Mori Kogoro hooked his fingers, and Tomoko poked his head into the car, Mori Kogoro kissed Tomoko's lips.

After a long time, the two let go.

With charming eyes, Tomoko said, "The next three days will be my vacation, and I will stay at home."

After that, she twisted her hips and walked towards the villa.

Mori Kogoro naturally knew what Tomoko meant, too many women, what a sweet annoyance, with a turn of the steering wheel, the car headed towards the Royal Hospitality Hotel.



At the same time, under the auditorium in the hotel, Fei Eri and Haibara listened to Yoko Okino singing on stage.

Fei Yingli looked in the direction of the toilet: "Xiao Lan has been going to the toilet for too long, why hasn't she come back yet?"

Haibara looked at the time: "It's almost [-] minutes, so she left like Conan, right?"

At this moment, Eri's cell phone rang, and it was Kogoro Mori's call.

After answering the phone, Eri had a smile on his face: "Haihara, your uncle will pick us up soon."

Little Lolita also had a smile on her face.

It's just that Xiaolan who was in the toilet was in a dangerous situation. In front of the sink, she looked at a woman who looked exactly like herself.

"Are you really the princess of the Kingdom of Visbania? Didn't Princess Kako say to welcome you tomorrow? Why are you here now?"

And Princess Mira standing in front of him was wearing a pink and white princess dress, a crown on her head, and a face carved out exactly like Xiaolan's, noble and elegant.

Princess Mira pinched Xiaolan's face, and kept exclaiming: "It's unbelievable, it really looks exactly like me."

Xiaolan hastily broke free.

Princess Mira said seriously: "Of course I am the princess of the Kingdom of Visbania. It's just that we just got off the plane and came to this hotel to stay. It's so late, the reception banquet is naturally tomorrow."

"I'm really tired of such a banquet, hey, do you have any cigarettes?"

Xiaolan looked shocked: "Nani, I'm only seventeen years old, I'm still underage, how can I have smoke on my body?"

"Seventeen?" Princess Mira inspected Xiaolan suspiciously.

Xiaolan straightened the skirt of her formal dress: "You are seventeen years old, a female high school student in the second year of Didan High School who is in her prime, youthful and energetic."

Princess Mira gave Xiaolan a white look: "What a stinky girl, I thought we were the same age, but I didn't expect you to be two years younger than me."

Xiao Lan frowned: "Then you are nineteen years old, but isn't nineteen the same underage? How can you smoke?"

Princess Mira waved her hand and said, "In the Kingdom of Visbania, you are already an adult at the age of eighteen, so you can smoke and drink naturally."


Xiaolan stared blankly at Princess Mira, and after a long time said: "It's a little unexpected, I didn't expect Her Highness to smoke too!"

Princess Mila sneered: "Why, did you destroy your impression of a princess? Can't a princess smoke? Isn't this princess a life? Do I have to be a puppet and live according to everyone's opinions?"

Xiaolan immediately apologized: "I didn't mean that!"

"It's just that for girls, the princess is the identity that everyone yearns for, even if it's only once, how wonderful it would be to be a princess once!"

"That's why everyone imagines her beautifully!"

Xiaolan raised her head, a faint blush appeared on her face, as if she had fallen into fantasy.

There was a gleam of light in Princess Mira's eyes, and she took Xiaolan's hand: "Then why don't you try being a princess for a while?"

After saying this, Princess Mira dragged Xiaolan to the toilet cubicle, and then began to do her hands up and down.

Xiaolan's voice of resistance came from the toilet cubicle.

"Daba!" "Ya Ling!"

"Hey! It's a lie, you're only seventeen years old, why are you so big, your breasts are bigger than mine."

"Don't touch me, I'll just take it off myself."

In the end, Xiaolan succumbed to the majesty of the princess of the Visbania Kingdom, and switched her dress and princess clothes.

Chapter 0020 is a lie, why are you so young

Princess Meera wears Xiaolan's pink gown with an evil smile on her face.

"From now on, you are the princess. When someone comes to you, I will leave first."

Xiaolan said aggrievedly: "What! How could this be?"

"Hey, didn't you say you wanted to be a princess just now? I gave you a chance, but now you're blaming me instead."

"No, I've changed into clothes, you deserve it if you don't!"


"Don't worry, I will be back during the banquet tomorrow, and I will definitely not take you out of Japan, bye!"

Princess Mira walked out of the toilet wearing Xiaolan's gown. There were two maids guarding the toilet door, and she walked out with her head down.

Neither of the two maids noticed Princess Mira who had changed her dress.

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