After three gunshots, the bullets lined up and hit the fuel tank of Xinde Zhiming's car.

The car exploded in an instant, and the flames dyed Tequila into a burning man.

Tequila kept screaming wildly, wanting to run to the sea.

Mori Kogoro fired another shot, which hit the back of the head, blood sprayed out, and the burning man fell to the ground without moving.

In the space between the two cars, the female nurse endured the severe pain in her leg and raised her pistol to aim at Kogoro Mouri who rushed out.

But before she could shoot, the pistol was knocked away by Judy's bullet again.

The female nurse was shot again in the arm, unable to resist at all, and finally she fell helplessly on the ground.



The sound of leather shoes stomping on the ground sounded, and Kogoro Mori, wearing a mask, came in front of the female nurse.

He stretched out his hand and lifted off the human skin mask on his face.

Sure enough, it was the nurse who took the medicine when I went to Xinchu Hospital to see a doctor yesterday. I didn't expect that she was also a member of the organization, and she even deceived Kogoro Mori.

Interestingly, Belmode didn't show up in this port battle, and she asked her confidant to help her in the danger. She really is a cunning woman.

Mori Kogoro grabbed the pinhole camera glowing red on his chest and pointed it at his mask.

"Belmode, I know you can hear me! My name is V, remember my name, next time we meet, I will definitely catch you with my own hands."

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand and squeezed the pinhole camera into pieces.

On the black car tens of kilometers away, seeing that the video signal in front of him had lost signal, Belmore had a gloomy expression on his face, and made another call.

"Lum, how's it going? Have you arranged for someone to go there?"

The male voice on the other side of the phone was also very annoyed: "Belmode, I've already made arrangements, how could there be such a big mistake, how can I explain to the boss now?"

"The commander of this operation is you. How did you arrange it? Chianti, Cohen, and Calbados were all solved by FBI reinforcements."

"Think about how to make up for it. As long as we get back the software, we'll be fine together!"



Akai Hideichi, who had climbed up again, looked rather embarrassed. He still held a sniper rifle and patrolled the port with vigilance.

Vodka's body fell behind Judy's car, and Tequila's body was still burning with flames, and the flames would not stop for a while.

But when Akai Shuichi saw that Belmode had turned into a strange woman, and Judy was standing with a strange man, he couldn't help frowning.

"Judy, who's this guy next to you?"

Judy had heard Mori Kogoro say not to reveal his identity, so she said, "This is a friend I invited to help, you can call him V."

"Friend, friend who hides his head and shows his face, Judy, don't be fooled by him, he killed two people just now, he is definitely not a good person!"

Hearing Shuichi Akai slander her man, Judy's face also became ugly.

But thinking that Akai Shuichi was here to help, she didn't get angry right away.

But Mori Kogoro didn't get used to Akai Shuichi's thoughts, and immediately displayed the spear drawing technique.

His right hand pulled out the pistol from his arms at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and three consecutive gunshots rang out.

The sniper rifle in Akai Hideki's hand flew out in an instant, and then broke into two pieces.

Under the mask came Mori Kogoro's changed voice: "Mr. Akai, what did you say just now, can you say it again?"

Akai Hideichi looked at Mori Kogoro who was pointing a gun at him in front of him, and couldn't help swallowing. This spear technique, this speed, is too strong.

His pupils kept shrinking, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

Looking at Akai Shuichi who had already confessed, Kogoro Mouri had a flash of disdain in his eyes, and then put away the pistol.

Judy took out the handcuffs and handcuffed the bleeding female nurse. Looking at the two corpses, she frowned.

"V, why did you kill the other two and capture them alive to ask about the organization's information!"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "These two dare to shoot at you, if you kill them, you will kill them, and if you want prisoners, there are plenty of them!"

Hearing this, there was a trace of tenderness in Judy's eyes.

Kogoro Mori tapped the intercom lightly, and several containers on the right side of the crowd made noises.

The iron sheets of these containers fell down at the same time, and the insides were actually connected together.

About forty men wearing the same mask as Mori Kogoro stood proudly among them, each holding a variety of guns, with a strong momentum.

Akai Hideo opened his mouth wide, with an expression of disbelief.

Judy was also quite surprised. Although she knew Kogoro Mori's plan, she didn't expect him to find so many helpers.

This is a net prepared by Mori Kogoro in advance. After learning of Judy's ambush location, he sent someone to replace all the containers at the port with this specially designed soundproof container.

I have to say that money can really do whatever it wants.

Then Mori Kogoro arranged for his men to ambush in the container.

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