The mysterious woman waved her hand: "It seems that I am not very welcome here, so I can only go first, Your Royal Highness, I am looking forward to meeting you next time!"

After finishing speaking, she blew a kiss to Kogoro Mori, then got up and walked away with a twisted waist, with a graceful figure, and disappeared into the crowd after a while.

Mori Kogoro frowned slightly, and looked at the glass of sherry on the counter in a blink of an eye. Is this a coincidence or...?With a thought, he secretly gave an order.

Mori Kogoro turned his head and saw that Yukiko and Sonoko were still angry, so he repeatedly comforted the two girls. After a while, their anger gradually subsided.

Suddenly, all the lights in the cabin were dimmed, and then the white candles on the wall triggered the mechanism and ignited spontaneously. Under the dim light, Captain Ghost got up on the elevator.

"Demons and ghosts wandering in the world, welcome to the ghost ship today. I am Captain Gothe who drives this ship."

"There is still one hour before the dinner party. During this period, please find a partner with the same fate as your own, and find six companions who have the same engraving as you,"

This naturally refers to the seven people with the same Carlo card.

At this moment, the time reached six o'clock, and there was the sound of a gong on the deck.

The ghost captain continued: "The time has come, we are about to sail, the ghost ship will cross the cursed seven oceans, and let the world know how powerful we are."

Everyone in the cabin then shouted, and in the warm atmosphere, the ghost ship started to start and sailed to the depths of the sea.

Chapter 0003 to search

Calls calling for companions could be heard from time to time in the cabin.

"Whoever has the God of Death card, come and gather it."

"Hermit, is there anyone with the hermit card?"

"Witch, who is the one with the Miko card!"


Yuanzi and You Xizi, who were holding the devil cards, also kept making noises, and after a while, seven people holding devil cards gathered together.

The voluptuous female vampire just now was also holding a demon card. She stood by and greeted Kogoro Mori: "Hi, Mr. Dracula, we meet again."

"Miss Xue Nu and Miss Witch, don't be angry, I just made a little joke just now."

You Xizi glared at the female vampire, but didn't argue with her too much.

The seven people holding the devil card are Mori Kogoro, Yukiko, Sonoko, the mysterious woman dressed as a vampire, the werewolf, the clock tower genie, and the mummy.

The werewolf wears a wolf headgear and howls at the full moon from time to time;

Notre Dame is like a machine that has been in disrepair for a long time, wearing a mechanical headgear, and his movements are paused;

As for the mummy, which was covered in bandages, it didn't say a word, but it made calls from time to time, looking very busy.

The difference between this and the previous anime is that the invisible man played by Hattori Heiji did not get the devil card, but instead he got the death card and joined other teams.

Because he was afraid of being seen through by Mori Kogoro, he never dared to appear in front of Mori Kogoro.

The female vampire turned on the lighter and lit a lady's cigarette. The word 'MORE' was written on the cigarette paper. She took a puff without hesitation and laughed lightly. A lazy female voice sounded.

"I don't know what to do with the seven of us together?"

The charm of the female vampire burst out, and the werewolf, notre Dame and mummy all showed lustful expressions.

"Anyway, there's still some time before the start. Let's just gather at the bar before the start. Let's disperse now!"

The three guys nodded again and again, echoing the female vampire's suggestion, and soon a group of people dispersed, and Notre Dame followed the mummy closely.

Mori Kogoro led Yukiko and Sonoko back to the bar.

But soon he got up, told the two women that he was going to the bathroom, and left the bar.

Soon Mori Kogoro came to the second floor of the cabin. At this moment, a man covered in bandages appeared beside him, and said in a low voice, "Boss, I have searched the entire ship thoroughly, and found nothing. anything out of the ordinary."

Mori Kogoro nodded lightly, and the man in the bandage retreated.

Although Mori Kogoro is bold and courageous, he is not a lonely hero. This time the ghost ship was obviously set up by someone, so naturally he would not be alone on board.

He selected more than twenty experts from among the recruits, and asked them to board the ghost ship with the invitation letters collected with the help of the consortium.

The man in the bandage just now was the captain of the twenty people, and his name was Saburo Kurosawa.

In addition, he also sent a robot to investigate the entire ship just now, but there seemed to be no people from the dark organization on board, and the robot did not detect any special information.

From this point of view, there are some weird people who came to this party.

There were more than [-] people present, plus there was only weak light in the cabin, even Kogoro Mori could hardly see everyone.

He overlooked the whole scene from the second floor of the cabin, and soon saw a familiar figure in the corridor on the second floor, it was the female vampire just now.

She walked past the men from time to time, and sometimes bumped into the shoulders of those men.

But as long as she clasped her hands together and apologized in a low voice, those men would forgive her generously.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro also found it quite interesting, so he went up to meet him.

When the female vampire saw Mori Kogoro blocking the way in the corridor, a gleam of light flashed in her blue eyes: "Detective Mori, you are not looking for your two girlfriends, you are guarding here specially, are you waiting for me?"

"You recognize me?"

"Of course, there are very few handsome men like you in Tokyo. Once I see you, I will never forget it. How could I not recognize you?"

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