Chapter 0015 Judy vs Belmode

In the Royal Hospitality Hotel, Fei Yingli finally retreated from the field and found Ran and Haibara who had been watching the performance.

After socializing for so long, she was also a little tired, and Princess Jiazi did not continue to accompany her.

Fei Yingli came in front of the two women, she couldn't help but asked in confusion, "Xiao Lan, why didn't you see Conan?"

Xiaolan immediately replied: "Conan just said that he went to the bathroom, and then disappeared."

Hui Yuan on the side said, "I think this guy probably fell into the toilet!"

"Xiao Ai, how can you say such a thing!"

"Okay, okay, he actually told me that he should have run out of the hotel by now to find Dr. Ali!"

Haibara remembered what Conan begged just now, saying that he had found a clue in the organization and asked her to help him lie.

So far, I can only help!

Hearing this, Feiyingli and Xiaolan stopped paying attention to Conan's affairs, and the three girls sat together under the stage, watching the song and dance performance above.


And in the port of Dongdu under a full moon, the bright moonlight shone down.

Mori Kogoro also eliminated the last sniper, Cohen.

After all, they are killers, walking alone and alone, not formal at all, even the standard observer of the sniper is not matched.

Relying on the cover of the shadow, Mori Kogoro ate all three snipers in this dark organization at an extremely fast speed.

Even though these three people are well-trained, they are still human beings after all, so they are naturally powerless against the non-human Mori Kogoro.

Then he waved his big hand, and several men in black wearing masks also walked out quietly in the darkness, dragging Cohen and Calbados back.

Two men in black took the place of Cohen and Karbados, ambush with sniper rifles.

Kogoro Mori looked at his own woman pretending to deduce the identity of Shinide Tomoaki, then raised his index finger in front of her red lips, and said, "A-secret-makes-a-woman-woman."

He couldn't help but glanced at his mouth, obviously he only found out after watching him all the time, why did he still say so many ink-stained words.

And Judy, who was sitting in the Ford car, was completely unaware of the complaints from the man above her, a cold light flashed in her glasses, and she continued to speak.

"Do you remember this sentence? This is the last sentence you gave me. I have always kept it in my heart, and even used it as a mantra."

"You were the one who killed my parents, Chrissy Wynyard!"

"Or should I call you Belmode!"

Hearing this, Shinide Chiaki slowly stretched out his hand and lifted the mask off his face.

A coquettish and glamorous face appeared, with long silver-white hair fluttering in the wind, probably in his twenties, full of evil aura, it was Belmode!

Judy looked at this face, the flames of hatred flashed under the calm blue eyes.

"Twenty years ago, you were the one who disguised yourself as an FBI investigator, came to my house and killed my father, and disguised him as a suicide."

"You also set a fire in my house and burned all the evidence that my father collected against you."

"However, I was lucky to be saved. At that time, I remembered that my father's favorite orange juice had been drunk, so I wanted to do something for my father, so I happily took the money and went out to buy orange juice, so I escaped that one A big fire."

Belmore turned his head to look at the sea, paused for a while, and said in surprise: "Oh, so you are the little girl at that time! I have been looking for you for a long time, and there are only the remains of your parents in the ruins. So you are still alive!"

Judy said, "Because my father's friends protected me, I was able to change my name and surname to survive."

Belmode stretched out his hand and pressed the switch under the sweater, and the beige suit on his body suddenly swelled as if deflated.

After a while, a graceful figure was revealed, but Kogoro Mori, who was overlooking from above, narrowed his eyes slightly.

Judy's eyes were full of coldness: "Belmode, Mr. Itakura is in my hands now, it's my turn to ask you a question."

"First question, what is the purpose of the software designed by Mr. Itakura in your organization?"

"The second question is that in your bedroom, apart from Mr. Itakura's photo, there are also photos of four people. Except for a brown-haired woman who I don't know who it is, the rest are members of the Maori detective family. What do you say to them? What's the plan?"

"You marked the Maori detective as evil, but marked his daughter Mao Lilan as an angle, and you also marked the little ghost who boarded at their house as a cool-guy!"

"Shouldn't a cool-guy be an adult? Although Conan is different from ordinary people, he should be a kid, not a guy. Why?"

Judy is concerned about the photo of the Maury family in Belmode's bedroom.

But there was one more thing Judy wanted to get an answer from Belmode.

"The third question, why on earth are you, why do you never grow old?"

"I knew there was something wrong with you because Chrissy Wynyard said that at your mother Sharon Wynyard's funeral."


"When I started investigating, I found out that you really have a problem."

"After you killed my father twenty years ago, you disguised him as a suicide, but the glasses fell off unnaturally at that time."

"So you took the glasses and rearranged them. There are your fingerprints on them, and they are indeed the same as Chris Wynyard's fingerprints."

"But what I don't understand is that if you were the murderer twenty years ago, you look too young now."

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