She didn't want to involve Kogoro Mori, let alone reveal her identity.

Rena Mizumu, who has low self-esteem, dare not take the initiative to contact Mori Kogoro, but when faced with his rude behavior, she will not refuse, she turns a blind eye and assumes a tacit attitude.

Kogoro Mori moved his hands away from Rena Mizumu's jade neck, and said, "Miss Mizumu, your suit jacket is too thick, the effect of massage will be greatly reduced, take off the jacket!"

Hearing this, Mizuru Rena hesitated for a while, then twitched her little hands under her body and unbuttoned her suit.

Then, with the help of Mori Kogoro, he took off the coat, revealing a graceful waist in a white shirt, and the flesh color can still be vaguely seen.

Mori Kogoro covered Rena Mizumu's back with his big hands, rubbed or pressed, and performed massage techniques on the tendons.

He smiled lightly and said: "Miss Shui Wu, you have really caught up this time. I have never pressed this technique on anyone except my daughter. How is it? Is it comfortable?"

"Hmm!" Shui Wurena only let out a comfortable snort.

Mori Kogoro pretended to be chatting: "Ms. Mizumu, are you familiar with the new doctor?"

"It's not that I'm very familiar, but I just know each other. I usually come to this hospital to see a doctor when I'm sick. Once I come and go, I get familiar with it."

Mizuruna turned her small face to the side, and chuckled lightly: "Why did Mao Li-kun ask this question, are you jealous?" Thinking of this, Mizuruna's mood brightened.

Mori Kogoro did not retort: ​​"Isn't it possible? How could I not care about a beautiful girl like Mizuna being with other men?"

Hearing Mori Kogoro's true confession, Rena Mizumu's blue cat eyes became brighter.

While speaking, Mori Kogoro stuck his hands in from the hem of his white shirt, touched Reina's silky soft back, and continued to massage along the spine.

Mizuruna's face blushed a little, and even her ears were blushed. Apart from that, her heart beat faster and faster, but she didn't show any resistance.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Ms. Mizumu, are you free tomorrow? I would like to invite you to have dinner together."

Shui Wurenai, who was quite confused, said: "I have time tomorrow night, where are we going to eat?"

Mori Kogoro said with a smirk: "Go to your house, I'll eat it for you!"

Rena Mizumu, who heard the connotation of the words, felt a burst of embarrassment again: "Mori-kun, you are so bad!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but chuckled, but he was calm in his heart, sensing that he was being monitored, so naturally he didn't say any more probing words.

However, he also knew that Reina Mizumu hadn't been invited to join the reinforcements, otherwise he wouldn't have agreed so cleanly.



In the basement of the new hospital, Belmode looked at the scene of Mori Kogoro and Keir flirting on the bed in the consulting room, and she felt uncomfortable for some reason.

But she didn't see any flaws, after all Kogoro Mori was very cautious when speaking, and every sentence reflected Belmord's understanding of him.

There are a lot of flirtatious words, and he is especially good at molesting girls.

It really is a big pervert, it seems that this time it came in by mistake.

Belmode picked up the military phone on the table and dialed a number. There was a middle-aged man's voice on the other side of the phone.

"Belmode, what's the matter?"

Belmode's female voice passed over: "Rum, is the matter I asked you arranged?"


In the dark basement there was only the faint sound of a phone call.

Not long after, Belmode hung up the phone with a smile on his lips.

However, when Belmord saw the video in the surveillance, he couldn't help opening his mouth wide in astonishment, and felt uncomfortable again.

This guy is too outrageous, what is going on with Keir, is he playing a beauty trick, just let him like this!

No, I have to go back, otherwise these two people might be even more presumptuous.

Belmore quickly got up from the basement, and then walked quickly to the consulting room.

Belmode came to the consultation room, just now the little nurse was guarding the door with a plate, and when she saw Shinide Tomoaki, she quickly said: "New doctor, it's not convenient to enter the consultation room now."

"I just saw Ms. Mizumu picking up Detective Mori's clothes. I really didn't expect the anchor of Mizumu to be such a person. I will never watch her show again."

"A new doctor, why don't we go in later, so we don't make too much embarrassment."

The corner of Belmore's mouth twitched, he took the plate from the little nurse, and sent her away with a few words.

Then he knocked on the door and pushed it open to enter the consultation room.

As soon as Belmode entered the consultation room, he heard female voices coming from behind the white curtain.

"Mori-kun, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa saidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?

Inexplicably, the anger in Belmode's eyes instantly rose.

Chapter 0020

Belmode looked at the white curtain, and his chest heaved continuously when he heard the voice from behind the curtain.

She deliberately threw the medicine tray on the table, kicked the chair, coughed a few times, and made a loud noise.

And on the white hospital bed, Shui Wurenai was lying on the pillow with a blushing face, she was completely helpless to the fiery hands that tortured her chest.

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