This girl has already started to get excited, completely thinking of this Halloween party as a date with Kogoro Mori.

Along the way, amid Yuanzi's noisy discourse, the car arrived at the port.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, a dilapidated ghost ship was docked beside the port. It was completely made of wood, the sails were made of pieces of rags, and the flag of the Pirate King was flying on top.

And beside the port, there is a line of ghosts and ghosts queuing up to board the ship.

Mori Kogoro and Sonoko immediately attracted everyone's attention as soon as they got out of the car. After all, the sudden appearance of Mori Kogoro looked so much like a real vampire.

The same elegance, evil, full of powerful aura.

Yuanzi kept yelling as soon as he got out of the car: "Uncle, look, there are clock towers, werewolves, mummies, zombies, zombies, there are really everything, and they are all very professional!"

"Uncle, let's line up!"

At this moment, a playful female voice sounded: "Xiao Goro, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time, tsk tsk tsk, are you playing Dracula today? Blood Prince, wow, you look really handsome!"

Sonoko turned his head and saw a woman dressed as a snow girl with curly black hair and a white bamboo hat who was attacking Mori Kogoro.

The veins on Yuanzi's forehead kept jumping up, why did another opponent appear, why was it so difficult to be alone with his uncle.

Yukiko was naturally dressed as Yukiko, she originally wanted to dress up as Medusa, but Mori Kogoro disagreed, so she could only dress up as Yukiko.

Although the same is very beautiful, people who are not familiar with her can't recognize who she is at all.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's big arms around the slender waist of the Yukiko, Sonoko couldn't help but want to vomit blood, so he hurried over and looked at Yukiko with hostility.

Chapter 0002 Mysterious Woman

Seeing this garden, You Xizi asked, "Xiao Wulang, who is this? Why did you bring your girlfriend?"

Mori Kogoro introduced: "This is my daughter's friend, the eldest lady of the Suzuki family, Suzuki Sonoko, she came with me to play on this ghost ship, as for this one, Sonoko, you call her Auntie Fujimine That's it."

Yukiko dressed as a snow girl smiled and patted Mori Kogoro's chest, pretending to be tender and said with a delicate smile: "Damn it, am I that old? Sonoko, you can just call me sister Fujimine."

Mori Kogoro also laughed softly: "Then you are not just inferior to me, little niece."

You Xizi blinked her big eyes, and said with a weird smile: "Then Uncle Mao Li, you have to take good care of me, Uncle, I want to eat ice cream!"

After finishing speaking, Yukiko licked her lips, her eyes shone with a strange light, her charm was self-contained, coupled with this attire, Moori Kogoro's heart trembled: What a female fairy!

Yuanzi looked at the two people who were flirting, and Amber couldn't help looking at the sky with grief and indignation, God, what did I do wrong, why, why do people always want to rob me of my Uncle Maoli?

Just as Sonoko couldn't contain his grief and anger, Mori Kogoro and Yukiko started talking about serious business.

"Xiao Goro, I've found out that this unscheduled Halloween party is actually a casting event for the series "Pirate Captain"."

"It has been held three times before, and this is the fourth time. Although the selections are all supporting roles, there are also many people who want to participate in the performance, so they will prepare their own costumes and props, always play their own roles, and perform for the audience lurking in it. staff to see."

"Look at that clock tower geek, he moves like a robot, just acting all the time, and those mummies, if they don't speak, they're playing mummies!"

Hearing this, Yuanzi cheered up immediately: "So if I perform well, then I may also be able to participate in a movie."

You Xizi nodded, and then said: "Xiao Goro, there is no one in line ahead, let's board the boat!"

The three of them walked towards the table by the port, and the two waitresses couldn't help showing their fascination when they saw the handsome and extraordinary Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro smiled at him, and the two waitresses couldn't help blushing, Yukiko and Sonoko glared at the two waitresses.

After the three signed their names, they received three tarot cards, all of which were demons with goat horns printed on them.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them boarded this gloomy, dilapidated wooden boat. As soon as they got on the deck, the wooden planks below made a rustling sound, and the faces of the two women showed excitement when they saw this.

These two women are both bold and bold masters, and they are not afraid of this boat full of monsters and ghosts.

Mori Kogoro led the two girls into the dark cabin, and there was indeed a scene of demons dancing wildly.

The three came to the bar. The bartender was wearing a skull mask. The three ordered drinks and waited quietly for the party to start.

But at this moment, a woman sat beside Kogoro Mori, tall and domineering, with towering peaks, wearing black leather clothes, the zipper on her chest was not fully closed, revealing a deep white gully.

She has fluffy hair, and a black butterfly mask covers most of her pretty face. As soon as she sat down, she spoke to the bartender with a lazy and feminine voice.

"Give me a glass of sherry!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro frowned, turned his face sideways, and stared at the lady with scarlet eyes.

The woman in black leather picked up the wine glass and drank it down, revealing her white jade neck, which is quite attractive.

"Well, it really has some taste."

The woman turned her face, looking at Kogoro Mouri with a pair of light blue eyes, which met Kogoro Mouri's scarlet eyes.

Mori Kogoro could see that the woman's eyes under the heterochromatic contact lenses were very calm, unmoved at all.

But her movements didn't match the look in her eyes at all. She leaned over exaggeratedly and grabbed Moori Kogoro's arm, looking familiar.

"Wow, are you playing a vampire? Me too. The two of us just happen to be able to make a couple. Look, I'm a female vampire!"

After finishing speaking, she revealed a pair of fangs emitting a cold light.

Seeing this scene, Youxizi and Yuanzi stared over.

Seeing this, the woman in leather laughed lightly, and touched Kogoro Mori's cheek with her small hand: "As expected, you are indeed Prince Dracula, and you are really enviable to embrace so many women for the first time!"

Yukiko really got angry, she slapped the woman's little hand away, and pulled Moori Kogoro towards her.

"Don't think you can do such a rude thing by wearing a mask!"

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