"Xiaolu, I will go back and prepare the materials later, and send the materials of Kogoro's application to be a special defender to the Tokyo District Court."

"Hi!" Chestnut Green nodded naturally.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro called everyone to come over for dinner. In just a few minutes, he cooked a table full of dishes, which were fragrant and delicious.

Even You Xizi, who was not hungry, couldn't hold back her gluttonous stomach at all, and followed her to the table.



After lunch, the cups and plates were messed up, and the three women all looked satisfied.

Chestnut Green stared blankly, her delicate face became more and more dazed.

She was in a daze, it was the first time for Li Shanlu to eat such delicious food, and she was in a daze all of a sudden.

After a while, she seemed to wake up suddenly, and her body shook.

"It's so delicious, how can there be such delicious food, Maori-kun, you are simply amazing, if I can meet a man as good as Maori-kun, I will definitely do it, now, oh~~~ ~~"

At this moment, Kuriyama Midori's eyes were full of resentment when he looked at Mori Kogoro, and there was a kind of sadness of "you were born, but I was not born".

Mori Kogoro immediately changed the subject, and said, "Eri, I have already investigated your case, let me go with you for the second trial tomorrow morning."

"Xiao Wulang, are you sure? How likely is it to change the sentence to manslaughter?"


The three girls all turned their heads in confusion.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "It should be changed to the crime of theft!"

Ok? ? ?

Fei Yingli became more and more curious about what clue Mori Kogoro had found, but Mori Kogoro still didn't say anything in the end.

He picked up the suit on the side, and said, "Okay, Eri, Yukiko, I should go back to the office, so I'll leave first, and come tomorrow to pick you up to the court."

Mori Kogoro stood up and walked towards the door.

And Kuriyama Midori also got up immediately: "Teacher, Miss Yukiko, then I will go back to the law firm."

Mori Kogoro smiled at Kuriyama Green and said, "You didn't drive, so I'll take you back."

Kuriyama's green eyes instantly burst into joy, and the two walked out of Fujimine Residence, got into the car, and drove towards Eri's office.



Fei Yingli and Yukiko who were in the villa watched their backs as they went away.

You Xizi couldn't help but said: "Your little apprentice seems to have other plans for Kogoro!"

Yingli frowned and said: "There are a lot of women who are interested in Xiaogoro. Is it possible that I can fire Xiaolu? She has been with me for seven or eight years."

Yukiko chuckled: "That's true, but just now I met your deadly enemy, that Madonna in the prosecutorial field, Kujo Reiko, she is really beautiful, even Kogoro looked straight at her."

Fei Yingli also laughed lightly: "You also met Chief Prosecutor Kutiao, that woman has always been honest with men, did she give Kogoro a face?"

"That's not true, but it feels like a difficult opponent. No wonder you have to go all out to prepare. It seems that I have to go there tomorrow to cheer you on."

Hearing the word "Come on", the concubine Eri suddenly became angry, and reached out to pat Yukiko's arm, but she dodged it.

"You guy, do you just watch and cheer? It was the same last night. No matter how many times I called you, you didn't help me."

"Hey, hey, obviously you rode it by yourself. You wanted to be a female knight who subdued the dragon, and you offended them. Blame me!"

After the naughty Yuxiko finished speaking, she immediately got up and ran to the living room.

Fei Yingli quickly chased after her: "Damn girl, don't run away!"

There were slapstick sounds in this villa.

Chapter 0337: The Chestnut Mountain Green

In the car, Moori Kogoro looked at the cute girl in the passenger seat who glanced at him from time to time, and said, "What's the matter, do I have any spots on my face? I keep looking at me like this."

Chestnut Green immediately turned his head away, not daring to speak anymore.

Mori Kogoro then laughed lightly: "Tsk tsk tsk, that's really strange. The bold girl who said she wanted to have sex with me on the hotel bed last time turned into this appearance now. It's really unexpected."

Kuriyama Midori's face turned red all of a sudden, and she stretched out her hand to cover Mori Kogoro's mouth: "Mori-kun, please don't talk about the last time, last time I talked nonsense when I was drunk, don't take it seriously .”

Smelling the scent from this little hand, he couldn't help himself, Kogoro Mori licked the tender white palm, and the little white hand immediately retracted, but Kogoro Moori grabbed it.

Li Shanlu's heartbeat accelerated sharply, and there was a little panic in her eyes.

Mori Kogoro's eyes flashed evil spirits, and his voice was gentle, magnetic and aggressive: "If I take it seriously!"

Li Shanlu's entire face, even her ears, and even her neck and chest were all dyed red, her heart was beating wildly, and she was talking about other things.

"Mori-kun, you're still driving!"

"I will report to you as a special defender when I go back!"

"The meat the teacher gave me just now is delicious!"

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