"I, I didn't know this would happen. I didn't know that this would kill my father? It was Chief Prosecutor Kujo who came to me and asked me to testify, saying that this would help my father and find out the truth, so I agreed. testified."

"How could it be so serious! Detective Maori, if I don't appear in court during the second trial, can I tell the judge not to accept my testimony?"

"Detective Maori, you must save my father!"

Endo Noriko was so anxious that she was about to cry, she grabbed Kogoro Mouri's big hand with both hands, begging...

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "There is no other way. Your testimony in the first trial cannot be revoked. Even if you don't show up in court, the judge will use your testimony as the motive for the murder."

"Tomorrow's second trial can only be done as humanly possible, let's obey the destiny!"

Hearing what Mori Kogoro said, Noriko Endo's eyes turned blank, tears appeared in the corners of his eyes, and he murmured, "How could this be?"

At this moment, a man's voice came from outside the store: "Miss Endo, your goods have arrived, please come out and sign for them."

Noriko Endo was stunned for a moment, then stood up, wiped away tears and said, "Detective Mori, excuse me for a moment."

After that, she walked out the door.

You Xizi sighed with emotion on his face: "I didn't expect that the world is impermanent. I finally reunited with my father. I took a testimonial, but accidentally killed my father. I think Miss Jizi must feel very uncomfortable."

"Hey, Kogoro, why did you rummage through other people's cabinets secretly? This is an infringement of other people's privacy."

Mori Kogoro glanced at Yukiko: "A detective job, can it be called an infringement? This is an investigation, okay! I just wanted to see how the business of Miss Kiko's shop is, and I found it."

Mori Kogoro took out the ledger and began to look at the running water in it. After a while, a smile appeared on his face.

Before Noriko Endo came back, he put the ledger back in its original place, and re-locked the cabinet that he opened with the lockpicking skill, then got up and said goodbye to Noriko Endo: "Miss Noriko, I have almost understood what I should understand. "

"The matter has come to this, you don't need to be too sad, you can issue your certificate as usual tomorrow, and we will leave first."

Hearing this, Noriko Endo nodded, and sent Kogoro Mori and Yukiko away. She stood at the door, staring at Kogoro Mori for a long time.



Mouri Kogoro drove back to Fujimine Residence, and Yukiko kept asking along the way: "Kogoro, what new evidence have you found, tell me quickly!"

But Mori Kogoro just didn't say anything, he was so angry that Xizi's teeth itch.

When the two got out of the car, they saw a woman ringing the doorbell at the door of Tengfeng Residence, wearing a green T-shirt, black cloth pants, and holding documents in her arms.

The woman turned around when she heard the sound, and saw Mori Kogoro's eyes light up.

Chapter 0336 Yukiko and Eri pretending

Looking at the rather naive girl in front of her, it was the girl who asked Mori Kogoro to have sex after being drunk last time, Kuriyama Midori.

Seeing Kuriyama Green's shining eyes, Mori Kogoro knew that she hadn't given up.

Being too handsome is also an annoyance. There are girls everywhere who have unreasonable thoughts about their bodies.

The two went up to greet them, and Kogoro Mouri said, "Xiaolu, why don't you go in, why are you standing at the door?"

Chestnut Green bowed to the two, and then replied: "I just rang the doorbell for a long time, but the teacher still didn't open the door."

"Then what are you doing here? I remember that you are not Eri's assistant now, you are already a lawyer."

Kuriyama Midori thanked again: "This is all thanks to Mao Li-kun for helping me speak last time, so that I can become a lawyer. Mao Li-kun, please find a chance for me to thank you!"

There seemed to be a different meaning in Kuriyama's green eyes.

"Although I can already handle the case, after all, the office is still too short of staff, so I also serve as the teacher's assistant. This is the document the teacher asked for, and I brought it to her."

At this moment, the door of the villa opened, and Fei Yingli in a bathrobe appeared at the door.

"Xiaolu, I was taking a shower just now, hey, Kogoro and Yukiko, what are you two doing?"

You Xizi smiled and said, "Of course it's an investigation. Seeing that you slept so hard in the morning, I didn't call you."

Mori Kogoro naturally didn't want Eri to be seen by outsiders like a beauty out of the bath, so he immediately said, "Let's go in and talk, don't stand at the door."

Several people entered the villa and came to the living room, while Mori Kogoro turned around and went to the kitchen to start cooking lunch for Eri.

Kuriyama Midori looked at Mori Kogoro who was busy at the kitchen counter, and couldn't help but enviously said: "Teacher, Mori Detective treats you very well, and even cooks for you himself."

Fei Yingli looked at Mori Kogoro's Danfeng's eyes full of tenderness, and smiled complacently when she heard this: "Oh, men just can't be used to it, this is what I taught, and now I have the final say at home!"

You Xizi dismantled the stage from the side, and said to Kuriyama Green: "It is obvious that your teacher's cooking is so bad that Kogoro has to be self-reliant and learn to cook by himself."

Kuriyama Midori also laughed when she heard this, she has also seen Fei Yingli's dark cooking.

Fei Yingli couldn't help but glared at You Xizi, then changed the subject and said, "You guys went to investigate the case just now, did you find anything?"

You Xizi said complacently, "That's natural. With the help of Miss Ben, I will naturally find many clues."

Hearing this, Fei Yingli hurriedly asked: "Any clues?"

How did Youxizi know, she could only keep pretending.

"Don't say it, don't say it, you can ask your husband if you have the ability."

"However, Kogoro said that he will appear in court tomorrow as a special defender."

Fei Yingli rested her chin and thought: "Special defender, it seems that Kogoro has really found a clue."

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