The door of the consulting room was ajar, Kogoro Mori knocked on the door and walked in, only to hear a familiar female voice.

There were two people in the room, one was Belmode pretending to be a new doctor, wearing a white coat and glasses, with a gentle appearance.

The other was Rena Minzumu, who was wearing a blue suit and skirt, and flesh-colored stockings. She had delicate makeup, a pair of cat eyes, and a few locks of curly hair on her forehead were very eye-catching.

Shui Wurenai rubbed her neck and lower back, and said, "New doctor, I've been sitting for too long while broadcasting the news recently, my back and neck are sore, can I prescribe some medicine?"

Belmode shook his head and said: "This situation cannot be relieved by prescribing medicine. I'd like to teach you some massage and health exercises. If you have nothing to do, press it a few more times. There won't be any big problems!"

"Hey, Detective Maori, why are you here?"

Belmode pretended to see Mori Kogoro, but when she saw that familiar figure, her body under the airbag couldn't help but tense up, and her muscles tensed unconsciously.

Shui Wurena turned her head: "Maori-kun, are you coming to see a doctor too?"

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on these days, I always feel something is wrong with my body, I happened to pass by this hospital, so I came in to have a look."

Belmode asked suspiciously: "Ms. Mizumu, Detective Mori, do you know each other?"

Rena Mizumura chuckled softly: "Speaking of which, Detective Mori is still my savior. Last time when I was filming a show at Tokyo Tower, I happened to encounter a bomb planted by a blaster. If it wasn't for Detective Mori, I'm afraid I would have died long ago. It's on the tower."

As she spoke, Rena Mizumu's face became a bit resentful: "It's just that a certain big detective seems to have forgotten me, and he hasn't called me for so long, and he didn't even mention it to me when he went to Osaka. I can only learn about him on TV."

Belmord at the side couldn't help but look at Rena Mizumu in doubt, these two people, could it be? ? ?

Shui Wurena felt that her tone was wrong, she shouldn't have said that in front of Belmode, so she immediately kept silent.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Ms. Mizumu is so busy, how dare I disturb you lightly. Speaking of the last bombing, if a mysterious person hadn't sent a text message to reveal the location of the second bomb, it wouldn't have been so easy. solve."

Hearing this, Belmode's heart was suspended again. It must be that the text message showed some flaws, but she remembered that the text message was sent with a newly bought bearer card, and she threw it away after sending it. How could there be a flaw.

"If you let me know who that guy is, I will definitely thank him."

Hearing what Mori Kogoro said, Belmode felt a little relieved, but she still felt a little cautious in being in the same room as Mori Kogoro.

At this moment, the nine o'clock clock started to strike the time, and Belmord got up immediately and said, "Detective Maori, Ms. Mizuna, please sit down for a while. I have to deal with something, so excuse me."

Belmode, who stood up, gave Rena Mizumu a wink, signaling her to hold Kogoro Mori, and Rena Mizumu quickly received the signal.

After Belmode pretended to be Shinde Tomoaki left, there were only Kogoro Mori and Rena Minzumu in the consultation room.

Rena Mizumu's face also became more relaxed, but she quickly remembered something, and asked with concern: "Detective Mori, how was the injury you received last time on the Tokyo Tower? It was so serious, I will go later Looking at you, I realized that you have been transferred to another hospital."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "The back injury has completely healed before going to Osaka. My body is different from ordinary people, and I can recover quickly from injuries."

"I don't believe it, let me see."

Rena Minzumu got up immediately, pulled up Kogoro Mori's shirt with her bare hands, and saw his majestic and beautifully lined back, which was extremely smooth, without even leaving half a scar...

Shui Wurenai kept marveling, and lightly touched the bloody place with her index finger, and murmured: "It's really unbelievable!"

At this time, the sound of pinging and bangs sounded, and the two turned their heads to see the little nurse knocking over the medicine bottle on the plate.

The little nurse looked at the scene with a flushed face. A well-known female anchor was taking off the clothes of a famous detective and was doing her hands. She misunderstood in an instant.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to peek, I won't tell anyone!"

The little nurse apologized while picking up the medicine bottle.

Shui Wurena hurriedly pulled off the shirt and tucked it in, her little face was flushed with blush.

The little nurse quickly picked up the medicine bottle and walked out, the atmosphere in the consultation room became a little weird.

Kogoro Mori looked at Rena Mizumu who was blushing and shy, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his big hand took Rena Mizumu's small hand, Rena Mizumu shrank her cat eyes, but did not refuse.

He pulled Shuiwu Liannai towards the hospital bed, and said, "Just now, Shuiwu, did you mean that your back and neck were sore? It just so happens that I have a unique massage technique, and it will definitely work wonders if you massage it once."

"Really? Then I'll give it a try!"

The hospital bed in the consultation room was behind the white curtain, Kogoro Mori pulled Rena Mizumu over, pulled the white curtain, and the two of them entered a closed space in an instant.

Under Mori Kogoro's command, Rena Minzumu took off her high heels and obediently lay on the hospital bed, revealing her graceful curves.

Mori Kogoro jumped over and sat on Rena Mizumu's buttocks, with a pair of big hands caressing the back of Rena Mizumu's neck, and the strength came from between his fingers.

Relying on his understanding of the muscle structure of the human body, he began to massage Reina Mizumu.

Sure enough, Mori Kogoro is worthy of being a martial arts master, and the techniques he learned from Xiaolan's experiments are as powerful against Mizumu Rena.

Not long after, Shui Wulian Naiqiong let out a comfortable snort.

Chapter 0019 Belmode's Rage

Mori Kogoro only felt that the place where he was sitting was very soft and extremely elastic, and he couldn't help shaking it twice. It really felt like being a yoga ball.

Rena Mizumu couldn't help exhaling softly: "Mori-kun!"

Some mist gradually appeared in her blue cat eyes, but Mori Kogoro pretended to be stupid and said: "Ms. Mizumu, did I hurt you? Then I should use less force!"

Shui Wurenai bit her lower lip, but said nothing.

In fact, her back was not sore. Before Mori Kogoro came, she and Belmode were exchanging information.

However, she did not resist Kogoro Mori's fiery hands. During the Tokyo Tower bombing incident, Kogoro Mori had already touched her all over her body, so she naturally didn't mind.

Rena Mizumu has a secret heart for Kogoro Mori, but she doesn't dare to expect further development with Kogoro Mori.

After all, she is an agent dispatched by the CIA to infiltrate the organization, and what she does in the organization is to lick the knife's edge, and she may die at any time, and Mizuru Rena's hands are already stained with blood.

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