Chapter 0024 Uncle, you can find me if you are angry in the morning


Princess Mila hugged the pillow with a twisted look on her face.

"Detective Maori, don't do this!"

"We just met last night? This kind of progress is too fast!" Princess Mira looked shy.

But soon her face changed: "No, then why did you say that your daughter's breasts are bigger? How did you know this!"

"You're still lying to me! You pervert!"

As expected of the queen's heir, Princess Mila is truly extraordinary when she gets angry, she is full of queen style.

Especially this face, which is exactly the same as Xiaolan's, is even more lethal.

Mori Kogoro quickly argued: "This is just the observation ability that a detective should have. I know everything about the people around me, that's all."

"Just like you, although you look exactly like my daughter, there are still subtle differences."

The two were so alike that Mori Kogoro didn't recognize him at all.

After saying this, Mori Kogoro desperately searched for the difference between the two, and with his super observation skills, he quickly found it.

"Especially your eyes, yours are lighter, so when I saw you yesterday, I knew you were not my daughter."

"I thought maybe you were in some trouble, so I kept it open."

Hearing this, Princess Mira's eyes sparkled.

Indeed, she and Xiaolan checked the mirror for a long time in the toilet last night, only then did they discover that there was indeed a slight difference in the color of their pupils.

Unexpectedly, Kogoro Mori discovered this point, and Princess Mila couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

Although it is a novel experience to have someone who looks like herself, every woman hopes to be unique.

"Well, so you are not a pervert, Detective Maori, so I can rest assured."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro still couldn't laugh or cry.

And Princess Mira put down the pillow covering her chest, and the spring light suddenly leaked out.

Kogoro Mori's big hands just now were very irregular.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but twitch: It really is smaller, about the same size as last year's Xiaolan.

It seems that my massage technique is really effective!

He quickly reminded: "Princess Mira, your chest!"

what! ! !

Princess Mila lowered her head and exclaimed again: "You still watch!"

Immediately afterwards, she quickly pulled the quilt to cover her body, and then began to adjust the white vest.

At this moment, the door of the bedroom was pushed open, and Hui Yuan stuck a small head in, inspecting the two of them suspiciously.

This scene is extremely suspicious!

Uncle Mao Li was sitting next to her, and 'Sister Xiao Lan' looked like a bullied daughter-in-law, with a red face and wrapped in a quilt.

No way?They are father and daughter! ! !

Huiyuan frowned slightly, and said cold words: "What is it called early in the morning, sister Xiaolan, it's time for you to make breakfast!"

Princess Mira was stunned for a moment before realizing that Huiyuan was calling her.

But Mori Kogoro got up immediately: "You continue to rest, I will make breakfast today."

After saying that, Mori Kogoro pulled Huiyuan out of the room, and closed the door by the way.

Mori Kogoro was about to go to the kitchen, but was grabbed by little loli Huibara.

Haibara looked up at Kogoro Mori, but Little Loli seemed to feel that this was too imposing, so she climbed onto the sofa with her short legs.

She stood on the sofa and looked at Mori Kogoro, a pair of big ice blue eyes stared at Mori Kogoro, Xiaomeng's face was very serious.

Mori Kogoro also felt a drum in his heart, and gently stroked the little loli's head with his big hand: "Xiao Ai, what's wrong with you?"

"Uncle, did you wake up too angry in the morning, so you did something unreasonable to sister Xiaolan?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro almost vomited a mouthful of old blood, the point is that it wasn't Xiaolan, it was really a scapegoat.

"I know that uncle, you have a strong desire, but such a thing is absolutely not allowed."

The little loli Huiyuan pursed her lips, and continued to speak: "If it is really angry in the morning, then uncle can come to me!"

"It doesn't matter how many times I eat ice cream and do more experiments."

Little Loli blushed after she finished speaking, and she continued, "If we really want to, we can sneak into my room in the morning! The bathroom doesn't matter."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't laugh or cry, thinking that the matter of Princess Mira could not be kept secret for so long, so he just confessed it.

He reached out and hugged Huiyuan into his arms, and said, "Xiao Ai, you misunderstood, the girl inside is not your sister Xiaolan, but Princess Mira of the Kingdom of Visbania."

"She looks very similar to your sister Xiaolan. It was like this last night... That's why she appeared in our house."

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