stretched out her bare hands to push Kogoro Mori's chest: "Da Seqo, I thought of doing bad things as soon as I came back. I asked you to come back to help Eri. The opponent has already spent two nights in the study."

"Hey, didn't you say that Xiaobie is better than a newlywed? It's already so late, and the case is not too late. You said let me come back to help Yingli, but why do I feel that the most urgent thing is to help you!"

"No, I didn't take a shower when I came back. How can I be so smelly?"

"Let's take a shower together later, let's have a warm-up match first, and then come to the lie-down relay tonight!"

Mori Kogoro's fingernails lightly slid over Yukiko's sensitive spot, and Yukiko gasped for a moment, her eyes were full of bewilderment.

The pair of bare hands that were pressing on Kogoro Mori's chest turned around Kogoro Mori's neck.

Mori Kogoro kissed Yukiko's small mouth again, and put her tender body on the sofa. Soon, an exciting movement came from the living room.

... [-] words are omitted here ...

The twelve o'clock bell rang in the villa, and the study room on the second floor was still brightly lit.

The door of the study opened, and a figure walked in.

Fei Yingli, who was at the desk looking through the materials, said, "Youxizi, leave me alone, go to sleep first, and I will rest after reading this book."

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