"What are you doing! They are already dead, what are you still doing!"

"It's too scary. Is there a rescue cabin? I have to go back first!"

At this time, someone also called out loudly: "The captain is on deck."

A group of people swarmed out, ran out of the cabin, and ran towards the deck.

The whole cabin was dark, so Mori Kogoro took Yukiko and Sonoko's little hands, and with his night vision ability, he led the two girls to the deck.

When more than [-] people in the cabin came to the deck, they saw the ghost captain hanging upside down on the boat net, swinging with the wind.

The people below kept calling: "Captain, the toilets in the cabin are dead, why are you still doing acrobatics?"

"Captain Gothe, we are going back!"

"Captain, come down quickly, we should call the police."

But the ghost captain didn't respond at all, and then drops of scarlet blood dripped onto the deck.

After a while, the ghost captain's foot that was entangled in the boat's net loosened, and he fell from the top.

With a bang, Captain Ghost fell to the ground motionless.

Only then did everyone see that there was a short arrow stuck in his heart, and a card was pierced through the arrow feather, which was the devil card with goat horns.

There was an uproar among the passengers on the deck.

"Another one died, why is the captain dead?"

"There must be murderers on board!"

"This, this can't be a real ghost ship, can it?"



At the same time, far away in Tokyo, Belmode entrusted Itakura Takuya with software development.

Itakura Zhuo's head was covered with sweat, he took out the medicine for heart disease with trembling hands, and swallowed it with water, and he was relieved.

Itakura Taku had already planned to escape from Tokyo five days ago, but before leaving, Judy suddenly came to the door on behalf of the FBI and reached a cooperation agreement with Itakura Taku, so he stayed in Tokyo and cooperated with the FBI to set a trap .

It was already the day of trading, Itakura Taku sat on the sofa, quietly waiting for the phone to ring.

It is impossible not to be nervous. He was just a software engineer. Although he was a little paranoid, he had never encountered such a situation.

FBI agents came to the door suddenly and let him know how terrible the terrorist organization that threatened him was.

He was forced to co-operate with the FBI to harm this terrorist organization, so he was naturally terrified.

Suddenly, the phone rang, and Itakura Zhuo immediately picked up the receiver.

There was a queen-like voice on the other side of the phone, and Belmode said, "Is what I want ready?"

Itakura Zhuo swallowed his saliva: "The software has been developed, and it's on the USB flash drive in my hand."

Itakura Zhuo who said this was extremely guilty, he never developed this software at all, and what he said was to deceive Belmode.

Belmore laughed softly: "Okay, you stay at home obediently, I will find someone to pick you up, and when this transaction is over, the balance will be credited into your account, after that we will not talk to each other. disturb!"

"That's what you said, I'll give it to you, and you don't want to appear in my life in the future."

Itakura Takuo hung up the phone, then turned his head to look at Agent Judy standing beside him, and carefully asked, "Miss Judy, is it okay for me to say that?"

"no problem!"

Judy nodded. She was wearing earphones and listening to the monitoring information from her companion, a cold light flashed in her eyes from time to time.

Chapter 0006 Domineering Fujiko

On the ghost ship, Mori Kogoro revealed his identity, and then he managed to stabilize the situation.

Even two people died, even the ghost captain died, and the guests on the ship panicked.

The staff also gathered on the deck.

After Mori Kogoro took out his mobile phone to take a picture, he squatted down and took off the mask of the ghost captain, and the invisible man played by Hattori Heiji also came up to watch the corpse.

The deceased was the producer of the movie "Captain Ghost" series, Fukuura Chizo, who was also the organizer of this Halloween party.

You Xizi looked at the devil card on the captain's chest, and frowned slightly: "These two dead people have devil cards on them, does it mean that the devil brought them to the underworld?"

"I don't know if that means it. It's just that the producer almost died on the spot. The arrow feathers from the crossbow pierced his heart on the spot. I think the murder weapon should have been thrown into the sea!"

Mori Kogoro turned his head and looked at the staff: "But, I have a question for you. Who prepared this tarot card?"

A staff member with a big round face replied: "Mr. Fukuura prepared this. He likes the role of Captain Ghost very much. He will play this role every time he boards the ship."

"Mr. Fukuura is actually the planner of our Halloween party, and everything on this boat is made according to his orders."

You Xizi asked, "Could it be that some of you have prepared a few extra demon cards?"

The staff member quickly shook his head and said, "This is absolutely impossible. Mr. Fupu gave us all these tarot cards when he boarded the ship. There are seven cards of each type. Everyone who was in the meeting room at that time can testify."

"And last year's Halloween party did not prepare any cards, and there was no way for someone to secretly prepare them."

Mine Fujiko folded his chest and said, "In this way, the murderer is hidden among the seven of us who took the devil card. Hey, no, there are only six left now."

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