Fei Yingli's eyes were still full of unbelievable looks, even after reuniting for so long, her husband always gave her surprises and surprises.

However, Yingli is willing to gamble and admit defeat: "This time I will lose, what do you want?"

Holding this hot and provocative female body, the fire in Mori Kogoro's heart has already been ignited, not to mention there is Yukiko waiting in the room.

Without hesitation, he picked up Princess Feiyingli and walked out of the study: "Please, don't read the file tonight. I will investigate this case with you tomorrow and go back to the room."

Fei Yingli reacted, her pretty face blushed slightly and she said, "Hey, I've already been up all night for two nights!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Then it doesn't matter if we stay up all night!"

After saying that, the two of them left the study and pushed open the door of Yuxizi's room.

Seeing this scene in the room, Fei Yingli's face was flushed red, and her eyes trembled: "You Xizi, why is this?"

Eri's little hand immediately hammered Mori Kogoro's chest: "You are so bad!"

Chapter 0332 - Morning at Fujimine's House

At around ten o'clock the next morning, Mori Kogoro got up from his jade arms, and his left and right sides felt silky and smooth.

The fierce battle last night lasted until six o'clock in the morning, and four hours of sleep by himself was enough to restore his energy.

But the two girls did not have such a strong physique as him, and they were still sleeping soundly at this moment.

Mori Kogoro scratched from the left and touched Mo from the right, but the two girls didn't respond at all. It seemed that they had to sleep at least until noon.

Looking at Eri and Yukiko who were still sleeping in Haitangchun, Mori Kogoro kissed their white foreheads respectively, and then quietly got up.

He put the two girls together, tucked in the quilt, told the robot to keep an eye on them, and then turned and went into the bathroom to take a bath.

After taking a bath and getting dressed, Kogoro Mori went to the study. He only read the case file last night and didn't read other materials. He must read all of them today.

The mobile phone is full of missed calls, Xiaolan and Huiyuan each account for half, there are two calls from Yuanzi, and Yuanzi has already arrived at the office, and one call is from Miwako.

But I'm afraid I don't have much time to go home today, so I have to help Yingli investigate the case.

Kogoro Mouri called Xiaolan's cell phone.

Xiaolan on the other end of the phone yelled angrily: "Father, where did you go last night? Why didn't you come home?"

On the third floor of Maoli's house, the garden who was doing yoga heard Xiaolan's call, and immediately came over, and the little loli Huiyuan, who was reading magazines, also quietly pricked up her ears.

"Xiao Lan, don't be angry, Dad has something to do. Yesterday on the Shinkansen, Dad not only helped Police Officer Sato catch the drug dealer's accomplice, but also asked about his drug trafficking route. Last night, I went to help Police Officer Sato arrest the drug dealer. You should see the news today."

"And your mother is in some trouble. There is a case that may be lost. I have to help look at it in the afternoon, so I may not have time to go back in the afternoon."

Yuanzi, who was eavesdropping, immediately snatched the phone: "Hey, uncle, didn't I make an appointment to come and play with you yesterday? Why aren't you here? It's such a coincidence that the case fell over again."

The number key on Yuanzi's head jumped wildly: "Uncle Mao Li, you are avoiding me on purpose, right?"

"Oh, it's Yuanzi. Of course, uncle didn't mean to avoid you on purpose. He really has something to do. Wait for uncle to make up for you next time."

Hearing Kogoro Mori's promise, Sonoko immediately cheered, but Xiaolan quickly snatched the phone away.

When Xiaolan heard that Mori Kogoro was busy with business, her tone softened instantly: "Dad, since this is a case involving busy mothers, please do your best!"

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and said, "Okay, if all goes well, I'll go back tonight and tell Xiao Ai for me, let her not miss me too much!"

The call quality of the fruit phone was excellent, and Kogoro Mori's voice was heard smoothly in Huiyuan's ears.

Little Lolita's cute face immediately turned red, and she immediately turned her head, covering her face with a magazine.

Kogoro Mori hung up the phone and called Miwako instead.

When the phone was connected, he immediately heard Miwako's cheering voice, and Miwako announced the joy: "Kogoro, Kogoro, I think I'm really going to be promoted this time."

"Last night, you didn't know that the Metropolitan Police Department dispatched a total of twenty-five police cars to help transport the group of drug dealers and drug evidence. When you return to the Metropolitan Police Department, others will look at our team. That's easy."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "It's very beautiful!"

"Of course, they are all envious of us. We have done a lot this time, and Police Officer Megure also looks very envious. In the middle of the night, all the colleagues on duty in the Metropolitan Police Department came to see us. Even Police Officer Matsumoto was alarmed."

"When I reported to him last night, the Matsumoto Police Department hinted that I might be promoted. By then, I would not only be the youngest police officer in the department, but also the youngest police officer!"

"Xiao Goro, am I good?"

"Of course, my family's Miwako is of course the most powerful!" Mori Kogoro smiled, and it seemed that the wind in his daughter's ears was also helpful.

He had deliberately accumulated credit for Miwako before, and asked Sayuri to speak nice things about Sato to Police Matsumoto from time to time.

In this way, it seems that Sato's position in the police department is stable, and he will be able to sit on the same level as Police Officer Megure by then.

When she was promoted to the police department, she continued to feed the cases. It should not be difficult for Miwako to be promoted to her father's position as a justice police officer—the ministerial position.

There are actually two types of police promotion in Japan. One is for high-ranking juniors like Rensaburo Shiratori, who can be promoted all the way from a small patrol policeman and climb to a high position extremely quickly after being gilded.

Therefore, Officer Shiratori is only twenty-eight years old, and he is at the same level as Officer Megure, who is nearly fifty years old, and they are both positions in the police department.

But like Mumu Shisan, Gao Mushe, who has no background, no reasoning mind, and can only immerse himself in work, it is difficult to get promoted. Gao Mushe is still only a small inspection minister.

Judging from the age and qualifications of Police Officer Mumu, it is almost a certainty that he will retire with a police department in the end.

It is impossible for him to be promoted to minister, but the appearance of Mori Kogoro gave him a glimmer of hope, that's why he flattered Mori Kogoro so much.

If Miwako's father, Minister Masayoshi Sato, is still alive, Miwako's fate should be the same as that of Police Officer Shiratori, taking the simple gold-plated route and going straight to the top of the Metropolitan Police Department.

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