The fact that the FBI came and was cheated away, and several people from the dark organization discussed the ambush here, all were exposed in front of Mori Kogoro.

It's a pity that even if Rum appeared, he was still wearing a mask, sunglasses, and holding an umbrella, so he couldn't recognize his appearance, otherwise the main task would have been half completed.

However, there were fewer people than expected. In order to avoid alarming the enemy, Mori Kogoro played in person, so this group of people was useless.

Chapter 0018 Stuck Fujiko

Two burly masked men dragged the unconscious Karbados over.

Mori Kogoro said: "I should know him, Karbados, and the FBI will still be able to ask you what you want to know if you bring him back."

"Okay, it's time for us to go, or the other party's reinforcements may come again."

At this moment, Judy, who returned to the car, shouted loudly: "Mr. Itakura, what's wrong with you?"

Itakura Zhuo, who was in the back seat, widened his eyes, his face was terrified, and his body was motionless.

Mori Kogoro rushed up, opened the car door, and put his big hand on Itakura Taku's body, his pulse was already gone.

Itakura Taku was not hit by a stray bullet, and Tequila didn't shoot at Judy's car just now. He died of a heart attack.

This shootout scene was too exciting for him.

Kogoro Mori couldn't help but frowned. In this case, the clue about the software here would be broken.

But things have come to this, and everyone can only accept it.

Mori Kogoro commanded his men to stuff the unconscious Calbados into the back seat of Judy's car, letting Judy and Akai Shuichi leave first.

After Judy's Ford Mustang left the port, a dark convoy soon appeared in the abandoned port.

Mori Kogoro and a group of his men escorted Cohen and Chianti into the car, and the convoy sped out to the base.

Not long after, a violent explosion erupted in the container at Dongdu Port.

The entire port was on fire, and all traces were reduced to ashes.

Fifteen minutes later, Rum looked at the blazing Dongdu port, with a flash of anger in his eyes.

Seeing that the fire engines had surrounded the port, he could only order to retreat.



On the ghost ship that was about to return to Hong Kong, Sonoko kept knocking on the door of a lounge: "Uncle Mori, Uncle Mori, we are almost in Tokyo, come out quickly!"

You Xizi who was on the side quickly said, "Yuanzi, your uncle is thinking about something, please don't disturb him."

Yuanzi frowned: "But Uncle Mao Li has been in for too long, it's almost two hours."

And outside the hull of this ghost ship, a black shadow kept moving.

Holding the rope in his hand, Mine Fujiko slowly climbed out of the window of the lounge where Mori Kogoro was.

She gently opened the window, inspected the scene inside carefully, and couldn't help frowning.

Kogoro Mori was not inside, she just watched Kogoro Mori come in with her own eyes.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro poked his head out from under the window, scaring Mine Fujiko so much that he couldn't grasp the rope in his hand properly.

Fujiko Mine exclaimed, and was about to fall, but was caught by Moori Kogoro's big hand.

Mori Kogoro pulled the female snitch in.

The [V] who appeared at the port is the same person as Mori Kogoro on the ghost ship. The reason why he can freely travel back and forth between these two places is the function of the large diversion talisman obtained by lottery after leaving Osaka.

Great Teleportation Talisman: After charging, it can perform three universe teleportation, and the cooling time is one month.

Therefore, Mori Kogoro can freely travel between two places.

But pulling Mine Fujiko through the window is not an easy task, the windows on this boat are too small, and Mine Fujiko's figure is too plump.

So after her head and neck came in, her chest was stuck.

Mine Fujiko propped up the wall under the window with both hands, but still couldn't come in, his face flushed red.

This situation is really embarrassing. Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing.

"You're still laughing, don't hesitate to help me!"

"You asked me to help you!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro extended a helping hand without hesitation.

Mori Kogoro's big hands climbed up to the soft spot, helping to squeeze and massage.

You must know that some parts of the human body are also very elastic and malleable. After a while, Kogoro Moori pulled out Fujiko Mine's upper body.

But Mine Fujiko's buttocks got stuck again, and in the spirit of saving people to the end, Mori Kogoro stretched out his big hand again.

After another squeeze and massage, Fujiko Mine was pulled into the lounge.

"Miss Fujiko didn't have a good rest in the middle of the night, why did you go outside to be a snitch? I don't have any treasures for you to steal?"

Feng Fujizi was taken advantage of, and his face was full of embarrassment, but he said stubbornly: "What are you a snitch, I am obviously walking outside, who made you appear suddenly, and scared me."

"Walking, I'm almost going to the sea to feed the sharks!"

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