Mori Kogoro glanced at the skull crusher, kicked him out, and hit his neck, and then said calmly, "Oh, you said that guy, Moriarty! Heiji, you ask this What are you doing?"

Hearing this, Ron's eyes were filled with shock, and he was so confused that he didn't even feel the sensation in his neck disappear.

Mori Kogoro's kick was extremely precise, and his spinal nerves were completely ruptured under the collapse.

In other words, with today's treatment methods, the best result for this skull crusher is paralysis at a high level, no different from a disabled person.

For such a useless person, Mori Kogoro didn't believe that Moriarty would be so kind to rescue him again.

Hattori Heiji's eyes widened, and he said excitedly, "Moriarty? The old enemy of the British detective Sherlock Holmes, and the most famous criminal consultant in the world."

"If it was him, it would make sense. He opened up the three most heavily guarded places in the UK before, and it would be easy to rescue Ron from prison."

"I didn't expect this guy to come to Japan, Maori detective, how did you deduce him?"

Heiji Hattori was excited when he heard Moriarty's name, but he didn't notice the change in Kogoro Mori's address to him.

On the other hand, Sonoko looked at the invisible man suspiciously: "Are you Hattori Heiji? Why are you pretending to be like this? Hurry up and take off the bandage."

Hattori Heiji suddenly turned pale with shock, and quickly waved his hands and said, "You're wrong, I'm not the person you said."

"Nonsense, Uncle Mao Li recognized you, and you still want to quibble."

Hearing this, Hattori Heiji turned his head to look at Mori Kogoro, who was smiling but not smiling. In the end, he had no choice but to undo the bandage on his face resignedly, and a fake face that Kiko helped disguise appeared.

Sonoko suddenly exclaimed: "Kudo Shinichi, how could it be you? Didn't uncle say it was Hattori Heiji?"

Hattori Heiji then lifted the human skin mask of Kudo Shinichi, and a big black face appeared, it was Hattori Heiji.

Yuanzi couldn't help complaining: "What are you doing! Do you want to do something bad with so many costumes?"

Hattori Heiji quickly explained: "No, I just want to have such an interesting party, that guy Kudo will definitely come to attend, and if I show up with his face at that time, he will definitely jump out and confront me, so we You can find him and have a showdown with him."

"It's just been so long, I haven't seen Kudo appear, it seems that the guy is really dead as rumored!"

Hattori Heiji talked about the belly draft that had been typed long ago, and then saw Mori Kogoro's half-smile expression, and couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

Mori Kogoro restrained his smile, and said, "It's just in time for you to come here, but now I need your help."

Mori Kogoro ordered Hattori Heiji and the passengers outside the toilet to help remove all the decorative pictures and ornaments hanging in the cabin.

He also secretly ordered Kurosawa and others to keep an eye on the passengers on the entire ghost ship, and subdue the passengers who tended to cause hallucinations and madness one by one.

Finally, everyone was asked to clean up all the headgear, masks, bandages and other decorations.

Not long after, the entire ghost ship returned to calm, and the drugged passengers gradually settled down without any stimulus.

The ghost ship headed towards the port of Tokyo, and Moori Kogoro on the ship disappeared after leaving the ant-man robot protecting Yukiko and Sonoko.

Chapter 0013 Belmode and Moriarty

In an abandoned port in Tokyo, several men in black are lurking in various hidden places, and the atmosphere is rather dull.

Calbados, who was still wearing black sunglasses in the dark, looked at the burly man in front of him, and said with a smile, "Vodka, why are you alone today, where is your elder brother?"

"I heard that the one who was beaten badly by a detective last time is afraid to show up now?"

Vodka was cleaning the pistol, and when he heard this, he suddenly shouted angrily, "Carbados, you are really getting bolder now, don't think that you can do anything if you join forces with Belmode."

"It's really weird. I actually like that witch of thousands of transformations. I don't even know if she is a woman in her seventies or eighties!"

Karbados' face suddenly turned cold, and he raised the shotgun in his hand and pointed it at Vodka: "Vodka, if you dare to say another word, I will kill you!"

At this time, a man in the shadow shouted: "Shut up!"

The temperature dropped suddenly, and Calbados and Vodka fell silent when they heard the man speak.

The red-haired woman Chianti smiled disdainfully, turned her head to look into the shadows, and asked, "Rum, is it necessary? Does this transaction need such a large number of people?"

"Belmore can handle such a small task by himself, so why call us all here?"

"It's not that I met Zhu Xingda, I also have my own tasks to do, but I don't have time to waste time with you."

Cohen, who was like dead wood, also said: "Chianti is right."

Tequila, a burly man with a height of more than two meters, also nodded.

The man in the shadows continued to speak: "This mission is of great importance and cannot be missed. The boss has issued a death order, so we must get the software."

Hearing this, these people nodded, and their expressions became serious.

The man in the shadows continued to speak: "Okay, you should occupy the commanding heights according to the plan. I have to leave first, otherwise it may arouse suspicion."

After saying that, the shadow surged, and the man disappeared from the passage.

Not long after, a black car galloped out underneath.

As soon as Rum left, the pressure on several people disappeared, and the remaining five people didn't say anything, and walked to their predetermined places.



At the same time, Shinide Chiaki, played by Belmode, was driving in the direction of Itakura Taku's house.

At this moment, his personal mobile phone rang. Belmode frowned slightly when he saw the number, and then answered the phone.

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