"With such doubts in mind, I continued to compare your fingerprints with someone, only to discover a creepy fact."

"Your mother Sharon Wynyard's fingerprints are the same as yours."

"Why, why do you have to play two roles?"

After hearing Judy's question, Belmord had a playful smile on his face: "FBI Agent Judy Stein, you really surprised me, you were able to investigate to this extent."

Hearing that her identity was exposed, Judy's pupils shrank slightly.

Belmode continued to speak: "Okay, then I'll tell you!"

At this moment, Belmode immediately reached into his arms and pulled out a pistol.

But Judy's speed was even faster, her small hands were frightened, she grabbed the holster on her white thigh, she drew her gun and aimed at Belmode and shot.

boom! ! !

A gunshot rang out, and Belmode's pistol was knocked out.

Facing the murderous Judy, Belmore raised his hands, and then chuckled lightly: "Okay, I admit defeat."

Chapter 0016 Belmode's backhand

A smile appeared on Judy's face, and she said in English: "Well, even if you don't want to say it now, after we capture you back, you will tell me these mysteries yourself sooner or later."

"Guys, come out to work and capture this woman!"

Judy yelled at the container a few times in this empty port, but there was no response.

Judy's pupils shrank suddenly, and she immediately noticed something was wrong.

Just when he was about to squat down to dodge, Kogoro Mori's voice came from the headphones on his ears: "It's okay, Judy, I'm here!"

Hearing this, Judy immediately relaxed.

Belmore laughed lightly: "Agent Judy, it seems that you don't know."

"I came here an hour ago and said in your voice 'the action date is wrong, tomorrow is the real action time!'"

"Which tavern should your companions be drinking shochu at now, I'm afraid they can't be called."

"Actually, I always knew that you were spying on me, but I just pretended not to know."

"Thanks to your help, I found out the number of people your FBI sneaked into Japan, the deployment plan, and where they stayed."

"This time, I can take all of you together."

When Belmode said this series of words, his voice paused.

Hearing that Mori Kogoro frowned slightly, he had a faint guess in his heart.

And Judy's face was full of disbelief, she thought she was already very cautious, how could she expose this information.

Belmore chuckled lightly and said, "Okay, the encounter after twenty years has come to an end, Karbados, subdue this woman for me, don't beat her to death, I still have something to ask!"

But after saying this, there is silence now!

Belmore frowned, and said again: "Cohen, shoot, what are you waiting for?"

Still no answer, no gunshots!

"Chianti, kill this woman's pistol!"

Still no response from anyone!

Knowing that Kogoro Mori was present, Judy was not afraid at all. Watching Belmore call several people's names in succession, there was no response at all.

She reacted immediately, and couldn't help laughing: "It seems that not only my companions went to drink, but your companions also went to drink!"

At this time, Vodka's voice sounded: "Belmode, Cohen and Chianti's intercoms have not answered."

"The situation has changed, so we should resolve it quickly!" Belmord ordered immediately.

Vodka then rushed out from the container aisle at the back and fired directly.


Boom! !

But there were three gunshots at the scene.

The bullet that Vodka fired at Judy was intercepted by another bullet in mid-air.

Mori Kogoro performed the master-level spear skills he practiced so hard, but he did not perform the gun fighting skills taught by the system.

But the hand speed was extremely fast, and the Boleta 92F pistol quickly fired two bullets.

One hit the bullet fired by Vodka, and the other directly hit Vodka's forehead.

The bullet passed through Vodka's head, and the back of Vodka's head instantly exploded with a bowl-sized wound.

Vodka's pupils kept shrinking, this kind of spear skills, it was that man, he opened his mouth slightly: "Mao... Li..."

Vodka fell to the ground without even saying a word, obviously dead beyond belief!

Mori Kogoro let out a sigh of relief, threw the previous Desert Eagle back into the system space, and replaced it with a pistol he bought in reality.

The vodka that had escaped in front of him twice before turned into a dead dog in an instant.

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