Mori Kogoro, who was covered in water vapor, looked at Fei Yingli with a focused face. This face is really hard to get tired of. Even if the hair is down, it becomes softer, but its sharp Danfeng eyes always exude a glamorous queen. aura.

Such sharp eyes will only disappear under special circumstances with Mori Kogoro...

The tall nose bridge, mouth-watering lips, and the combined pretty face are extremely delicate.

Moreover, Fei Yingli, who had finished her bath, was wearing a purple nightgown, with a pair of beautiful legs crossed together to reveal her fat-white calves, and her proud chest could not be concealed. Her graceful figure was like a blooming violet, full of femininity.

Mori Kogoro walked up behind Eri, and put the thin quilt in his hand on Eri's back: "Eri, drinking so much coffee at night is not good for your health!"

Hearing this, Fei Yingli raised her head suddenly, and saw Kogoro Mori who was full of smiles. She immediately stood up, her pretty face full of surprise.

"Honey, when did you come back? Aren't you in Osaka?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and hugged Eri from behind, pressing his head on her snowy shoulders, took two deep breaths of the fragrance from Eri's body, and then opened his mouth in satisfaction.

"You Xizi called me this morning and said that you were in trouble and had stayed up all night for two nights, so I hurried back."

"Are you going to mess around like this as soon as I leave Tokyo? You don't cherish your body. Let me tell you, your body not only belongs to you, but also belongs to me. I won't allow you to go on like this."

Fei Yingli blushed slightly when she heard this, but the corners of her mouth curled slightly.

Mori Kogoro sat on the office chair with his arms around Fei Yingli, and began to look through the files and materials: "What's going on, Tokyo's legal queen is still troubled by the case, so I want to take a look at it?"

The dossier reads "The Murder of the President of the Otsu Real Estate Agency"

The first trial has passed, and the second trial will be the day after tomorrow. The prosecution charged the defendant with robbery and homicide, but Eri is trying to win the defendant for manslaughter.

However, judging from the materials, it is extremely rare for Eri to lose in the first trial.

Mori Kogoro caressed Eri's flat and soft abdomen with his big hands, and said with a light smile, "I didn't expect you to suffer in court. This is not like your style!"

Fei Yingli took out a character file from the cabinet next to her, and said, "Because the chief prosecutor opposite is this woman, I have fought against her several times, and she is a difficult character."

Mori Kogoro looked over, and there was an extremely beautiful woman in the photo.

Chapter 0331 Reiko Kujo

The woman in the photo is extremely beautiful, but she is plainly dressed, and her glamor is somewhat concealed by a black suit.

She has long black and beautiful hair, with a slanted bang on the right side, and a pair of slightly green eyes full of fierce aura, with her arms folded on her chest, her chin slightly raised, she looks a bit arrogant.

She is an extremely powerful woman who is impressive enough just by looking at her.

This is Eri's rival, known as the Madonna of the prosecutorial world, and the chief prosecutor in this case, Kujo Reiko, is indeed a difficult character.

No wonder Eri suffers from her hand.

Mori Kogoro looked at Reiko Kujo in the photo for a while, and immediately felt the murderous aura rising from Consort Eri in his arms. He immediately closed Reiko Kujo's file, and then flipped through this one The files come.

Mori Kogoro flipped through the files extremely fast, and it took less than a second to read each page.

Fei Yingli immediately cried out in dissatisfaction: "Hey, hey, hey, are you flipping through the paper or looking at the file! Why don't you just tell me if you don't want to help? Get up, don't waste my time, the day after tomorrow is going to be in court. "

Fei Yingli twisted her body and wanted to squeeze Mori Kogoro up, Mori Kogoro reached out and patted his soft thigh, and said, "Eri, you don't know your husband very well, I have already written all this file down. , this is not a complicated case."

Fei Yingli crossed her chest and sneered, her proud bust became more and more obvious: "Just because you just glanced at it a few times, you dare to say that you have written down this file. What big talk are you talking about? I don't believe it!"

Mori Kogoro laughed provocatively: "If you don't believe me, why don't we make a bet, if I can say everything right, then you will unconditionally agree to my request, dare you? My barrister!"

The haughty Yingli couldn't be more excited: "Just bet, and I won't bully you. If you can give an overview of this case and the content of the first trial, I will count it as your win!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro laughed secretly, and began to think about what request he should make later.

He pretended to cough, and then said: "A month ago at [-]:[-] in the evening, Takashi Inoue, the defendant who is a habitual thief, knocked on the window of the Otsu Housing Agency on the second floor of the Nomoto Building, and he entered the office Nai decided to knock on the safe in the president's office."

Eri turned her head sideways, raised her eyebrows, and glanced at Kogoro Mori, as if to confirm whether he was cheating. After looking at it for a long time, she still didn't see anything unusual.

"It just so happened that the president of this company, Toshiyuki Otsu, went back to the company on business and found Takashi Inoue, and the two began to wrestle. Inoue picked up a glass ashtray on the table and smashed it on Toshiyuki Otsu's head, and this wound also led to this The president died."

"However, someone wiped the glass cylinder where the president died, without leaving any fingerprints, but there were Takashi Inoue's fingerprints on the handle of the safe, and all the [-] million yen in it disappeared. gone."

"There were three knock marks on the forehead of the deceased, and the disappearance of the money. The prosecution believes that Takashi Inoue had intentional killing and hopes to sentence him to the crime of robbery and homicide."

"And the reason why Eri and you were defeated in the first trial was that the prosecution found a new witness, that is, Takashi Inoue gave birth to his ex-wife's daughter, Miss Kiko, whom she hadn't seen for more than ten years. Miss Kiko was deceived by President Otsu to keep her. "

"While President Otsu maintained an improper relationship with Ms. Kiko, he didn't give her the corresponding maintenance fee, and he didn't fulfill his promise to let Ms. Kiko manage a store."

"As for the fact that his daughter was taken care of by President Otsu, the father, Takashi Inoue, naturally knew that he wanted to use his own method to get back the compensation for his daughter."

Fei Yingli couldn't believe it when she heard that Kogoro Mori's story was exactly the same as what she understood.

She turned around and sat on Mori Kogoro, and pressed him on the office chair, her proud chest resting on Mori Kogoro's chest.

Eri stretched out his hand to pick Moori Kogoro's ears, pinched his nose, and finally covered his eyes: "How can there be nothing, I still don't believe it, how about this, you close your eyes and show the evidence Memorize everything in it, so that I can believe it.”

This is simply a piece of cake, Mori Kogoro said easily: "How about a pair of gloves, a pair of diamond compasses for prying windows, a golf ball, a pair of reading glasses, a small screw, and a glass ashtray? Eri, what else do you have to say now!"

Mori Kogoro pulled away the palm that was covering him, raised his head and kissed Concubine Eri, then smiled lightly, "Eri, did I win the bet?"

Mori Kogoro smiled proudly at the moment, but in fact it was just a memory technique—photographic memory method, a method of instant memory.

It is easy to have a photographic memory, but it takes a long time to look carefully at it, so that permanent neuron cells that store memories can be generated in the mind.

The photographic memory method is extremely difficult. It only takes a glimpse to remember everything in the mind, and it can generate a large number of temporary neuron cells for storing memories. Afterwards, the neuron cells can be strengthened for permanent memory.

This kind of mnemonics is very rare among human beings, and it is possible to learn it only by developing the subconscious mind and the creative right brain.

Mori Kogoro realized it spontaneously when his intelligence broke through 30.

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