Looking at Midori Kuriyama, who was so nervous that he was talking nonsense, the smile in Mouri Kogoro's eyes became more obvious, so he let go of her hand and stopped teasing her.

He drove the car on his own, but Li Shanlu beside him couldn't help but think wildly.

Why didn't Maori-kun continue?Why do you let go of my hand?What did I just say, how stupid!He must be teasing me, it’s like that last time, why don’t you, Maori-kun probably doesn’t like girls like me!

The more she thought about it, the more she got into the horns, and the resentment in Kuriyama Midori's eyes became more and more obvious, and she suddenly remembered lawyer Usui Ritsuko.

Last time I was in the hotel room with this lawyer, Dushui, but after the trip, she seemed to be a different person, and she became more and more beautiful, as if she was nourished by love.

In an instant, a shocking thought flashed through Kuriyama Midori's mind: Could it be that Mori-kun was with Lawyer Usui last time in the hotel in Karuizawa?

I have to say that a woman's sixth sense is really evil, and what Kuriyama Midori associates is almost the same as the truth.

Thinking of this, Kuriyama Green's mood became depressed.

At this moment, the car stopped and leaned against the street of the National Building, above which was Yingli Law Firm.

Mori Kogoro unbuckled his seat belt, and heard Kuriyama Midori's faint voice.

"Maori-kun, do you not like my type of girl, but instead like a strong woman like a teacher, or a delicate girl like a lawyer like Usui?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro was also taken aback, Kuriyama Midori found out about himself and Ritsuko, he turned his face away, but saw Kuriyama Midori's eyes filled with tears.

Li Shanlu couldn't hear the answer, her heart kept sinking, but suddenly felt a pair of fiery big hands holding her cheeks, the tears shed were wiped away, and then she saw a face approaching continuously, and finally kissed her Own.

Kuriyama Green's eyes kept shrinking, and she looked completely unbelievable: You are lying, no matter how you stick out your tongue.

Mori Kogoro leaned sideways and kissed the rookie lawyer, and flexibly unbuckled the seat belt with his big hands, turning the seat into a flat lying position.

Then his nearly [-]-meter-long body moved flexibly in the car, and soon came to the co-pilot seat, pressing on Li Shanlu's body.

Incredibly, the two continued to kiss all the while.

Mori Kogoro's weight was on Kuriyama Midori's body, and he felt the soft and tender body under him, and his hands began to roam freely.

Kuriyama Midori became a little reluctant to even breathe out, Mori Kogoro let go of Kuriyama Midori's small mouth, his eyes were shining brightly, looking at the delicate and naive Kuriyama Midori below, Kuriyama Midori looked at him without giving in.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Xiaolu, do you think I like a girl like you now?"

Those negative thoughts just now melted away under Mori Kogoro's passionate kiss. Hearing this question, Kuriyama Midori could only smile shyly, like a silly girl.

Smiling and laughing, she even raised her head and bit Kogoro Mori's lower lip, just like this without experience, and the two kissed together again.

Fortunately, Mori Kogoro's car can't see the inside from the window, so it won't be seen by passing vehicles.

Mori Kogoro's actions became more and more violent, but Kuriyama Midori pushed him, and said softly: "Mori-kun, I will help you prepare materials to apply for qualifications in the afternoon. The Tokyo Court will close at four o'clock in the afternoon."

There was no need to delay this, Mori Kogoro could only give up the idea of ​​continuing, got up and returned to his seat, and picked up Kuriyama Midori who was lying down.

"Okay, for the sake of business this afternoon, I'll let you go, who told me to take what you said before seriously!"

"Mao Li-jun!" This call had a more coquettish meaning.

He also helped Kuriyama Green tidy up the messy clothes on his body, and smiled slightly: "But Xiaolu, why do I feel that the OL suit you wore last time is more suitable for you?"

Hearing this, Kuriyama Green's eyes flickered, and Mori Kogoro patted her on the shoulder: "Okay, you go back to the office, we will see you in court tomorrow."

Midori Kuriyama had the guts to sneak a kiss to Kogoro Mori, then immediately opened the door and happily ran into the national building.

Kogoro Mori smiled and saw her disappear, so he drove back, this time towards home.



Not long after, the car parked under Miyano Akemi's apartment.

After getting out of the car, Mori Kogoro had a smile on his face. His deep eyes looked around nonchalantly, and then he went to the apartment and entered Mingmei's house.

And on the top floor of the building in the distance, a figure couldn't help but tremble a few times, and his heart couldn't stop chilling: Impossible, how could it be discovered, this is a distance of a thousand meters!

However, how could it be him?How could it be him?

Mori Kogoro entered Akemi's house, took off his shoes and changed into slippers, his footsteps became softer, he crossed the living room, and found Akemi concentrating on arranging flowers in a house with a balcony.

The flowers in the vase are scattered and orderly, already having a different kind of aesthetic feeling, and there are only a few flower branches left on the table.

Mori Kogoro couldn't bear to spoil such a quiet and beautiful scene, so he leaned against the door and quietly watched Akemi's finishing work of flower arrangement.

The wind chimes on the balcony made a crisp sound, the phoenix flowers swayed with the wind, and the potted plants were thriving. In the room, Mingmei, who was like an angel, was arranging the flowers attentively.

Volume VI Operation Full Moon

Chapter 0001 Full Moon Prelude

Mingmei looked at the last flower branch for a long time before carefully inserting it into the bottle, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on her angelic face.

At this time, a pair of big hands came from behind, and instantly hugged Mingmei's body.

Miyano Akemi's demeanor then became cold, and when she fell into the familiar embrace and smelled the familiar breath, her icy expression suddenly became warm and soft, and surprise appeared in her eyes.

Miyano Akemi turned her face and smiled, "Xiao Goro, why didn't you tell me when you came in?"

Mori Kogoro kissed Minmei's white face: "Seeing that your flower arrangement is almost over, I don't want to disturb you, tsk tsk tsk, you really have some artistic talent!"

Hearing the praise of Mingmei, the tail almost went up to the sky: "Of course, if I hadn't been adopted by the organization back then, maybe I would have become a master of flower arranging now."

"Okay, what's the matter with calling me so urgently?" Mori Kogoro sat on the cushion with Minmei in his arms, the two of them were tightly pressed together, shaking from side to side.

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