The maids outside the door came in one by one, surrounded Xiaolan and walked to the resting room.

The maids waited on and helped Xiaolan change and take a bath.

But Xiaolan didn't go through this kind of battle, and finally asked the maids to leave the room with a face of embarrassment.

Lying on the big soft bed, she sighed a long time: "If I had known, I wouldn't have said that I wanted to be a princess, Dad, I miss you so much!"



In Kogoro Mori's room, Princess Mira, lying in Kogoro Mori's arms, had a fast heartbeat, and she couldn't calm down.

But this is also good, Princess Mila under the upset has no time to be sad.

Originally, the death of her mother and elder brother had dealt a great blow to Princess Mila, and she often burst into tears when she slept alone.

But now in Mori Kogoro's arms, smelling the disturbing masculine breath, it seems that all troubles and sorrows have been left behind.

A smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face, with his left arm around the sleeping little loli Haibara, he remained motionless, while his right hand became irregular.

His right hand pushed aside the white vest, gently stroking Princess Mila's silky soft back.

Sensing the big hand behind her, Princess Mira's eyes widened again, and her body couldn't help trembling slightly.

Mori Kogoro caressed Princess Mira back and forth, and suddenly felt that the things on his ribs had changed, so he couldn't help but wondered: Has this girl's sensitivity changed?strangeness!

He lowered his head and kissed Princess Mila's forehead again, and said softly, "Okay, I won't move, so don't have any bad thoughts, just sleep well!"

After all, Mori Kogoro really stopped moving.

Princess Mila is almost going crazy, she obviously didn't do anything, it's Moori Kogoro who has been doing something wrong all the time, who is saying something bad!

Her small face exuded astonishing heat, and her head was a little dazed, but the tiredness of flying, coupled with the strong stimulation, suddenly made her feel sleepy.

Not long after, Princess Mira fell asleep in the arms of Moori Kogoro.



In the early morning of the next day, the warm sunshine shone on Mori Kogoro's face, he opened his eyes, and the little loli Huibara on the left had already woken up and disappeared.

Looking at the angelic face on the right, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but smile.

He leaned his head over and kissed Princess Mira's pink lips. The face of Princess Mira, who was pretending to be asleep, suddenly became hot, and her little face was flushed.

is that a lie!Even if it's a good morning kiss to your daughter?How can this be kissed on the mouth?

Princess Mila, who lost her first kiss inexplicably, was still holding on, her eyes were not opened, but her eyelashes were trembling.

But of course her pretending to sleep couldn't hide from Mori Kogoro's eyes. A smile floated on Mori Kogoro's face, and his fiery hands climbed up the mountain without any scruples.

Nani?Is this stuff shrinkable?Why suddenly became a cup smaller?

Mori Kogoro exclaimed: "No, you are not Xiaolan, Xiaolan has bigger breasts!"

Princess Mira, who was attacked, couldn't bear it anymore, screamed, and pushed Moori Kogoro away.

Her face was flushed, and she looked at Mori Kogoro as if she was looking at a pervert. How could a father know his daughter's breasts like the back of his hand!

Princess Mila scolded, "Of course I'm not Xiaolan, you rude pervert, how dare you offend me?"

"Then who are you?" Mori Kogoro also looked confused, why did he fall asleep and his precious daughter flew away.

He quickly summoned Xiao V to play back Xiaolan's surveillance video from last night, and only then did he understand what happened.

It turns out that this is Princess Mira of the Kingdom of Visbania!

Princess Mira still wanted to hide her identity: "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that you pervert, how could you do such a thing to your own daughter?"

"So handsome, he's actually a ghost father!" Princess Mira said with deep resentment and a hint of jealousy towards Xiaolan.

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro seemed to be choked and unable to answer.

But soon he calmed down and asked back, "Then why didn't you reveal your identity when I came last night?"

"That way, misunderstandings won't happen."

"Could it be, in fact, you just want to sleep with me?"

Hearing this, Princess Mira's face instantly burned like a burning cloud, her eyes were full of panic, and she pointed at Kogoro Mouri: "You, you, you, don't talk nonsense, who cares to sleep with you !"

Seeing Princess Mira's panicked appearance, Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly chased after the victory.

His acting skills exploded, and he pretended to be sad: "Isn't it unusual? So you lied last night."

"I already knew last night that you are not my daughter, Princess Mira."

"I thought you were willing to hug me and sleep on the same bed with me? It turns out that these are all my own mistakes, ha ha!"

A bitter smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's handsome face, which made Princess Mira's heart tremble.

Knowing that Mori Kogoro revealed his identity, Princess Mira was even more shocked.

He knew his identity last night. In other words, he hugged himself to sleep last night, kissed himself and touched himself when he got up this morning. He did it on purpose, not a perverted ghost father!

Thinking of this, Princess Mila was inexplicably happy.

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