At this time, Yuanzi knocked on the door again: "Uncle, what happened inside, I heard movement inside?"

Mori Kogoro got up and opened the door, Sonoko and Yukiko entered the room.

Seeing Fujiko Mine suddenly appearing in the room, the two women couldn't help frowning, and asked quickly.

Just now they saw Mori Kogoro enter the room alone, where did Mine Fuji come from.

Mori Kogoro replied with a light smile: "Miss Fujiko just took a walk outside the hull, and she came to visit me as she walked."

Hearing that Yuanzi wrinkled his face, he looked dazed.

And You Xizi seemed to have thought of something, and quickly said: "I remembered, you are Fujiko Mine, a member of the international theft group Lupine Group, and it turned out to be you."

You Xizi said excitedly, "So you broke in by flying over the wall just now? That's amazing!"

Fujiko Mine had black lines all over her head, and kept shouting MMP in her heart, but she could only nod and smile in response to Yukiko.

So desperate, should it be said that I was so scared that I almost fell into the sea, and then I was stuck in the window, and I was taken advantage of by others, and I came in through all kinds of hardships?

Sonoko gently pulled Yukiko's clothes: "Auntie Fujimine, she is a thief, why are you so excited?"

There was light in You Xizi's eyes: "Don't you think it's cool? You just take away any jewelry you like. If I didn't enter the wrong business when I was young, I might become such an international thief."

Hearing that the garden was also full of black lines, she turned to Kogoro Mori and said, "Uncle, this ship is coming to shore soon, let's go out."

A group of people walked out of this lounge and came to the deck.

Hattori Heiji and Kurosawa Saburo stared at the ghost ship for two hours after returning from the high seas, but nothing happened.

The shore was already brightly lit, and police cars were parked on it.

Mori Kogoro told Miwako what happened on the ship, and she led a team to take over Ron, the death row prisoner in Eagle Country.

Because they are their own women, Mori Kogoro and his party can leave without taking notes.

As for Mine Fujiko, the woman disappeared as soon as she got off the boat.

Chapter 0019 Princess Mira

Mori Kogoro drove Sonoko home, and Yukiko drove back by herself.

As for Hattori Heiji, he was afraid of being questioned by Mori Kogoro, so he disappeared after getting off the boat.

Soon, the car stopped at the door of Suzuki's house, and Sonoko in the passenger seat looked awkward.

Yuanzi blushed and said, "Uncle Mao Li, I had a great time with you tonight."

Mori Kogoro was speechless, so many people died on this ghost ship, this can be happy, Yuanzi must be too nervous!

"Uncle, close your eyes, I have a gift for you."

Mori Kogoro closed his eyes with a strange expression, and soon he felt the girl's warm breath.

Sonoko's heart beat faster and faster, and her small face soon approached Kogoro Mori, and was about to kiss this evil and handsome face in one breath, but was blocked by a big hand.

Mori Kogoro blocked Sonoko's stealing kiss and said, "No way!"

Of course not, Sonoko didn't notice it, but when he parked the car, he saw Tomoko Suzuki waiting behind the gate.

If they really kiss each other, then sparks will hit the earth!

Yuanzi was still struggling: "Uncle, just one click, just one click."

Before the words were finished, a chestnut fell on Yuanzi's head, and the car door opened.

Tomoko Suzuki was standing outside with her chest crossed. She was wearing a purple dress and high heels. She had a smile on her face, and the aura of a business war queen exploded.

"Sonoko, what are you talking about?"

"Oh, just give me a kiss, uncle is so handsome today..." Yuanzi realized that it was her mother's voice when she was halfway through her words, and she turned her head away in horror.


Yuanzi's face flushed immediately, he rushed out the door, covered his face and rushed towards his villa.

But Tomoko Suzuki cursed: "Damn girl, I'll teach you a lesson later."

At this moment, Tomoko Suzuki has countless words of MMP in her heart, what is it called when her daughter comes to grab a man from her!

Her beautiful eyes couldn't help staring at Kogoro Mouri.

Mori Kogoro said with a dry smile: "Sonoko is a child, this impulse comes and goes quickly, don't worry."

Tomoko immediately said, "Xiao Wulang, you have already provoked me, so you can't provoke my daughter, otherwise, I will never let you go."

Kogoro Mori naturally nodded honestly, he has always kept his distance from Sonoko.

Only then did Tomoko's face soften, and he asked with concern, "How's things going tonight?"

Of course, she knew about Kogoro Mori's big movement.

"Don't worry, I'm all here, and the matter has naturally been resolved."

"Don't worry, it's not that you don't understand me, go back and have a good rest, I'm going to pick up Xiaolan and the others."

Tomoko felt relieved after hearing this, but she still stood where she was.

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