This feeling is so exhilarating!

Mori Kogoro did not dare to use the spear fighting skills taught by the system, but only dared to use the spear skills he had practiced so hard to avoid being biased again, which easily resulted in a one-shot kill.



Seeing the vodka poured in a pool of blood, Belmode's expression turned ugly.

And in the dark aisle of the container, a gun-wielding man in pure black leather with a mask on his face and a cloak behind him appeared.

Mori Kogoro appeared from the shadows, exuding a powerful aura.

There was a weird smile on the mask on his face, and he carefully looked at Belmode with his deep eyes.

Soon, Mori Kogoro frowned under the mask, and the voice changing technique was performed, and a muddy male voice sounded.

"No, this guy is not Belmode, this is the female nurse who just came out of the hospital."

The eyes of the woman confronting Judy flashed panic...

And the gemstone worn on his chest shone with a strange red light.



On a black car dozens of miles away from the port, the real Belmode looked at the black masked man who suddenly appeared in the video.

Even watching through the video screen, Belmode could feel the terrifying aura rushing towards his face, and his heart palpited suddenly.

As for the fake Belmode at the port, it was just that she used the disguise technique to help her confidant make two layers of disguise masks, which were two layers of camouflage.

One layer disguised as himself, and the other disguised as Shinde Tomoaki.

What happened just now was taught by Belmode word by word with the earphones how to respond to Agent Judy's inquiries.

However, the pause between the words was caught by Mori Kogoro.

And the figure after deflation obviously didn't match Belmor's.

Only then did Kogoro Mori confirm that the person who came was not Belmode.

When Belmode encountered this situation, he immediately picked up his special mobile phone and called Rum for help.

The goal of this mission is very important, and so many code-named powerhouses have been dispatched to ambush, if they are not rescued, the loss will be too heavy.



And in Dongdu Port, behind Zhiming's vehicle, a burly man rushed over, and the sound of a submachine gun rang out.

Tequila rushed out from behind, the M3 submachine gun in his hand sprayed tongues of flame continuously, and the bullets shot towards Judy.

Mori Kogoro exploded in speed, threw Judy down, and then pulled Judy to the back of the car to hide himself.

As soon as the two came to the back of the car, there was a gap in the trunk.

Looking at each other, Mori Kogoro saw a familiar figure, and Conan the Kid followed Judy's car to the port.

Conan was about to speak, but Mori Kogoro slashed his neck with a knife without hesitation, stunned Conan, and then threw it back into the trunk.

Tequila continued to suppress the firepower, and shouted: "Belmode, no one else has shown up until now, it seems that the ominous situation is getting worse, let's retreat!"

But the fake Belmode couldn't hear Belmode's instructions, and was a little at a loss for a while, lying on the ground to avoid the flames.

Chapter 0017

Tequila yelled and retreated, but the female nurse hiding under the car didn't respond at all, she was waiting for Belmode's order.

At this moment, a sniper bullet shot from a distance, hit the submachine gun in Tequila's hand, and Hideichi Akai shot.

Tequila immediately leaned over to avoid it, picked up a grenade from his waist and abdomen, pulled it away and threw it in the direction of the bullet.

There was a bang, an explosion sound, and shrapnel continued to shoot out.

Akai Hideichi quickly jumped into the sea, barely avoiding the explosion of the grenade.

And the female nurse got Belmode's order, took out another pistol from her arms, and rushed towards Judy's vehicle.

Itakura Zhuo's software must be obtained, this is the death order issued by the BOSS.

But the female nurse's footsteps were too loud, and she couldn't hide it from Judy and Mori Kogoro.

Without hesitation, Judy leaned down and looked under the car, and instantly saw a pair of running legs.

She pulled the pistol, and the bullet shot out, hitting her in the calf.

The female nurse who had been running wildly lost her balance and fell to the ground.

Mori Kogoro also rushed out from behind the car, and there was only one tequila left, so he naturally didn't intend to let it go.

The Boleta 92F pistol keeps firing bullets.

Bang bang bang!

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