But in terms of appearance, Ms. Kiko is not as good as the Kujo Reiko next to her.

Kogoro Mori and Yukiko entered the clothing store, and Ms. Kiko stood up and said, "Sorry, customer, the store is closed now."

Mori Kogoro said, "Miss Noriko, we are here to find you."

You Xizi accosted from the side: "We are entrusted by my concubine's lawyer to come here to ask you some questions."

Hearing the two talking, Kujo Reiko also turned around and looked at Mori Kogoro with sharp eyes, and soon she recognized Mori Kogoro's identity, and a trace of doubt flashed in her slightly green eyes.

She inspected the great detective for a while, and then she sipped a chuckle: I didn't expect you to ask for help.

Mori Kogoro spoke first: "Chief Prosecutor Kujo is also there, why don't we avoid it first, and we will come back after the prosecutor finishes asking questions first!"

Reiko Kujo got up from her seat, walked towards Kogoro Mori with her black leather shoes, and followed her footsteps with an aura of momentum pressing against Kogoro Mori, full of aura.

"Detective Maori, I've known you for a long time, I didn't expect Lawyer Fei to invite you here!"

"However, our prosecution has nothing to say to others, and Maori detectives naturally don't need to avoid it."

Kogoro Mori also had a smile on his face: "As expected, Chief Prosecutor Kujo is as rumored, and his style of acting is different from ordinary people. It seems that Eri has met his opponent this time."

Noriko Endo said, "Then let Detective Mori wait by the side."

She and Reiko Kujo sat down again, while Mori Kogoro took Yukiko to the seat next to her, and the two sat down quietly waiting for the conversation to end.

Chapter 0335 unique charm

Kogoro Mori looked at Reiko Kujo's profile, without makeup, but very delicate.

The blue-eyed eyes would be full of evil spirits if it were someone else's, but they looked very suitable on Kujo Reiko's face, with a sense of judgment and a unique charm.

She sat in a chair with a very straight waist and was very conservatively dressed.

But hearing her voice, Mori Kogoro felt very familiar, as if he had heard it before, but he couldn't remember it for a while, which was a rare thing.

Mori Kogoro tried hard to recall, but was a little lost for a moment.

You Xizi on the side pinched the soft flesh around his waist with both fingers, and said with a half smile, "Isn't it beautiful to watch so engrossed? How about I ask for your contact information and bring her home too?"

Mori Kogoro patted the hat on Yukiko's head: "Stop making trouble, I'm thinking about something."

"I'm serious, you are getting more and more animals now, and Yingli and I are not your opponents together, so why don't you find two more to share?"

You Xizi raised her eyebrows, her elf-like face was full of bewilderment.

How could Kogoro Mori fail to see the dangerous gleam in his eyes, and then he kissed his white cheek lightly, and said with tenderness in his eyes: "Don't say such things, I feel that I have no regrets in this life without you!"

Only then did You Xizi smile with satisfaction, her smiling eyes were exceptionally bright.

Mori Kogoro wiped off his cold sweat, life is full of pitfalls.



Twenty minutes later, Reiko Kujo got up, nodded to Kogoro Mori, and left directly, also acting neatly.

During this period of time, what she said was generally all kinds of side attacks, trying to find new clues, and kept asking what to say in court.

Mori Kogoro came to the front desk and sat down.

On the opposite side, Endo Noriko is like an urban beauty, wearing a red suit, outlining her tight waist, wearing earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, and just the right light makeup, she is very good at dressing up.

However, his hands were clasped together, and he seemed a little nervous.

Mori Kogoro reassured: "Miss Kiko, relax, it's just some simple questions. Lawyer Fei is not feeling well, so let me do it for you."

He pondered for a while: "Well, I would like to ask, when did Miss Kiko reunite with your father Takashi Inoue."

"As far as I know, Mr. Inoue divorced your mother twenty years ago, and you left with your mother at that time."

Endo Noriko replied: "I saw my father at my mother's funeral two years ago. Later, my father often came to see me in the store."

"May I ask, how long has the relationship between you and President Otsu lasted?"

Noriko Endo was very calm: "You mean to support me? It should have been five years. In fact, President Otsu helped me a lot when I was in high school."

The help here is naturally compensated dating with Japanese characteristics.

"Later, his company became better and better, and he made more money, so he asked me to be his mistress. He helped open this store, but now he is dead, and the rent is due next month. We can only close the shop and leave.”

Endo Noriko sighed deeply, and Yukiko couldn't help looking at her sympathetically when she heard Endo Noriko say this.

Mori Kogoro smiled slightly: "Miss Noriko, do you think your father will kill someone?"

Endo Noriko shook her head: "Although my father likes to break into the empty door, he is only a small thief at best. How could he have the courage to kill someone? President Otsu definitely did not kill him."

Mori Kogoro immediately shouted: "Since you think your father won't kill people, why did you agree to be a witness to Chief Prosecutor Kujo? You know that your testimony will kill your father."

"Originally, under lawyer Fei's persuasion, it was possible for him to change his sentence from robbery homicide to manslaughter, but when you testified at the first trial, you just found a motive for the murder for your father."

"How about my daughter being ruined by a man who is nearly half a century old for five years. As a father, Mr. Inoue doesn't have any hatred for President Otsu?"

"With the motive for the murder, plus his own admission that he hit President Otsu on the head with an ashtray, no one would believe that this is a crime of manslaughter."

"The punishment for robbery and homicide is life imprisonment, or even death!"

Facing Kogoro Mori's questioning like a storm, Noriko Endo's forehead was dripping with sweat, and her eyes became more and more frightened.

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