"Detective Maori, I didn't expect you to be such a rascal. Now that the pistol is in my hand, I just teased me for so long. Now it's my turn."

"You take off all your clothes, today I want to see the appearance of the big detective in Tokyo running naked in front of everyone."

"Get off!"

Seeing this, Kogoro Mouri chuckled: "Tsk tsk tsk, Miss Fujiko, I didn't expect you to want to see my naked body so much, but let's forget about it in public, or we can go to the toilet, I'll let you see it all!"

Hearing that Mori Kogoro had seen through his identity, Fujiko Mine's eyes narrowed slightly, but he still spoke firmly.

"How could I be that super beauty who is famous all over the world? Detective Maori, you've got the wrong person. Don't change the subject for me. Get off quickly, or I'll shoot you."

Kogoro Moori gave her a blank look: "You are the only one who can say such stinky and shameless words, but I don't mind if you shoot!"

As soon as he opened his right hand, all six yellow bullets were in his hand, Fujiko Mine's smile immediately froze.

At the same time, Mori Kogoro's left hand left Mine Fujiko's waist, and quickly removed the butterfly mask on his face.

A playful and cute little face appeared in Kogoro Mori's sight, with big round eyes, high nose bridge, pink lips, curved eyelashes, full of royal sister's flavor, and a full-fledged beauty.

In fact, when Fujiko Mine deliberately ordered sherry in front of Kogoro Mori just now, Kogoro Mori had a guess.

It couldn't be Belmode, Belmode wouldn't appear here so boldly.

The figure is so hot, not inferior to Eri, combined with Kogoro Mori's past life memories, Haibara and Fujiko Mine revealed the story of their long-standing acquaintance in the special chapter, and Kogoro Mori guessed that the person who came was Fujiko Mine.

It was only when Kogoro Moori saw that she was smoking 'MORE' brand women's cigarettes that it was this woman.

Mori Kogoro reached out his hand to restrain Mine Fujiko, and asked: "Miss Fujiko, why did you appear on this broken ghost ship? I remember that there should be nothing on this boat for you to steal, right?"

"Isn't it okay to go on vacation? I saw such interesting activities held on this ship, so I naturally want to come up to have fun!" The eyes were evasive while speaking, which was not the truth at all.

Feng Fujizi put away the pistol, and then said: "I knew I couldn't hide it from you, but I still didn't expect to be recognized by you all at once. The Maori detective really deserves his reputation."

Chapter 0005 Scarlet Feast

At this moment, there was a commotion downstairs, and a group of people rushed towards the toilet.

"An accident happened in the toilet, and someone fell into a pool of blood."

"It's fake, it's too desperate for the opportunity to appear in it!"

"What's fake? I'm only here to tell you when I saw the real wound. Of course it's true."

Kogoro Mori and Fujiko Mine heard a few words, and rushed down quickly. They crossed the hall, bent the corridor, and came to the toilet.

There were already crowds of people outside the toilet door.

Mori Kogoro's aura of martial arts was unleashed, and the group of people watching the corpse outside the door shuddered and stepped aside one after another, allowing Mori Kogoro and Mine Fujiko to enter.

In the toilet, Yukiko protected the scene from outsiders, and she was already investigating the corpse.

She has seen Kogoro Mori's reasoning process a lot, so she naturally knows how to deal with these things. After hearing that someone was killed, she entered the toilet and began to protect the scene of the crime.

On the other hand, Yuanzi was trembling, her little face was pale, and she was terribly frightened.

The corpse lying next to the washbasin was a member of the demon group just now. He was about [-] meters tall, wore an iron ring around his neck, and his pale face was covered with scars. It was the clock tower eccentric.

His head was directly smashed with a fire axe, and his body was limp on the ground, with a look of death.

The red and white thing flowed out from the wound and formed a small pool of blood on the ground.

The fire ax was scattered on the ground beside it, and a demon card that was broken in half was stuck on both sides of the ax blade.

Several mirrors in the toilet were all smashed by the fire axe, and the glass was scattered on the ground.

Seeing Kogoro Mori appearing, Sonoko rushed to Kogoro Mori in a panic, holding Kogoro Mori tightly with both hands, tears were about to flow from his big eyes.

"Uncle Mao Li, you are finally here, I'm so scared!"

Although Yuanzi was bolder, he was just not afraid of ghosts pretending to be ghosts. Seeing such a miserable death, he was naturally terrified.

You Xizi raised her head: "Xiao Goro, you are here. No one has been in this scene since I came in. Come and see this corpse!"

Mori Kogoro walked in, and the atmosphere of panic outside the door continued to pass.

"What are you doing? How could someone die suddenly?"

"I just participated in the casting, so there shouldn't be any murderers on board!"

"We have to call the police quickly and ask the staff to return."

"Hurry up and inform Captain Gothe of this matter."


The group of passengers was very worried, especially when they knew that the ship had already sailed to the high seas, they were even more panicked.

At this moment, the lights in the entire cabin were dimmed, and the radio sounded, it was the voice of the captain Gothe just now.

"Dear demons and ghosts on the ghost ship, the dinner party has officially started. I believe you have found a companion with the same fate as you. The next task needs to be carried out with your companions."

"This gluttonous feast is destined to be scarlet, and only the winner is eligible to enjoy this feast, ugh!!!"

After a cry of pain, the sound stopped.

The passengers in the cabin panicked even more when they heard the inexplicable half-spoken words.

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