The vehicle behind followed without hesitation.

The vehicles of the two, one in front of the other, launched a fierce chase on the streets of Tokyo.

Itakura Zhuo watched the approaching car from behind, his face became paler and paler.

The two cars drove towards the reserved ambush circle, and that location was the long-abandoned port of Dongdu.



Judy's car drove to the port of Dongdu. The port was full of abandoned containers, with the sea on one side and a full moon hanging high in the night sky.

Seeing that the car coming from behind was really led into the ambush circle, Judy didn't hesitate any longer and just drifted away.

The front of her Ford Mustang turned [-] degrees, facing the new Zhiming's black car, the headlights turned on each other, and the two cars stopped.

This sudden turn made Itakura Takuo in the back seat startled again, his face became paler, and the sweat that had just been wiped broke out again.

Judy opened the car door and went out, and Shinide Chiaki in the white car also came out.

Wearing a red dress, a black windbreaker, and black boots, Judy sat lightly on the front of her car, and continued to speak in raw Japanese: "New doctor, why are you following my car at night? "

Xinde Zhiming, who was wearing a beige suit, also cooperated in acting: "Mr. Judy, I just wanted to ask you what's going on. What are you doing out with Mr. Itakura at night? I made an appointment with Mr. Itakura to see a doctor for him."

"I took him out for a drive. Mr. Itakura said he wanted to see the sea, so he came to the port."


And at the highest container in the northwest direction of the two, in the shadows, Mori Kogoro, dressed in black leather, wearing a scary smiley mask, and a black cloak, looked at the two who were still acting underneath rather painfully.

Women are just ink marks, still acting, and they haven't reached the main show after talking for so long.

At this time, a humming sound suddenly came from the side.

Limbs were removed, the whole body was bound with ropes, and the red-haired Chianti, whose mouth was sealed, tried hard to send out a signal.

Mori Kogoro whipped his legs and hit Chianti's neck in an instant. Her eyes turned white and she fainted.

Mori Kogoro, who was wearing black gloves, waved his hand, and two people quietly walked out from the shadows, pulling the unconscious Chianti over.

As a good sniper in the organization, Chianti occupied the best and highest position from the very beginning.

But he was easily subdued by Mori Kogoro who was ambushing here, and was captured without even making a sound.

Mori Kogoro occupied the highest position, overlooking the audience, and the remaining members of the organization could not escape his eyes, and everything was under control.

Vodka blocked the back path, and another burly man whom he had never seen before blocked the front path. The two doubled back and forth, forming an encirclement circle with the remaining two, surrounding Judy tightly.

On the container, the two people holding sniper rifles were the first time Mori Kogoro saw them, but he recognized who they were.

A gray curly hair, shaped like dead wood, must be Chianti's partner Cohen.

The other has countless weapons on his body, carrying submachine guns, shotguns, sniper rifles, and various pistols. He looks like a gun dealer, and he must be Belmode's swarming Calbados.

In the original work of Karbados, he was an unlucky ghost who died in just one episode.

Because his leg was broken by Hideichi Akai, he couldn't escape, and he didn't want to be arrested, so he committed suicide with a pistol.

Mori Kogoro frowned slightly, what about Gin, why didn't this guy show up?

This is a pity, in fact, Mori Kogoro put up such a big battle today because he wanted to catch Gin, a mouse that escaped from his hands repeatedly.

But this guy didn't come, so there's nothing to do. In this case, he can only charge interest.

Mori Kogoro turned his eyes to vodka, his eyes were cold.

Vodka seemed to sense something, and looked up at the shadow above, but saw nothing.

No, there is another guy who has not been found!

Mori Kogoro's eyes kept shrinking and focusing.

This super vision five times that of ordinary people quickly helped him find the remaining one.

The man was dressed in black, and he continued to swim in the sea through the night.

Only one head kept bubbling and breathing, and it was Shuichi Akai who sensed something was wrong and came here to help.

In this way, everyone seemed to be present, and Mori Kogoro started to act, and his figure was quickly hidden in the shadows.

The two women in the port were constantly exchanging tongues, and behind Karbados, a black figure suddenly appeared, it was Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro's speed exploded, and he came behind Karbados in an instant, and the black gloves directly covered Karbados.

With his other hand, he directly stuck a needle in Karbados' neck, injecting the medicine directly.

Karbados' pupils kept shrinking, and he passed out after a while.

The drug injected is called Etorphine, which is an anesthetic specially used to stun elephants.

This is a high-concentration anesthetic produced by the research institute specially commissioned by him. Even the killers in this group of organizations have undergone drug resistance training, and they cannot resist the effect of this drug at all.

Mori Kogoro had already made a plan this time. He didn't use any props in the system, and the guns were too noisy, so he used his physical fitness to fight hard.

After Karbados fell into a coma, Mori Kogoro put him in a sniper pose and retreated quietly.

This time it was only a few seconds, and Cohen turned his head on the side, not aware of any clues, and continued to look at Judy and Shinde Zhiming in the field.

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