He said it was a massage, but when he pressed it, his hands slipped down.

You can also hear the cheeky words of Mori Kogoro.

"Ms. Mizumu, you have knots in your chest. If you don't rub it away, you may not be able to lift your spirits."

What the hell has stagnation in his chest? This is simply taking advantage of it blatantly.

In fact, Rena Mizumu did not resist Kogoro Mori's big hand, but the environment the two of them were in was very embarrassing at this time, and it was the hospital where Belmode was.

Naturally, Rena Mizumu didn't want to let Belmore know about this, so she resisted extremely resolutely.

If you change the venue, maybe it will be another scene.

The two on the hospital bed heard the voice from outside the curtain, Kogoro Mori slammed his mouth, and then withdrew his hand, and Rena Minzuru hurriedly tidied up the messy clothes.

Mori Kogoro didn't believe Belmord was so brave enough to lift the curtain, so he acted slowly.

Rena Minzumu had a nervous expression on her face, she straightened her shirt very quickly and put on her blue suit.

Afterwards, under the suspicious eyes of Mori Kogoro, accompanied by a deep breath, her face changed from red like blood to pure white like jade, and the process only took three seconds.

The only thing that can be seen through is the pair of blue cat eyes that contain a hint of watery charm and soft color.

The two got out of the hospital bed, and Shui Wurenai opened the white curtain, pretending to be indifferent and chuckled: "Detective Maori, your hand massage technique is really amazing, I feel refreshed now, my whole body My muscles and bones are relaxed, thank you this time."

Mori Kogoro also followed suit and said, "It's my honor to help Miss Kamizumu. Next time, if there is a need, I will be more than happy to help you!"

Belmore listened to the sultry conversation between the two, and his heart burst into anger, but he still had to pretend to be gentle: "It turns out that Maori detectives have also studied this aspect!"

"Yeah, after all, I have been practicing karate, bruises, loosening muscles and promoting blood circulation, and so on."

Belmore turned his head to look at Reina Mizumu: "Miss Mizumu, shall I teach you health exercises next?"

Rena Mizumu seemed unable to bear Belmore's strange gaze, and quickly refused: "Next time, after being massaged by Maori detective this time, I feel relieved a lot, and there are still some things on the TV station, I You have to go there first."

"A new doctor, Maori detective, I'll be leaving first."

Rena Minzumu picked up the handbag and document bag on the side, stepped on high heels and walked out of the consultation room.

For a while, only Kogoro Mori and Belmore were left in the consultation room.

Belmode became nervous again, not daring to meet Kogoro Mori's eyes, and sat back on the seat, pretending to arrange the medicine bottles.

Mori Kogoro sat across from him sternly, and the books that he glanced aside were all English books.

"Stockholm Syndrome Overview", "Cure for Mental Illness", "How to Overcome Fear", "Walk with the Devil", "The True Meaning of Dreams"...

When Kogoro Mori saw these books, he couldn't help but have strange thoughts in his heart.

"A new doctor, are you reading these books on mental illness? Do you want to be a psychiatrist?"

A look of panic flashed in Belmore's eyes when he heard this, and he quickly said, "No, these are the books left by the former doctor. I haven't read them much, but I'm just too lazy to clean them up."

When he spoke, his eyes couldn't stop squinting upwards, which was naturally not the truth.

"Detective Maori, you just said that something is wrong with your body, what's going on?" Shinde Tomoaki began to ask.

Mori Kogoro then said: "Recently, I always feel palpitations before going to sleep, and feel dizzy from time to time, and my arms are also a little numb."

These symptoms were naturally compiled by Mori Kogoro.

Belmode put on the stethoscope and pressed its sound-pickup part against Mori Kogoro's chest, and heard a rapid heartbeat.

This was naturally controlled by Kogoro Mori.

Belmor had to listen for a long time before he chuckled and said, "It's true that there is some irregular heartbeat, but it's still within the normal range. It should be due to too much stress and too much thinking."

"Don't worry too much, I'll prescribe some medicine for you, but it's best not to accept the case recently, just take a good rest."

While talking, Belmode wrote down the medicine list and handed it to Kogoro Mouri.

"Thank you for the new doctor."

Mori Kogoro got up and was about to walk out of the consultation room, but was stopped by Belmode.

"Mori Detective!"

"What's the matter, new doctor?"

Xinde Zhiming frowned slightly: "Maybe it's my illusion. I always feel that Detective Maori has been too popular recently. Maybe many people have already followed you. In addition, Detective Maori should be the cause of too much pressure."

"I sincerely suggest that Detective Maori take a rest for a while. It just so happens that Xiaolan's school is also on holiday. Detective Maori can take Xiaolan and the children out for a while."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro paused slightly, and said with a light smile, "I will carefully consider your suggestion as a new doctor, but you should take good care of yourself if you are a new doctor. If you have a mental illness, you should treat it earlier what!"

With a smile on Shinide Tomoaki's face, Mori Kogoro waved to him, walked out of the consultation room, and closed the door by the way.

As soon as the door was closed, the smiles on the faces of the two disappeared, and their eyes were quiet.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro handed the medicine list to the little nurse who looked like a fan girl, took the medicine that the little nurse found, and walked out of the new hospital.

This drug is not tampering, it is a conventional anti-stress drug, and similar drugs are prescribed when going to other hospitals.

Mori Kogoro came to his car with the medicine in hand.

And beside the car, a light blue figure was leaning against the Lexus, it was Rena Mizumu who just took a step ahead.

Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up, and he acted like a gentleman and invited Reina Minzumu into the car.

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