Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Isn't the murderer here?"

Everyone was even more confused, and Kogoro Moori said again: "I said, isn't the murderer lying here now?"

Hearing this, Fujiko Mine and Yukiko reacted immediately, and looked at the body of the clock tower monster whose head had been broken in half.

Hattori Heiji even smiled and said, "Detective Mori, stop joking, he was the first person to die, how could he kill someone again!"

Speaking of this, Hattori Heiji was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help opening his mouth.

And Mori Kogoro slowly began to reason.

"Dead people naturally have no way to kill, but generally speaking, it is a very common method for murderers to escape by feigning death in order to clear the suspicion."

"Actually, I have always been very strange. The first time I saw this clock tower eccentric, I felt very strange. His head paused, and the amplitude and angle of shaking were very strange, but his eyes were very calm, and he was wearing contact lenses."

"At one time, I mistakenly thought that his acting skills were very superb. It wasn't until just now that I realized that all of this was fake."

"Remember when we found the toilet at the scene of the crime? As soon as I walked into the toilet, before I started searching, the whole ship lost power, and then the voice of the ghost captain came out on the radio."

"Then someone shouted that the ghost captain was on the deck, and everyone followed, even us."

"The matter of the ghost captain was not over yet, and someone discovered Mr. Mummy's body again, and we ran in the direction of the mummy's body again."

"After that, it was about the werewolf, and finally it was about the member of the demon group that you knocked out, Fujiko Mine."

"One link after another, leading us to move forward, almost forgetting the fact that the first scene has not been searched."

"The prisoner, on the other hand, is boldly lying on the ground, listening to the voice from the bug, he must be secretly laughing at us!"

"I think, you must think that when we find an extra corpse in the mechanical cabin below, there will be a riot on the whole ship. At that time, there will be no time to take care of the corpse lying in the toilet, so you can take it easy. Get away."

"This plan is almost perfect. Even if Fujiko disrupts your original plan, you can still get it back on track. It's amazing."

"However, it's all for you to listen to the sound of the bug, why get up again!"

"The devil tarot card that you found Fujiko put in the mouth of the mummy, you really don't think much of me, Mori Kogoro!"

Chapter 0011 Skull Crusher

When the passengers heard Kogoro Mori's reasoning, they looked at the Tokyo detective as if they were a fool, and they couldn't help but lamented that he was a fame-seeker.

The head of this clock tower geek was split in half, and most of his brains flowed out. It is simply a fantasy to say that he was suspended animation.

The eyes of Hattori Heiji and Yukiko became more serious.

Sonoko and Fujiko Mine were still in a daze, completely unable to understand Kogoro Mori's reasoning. Is this going to be blamed on the dead?

Mori Kogoro then said: "As I expected, the werewolves and mummies in the demon group all obey your orders."

"Before the incident happened, you followed the mummy into the toilet, and you took the demon card from his body and used it to arrange it on the arrow feathers that shot and killed the ghost captain."

"The way Captain Ghost was killed is very simple. You already know that he will speak from the high platform on the deck at eight o'clock, so a crossbow and a timer are installed in the hidden place on the deck. The arrow feathers pass through the demon card, and the arrow Smear the poison that sees blood and seals the throat."

"When the time came, the crossbow was fired naturally and stabbed the ghost captain. After that, you arranged for Mr. Werewolf to go out to the outer deck and throw the murder weapon into the sea. There are text messages found on the werewolf's body as proof."

"And then, when all the passengers in the cabin gathered on the deck, and there was no one in the cabin, you quietly got up and found Mr. Mummy who was waiting for you at the stairs, stabbed him with a poisonous needle, and let him fall to the ground to die. "

"I think you should be very proud at that time. You kept it from all of us, and you happened to hear that Fujiko said that her card was lost in the corridor on the second floor, so you simply went upstairs to take the card that Miss Fujiko accidentally discarded. Come back and stuff it in Mr. Mummy's mouth. Use it to put the blame on Fujiko, and then come back here and lie down!"

At this time, the staff member with the big round face just now couldn't help laughing: "Detective Maori, what kind of reasoning are you doing? He's not a real zombie, he can come back from the dead, how could he still kill people like this?"

All of a sudden, a group of people burst into laughter, looking at this famous detective in Tokyo jokingly.

Even Yuanzi couldn't help but say, "Uncle, he's dead, he shouldn't be a zombie."

Mori Kogoro ignored the group of giggling people outside the door, touched Sonoko's head, and continued talking.

"Actually, you didn't notice the weirdness of this corpse. It was clearly a burly man of around [-] meters, but his hands were very short. His fingertips just protruded from the cuffs of his suit, and his palms were extraordinarily small and exquisite."

"The most amazing thing is the iron ring on the neck. The Hunchback of the Clock Tower in the original book has an iron ring on the neck, but even cosplay is unlikely to make a thick iron ring that is so tight without leaving any gaps. .”

Holding his proud chest, Mine Fujiko frowned and asked, "Xiao Wulang, what exactly do you want to say?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Fujiko, do you still remember that Mr. Pig Demon you stunned who took the Demon Card?"

"No, here's his head, right on top of this hoop."

Hearing this, Fujiko Mine was stunned again.

Mori Kogoro continued to speak: "Oh, I'm almost done talking, don't you plan to come out? Mr. Murderer!"

But at this moment, under the horrified eyes of everyone, the corpse that had died long ago wriggled irregularly.

Seeing this scene, the audience outside the door felt chills in their hearts, Yuanzi couldn't help but his legs were weak, but Yuxizi gently protected him.

Under Notre Dame's black suit, the tie was undone, and then the zipper sounded, and a pair of hands came out.

After that, a blood-stained foreign long-haired man poked out from the chest of the clock tower weirdo, looking like a ghost.

Seeing this scene like a horror movie, several passengers outside the door were frightened and fainted instantly.

Even Fujiko Mine was startled, hugging Mori Kogoro tightly from behind, hugging the only man in the audience who gave her a sense of security.

The man spoke in a pure London accent: "I'm suffocating, why does this guy's blood stink so much!"

"Sure enough, he is a powerful character. No wonder he values ​​you so much and arranged such a big party just for you."

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