The long-haired foreign man struggled to get up from the body of the clock tower monster, and stood in front of Mori Kogoro.

He was only a little over [-] meters tall, with beards and cloudy eyes, but there was an outrageous evil spirit.

Mori Kogoro watched him wipe off the blood on his face, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

The long-haired foreign man frowned: "Do you recognize me?"

Mori Kogoro also spoke in English: "Of course, the Skull Crusher - Ron, chopped off a total of [-] heads in Fog City, committed a shocking crime, was arrested by Holmes himself, and was later sentenced to death by the Imperial Court." Criminals, I have naturally heard of such characters."

Ron grinned, his teeth were covered with blood, like a ghost returning from hell.

He bent down and lifted the head that was imprisoned by the iron ring, looked at the head as if looking at a lover, licked the broken brain in the middle, and said: "Skull Crusher, I like this Address, tsk tsk, Maori detective, look, what a beautiful work of art this is!"

Seeing this scene, even though they couldn't understand what he said, there were still a few passengers outside who couldn't help rolling in their stomachs, covered their mouths and vomited.

And Youxizi and the three daughters all looked at the criminal with disgust.

Hattori Heiji couldn't bear the anger in his chest, and was about to rush forward to teach this guy a lesson, but he was pulled back by Mori Kogoro.

From the perspective of Mori Kogoro martial arts master, the muscle strength of this skull crusher can be called terrifying.

After all, with a body as thin as [-] meters among Caucasians, he could kill so many people without any strength.

Ron glanced at the crowd in disgust, threw the head that had been regarded as a treasure just now on the ground, and stepped on it directly: "I really don't know how to appreciate art."

The head split open like a watermelon, and blood and brains flew out.

Sonoko couldn't help screaming.

Ron spread his hands and said, "But Detective Maori, you are making me very distressed now. My plan has been messed up by you. This is not acceptable. I will not be able to explain to him then!"

Hattori Heiji hurriedly shouted: "Who are you talking about? Who ordered you to do this?"

Ron laughed wildly, bent down and picked up the fire axe, his momentum continued to rise, his eyes became more and more crazy: "No one in this world can order me, but it doesn't matter if the plan fails, there are only two hundred or so around. Little lamb, it will be fine if you chop it off!"

Seeing this ferocious villain, the group of spectators outside the door were frightened and separated like birds and beasts. Except for a few guys whose feet were weak and unable to run, the rest fled very quickly.

At this moment, four gunshots sounded.

Mori Kogoro held a Browning pistol in his hand, and the smoke gradually dissipated.

Gun fighting technique: The gun drawing technique was displayed.

The wild and triumphant laughter stopped abruptly. Four holes were pierced in the joints of Ron's limbs.

Chapter 0012 Tyrannical Ron

The majestic Skull Crusher Ron just now was rolling and roaring on the ground like a long worm.

"Mori Kogoro, how dare you treat me like this, I will kill you!"

Fujiko Mine said coquettishly: "Xiao Wulang, how can you hit such a disgusting guy with my favorite gun? Hurry up and return the gun to me!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Girls, why are you playing with such a dangerous toy?"

Before the words were finished, two more gunshots were fired, and the bullets hit Ron's two thighs, and Ron couldn't help crying out in pain again.

"Okay, now I'm out of bullets, take it back!"

Mori Kogoro returned the pistol to Fujiko Mine, and Fujiko Mine looked at the empty gun and couldn't help pouting.

Ron endured the pain and laughed wildly again: "Moori Kogoro, you are really cruel, but if you treat me like this, the more than [-] people in the whole ship can only be buried with me, hahaha... "

Before the laughter fell, Kogoro Mori stepped on his big face, and he crushed the face of the British killer with the sole of his shoe.

Although it looked extraordinarily inhumane, everyone felt extremely happy seeing this scene.

"Sorry, Mr. Ron, if you're talking about the time bomb installed at the bottom of the ship, then I'm afraid you'll have to go deep into the sea to find it."

Ron's pupils contracted sharply, and he shouted: "Impossible, how can the bomb be dismantled under the boat, you can't lie to me, it's too ridiculous, Maori detective..."

The bomb was found by the robot sent by Mori Kogoro, and was directly commanded by Mori Kogoro to dismantle it.

Mori Kogoro ignored Ron's words, and stuffed the mop for cleaning the toilet directly into Ron's mouth, and slapped it down, deep into his throat.

Suddenly, the whole world is quiet!

Ron's eyes were protruding, but the joints of his hands and feet were broken, and he couldn't get the mop in his mouth at all.

Kogoro Mori didn't intend to continue to question the Skull Crusher, anyway, Kogoro Mori had already guessed it.

This guy is a pawn at best, with well-developed limbs, arrogant and conceited, without much value.

The people outside the toilet saw that such a terrible person was dealt with by Kogoro Mouri three times, and they couldn't help looking at Kogoro Moori in amazement.

The group of passengers looked at the rack on the chest and abdomen of the clock tower weirdo, and the reasoning was exactly the same as Kogoro Mori's. They couldn't help being annoyed by the cynicism they had just given to Detective Mori.

Sonoko hugged Mori Kogoro's arm tightly: "Uncle, the way you shot the gun just now is so handsome."

You Xizi frowned and asked, "Xiao Wulang, what should we do with this skull crusher?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "That's not easy. After returning to Tokyo, hand him over to the police. Such a famous criminal escaped from the death penalty. I'd like to see how the UK reacts."

Hearing this, Ron's eyes lit up with joy: As long as he doesn't die, that guy must have a way to save people. When he recovers after escaping, he must make Mori Kogoro pay the worst price.

Hattori Heiji asked, "Detective Mori, do you know who is behind the Skull Crusher?"

There was a hint of disdain in Ron's eyes: I didn't say it myself, how could Kogoro Mori guess it?

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