The staff next to him also looked terrified.

Only then did Princess Mira come back to her senses, with a look of fear on her face.

Then she restrained her fear again, pretending to be relaxed and said with a smile: "I'm not confused, I'm just scaring you!"

The staff on the side asked: "Why don't you two try double bungee jumping?"

Hearing that Princess Mira's eyes lit up, she clapped her hands and smiled, "Okay! Okay! You guys have been pretending to be relaxed and let you dance with me, maybe you will cry out of fright later! "

Princess Mila insisted again and again, so Mori Kogoro could only put on protective measures.

After putting on protective measures, Princess Mila realized something was wrong.

In order to ensure safety, the two must hug each other tightly, and there is nothing between them.

That is to say, her body is tightly attached to the majestic body of Mori Kogoro, and her soft chest is tightly pressed against the strong chest muscles without any gap.

Princess Mira sensed the warm breath from her head and smelled the masculinity of Kogoro Mori's body. The fear in her heart was replaced by shyness, and her face quickly flushed.

Mori Kogoro hugged this energetic young girl's body, smelling the fragrance emanating from her body, he couldn't help feeling hot inside.

With big arms around Princess Mira's slender waist, she stroked her restlessly a few times.

Princess Mira's pupils shrank, and her face was slightly red.

is that a lie!This guy is not afraid at all, and he still wants to take advantage of it!

The staff tied up the protective measures of the two, and Mori Kogoro carried Princess Mira to the edge of the high platform.

Mori Kogoro didn't care about the strange look in Princess Mira's eyes at all, and he had a wicked smile on his face, evoking a touch of arc that touched people's hearts.

He rested his head lightly on Princess Mira's forehead, the tip of his nose touched the tip of her nose, and magnetic words came out of her mouth.

"You-jump, i-jump."

Then Mori Kogoro kissed Princess Mila's pink lips without hesitation, and launched an offensive;

At the same time, the bodies of the two on the edge of the platform fell down at the same time.

boom! ! ! ! !

Princess Mira only felt like a kaleidoscope burst in her mind, and then the world was spinning for a while.

Her eyes were fixed on the handsome man in front of her, ignoring the weightlessness of her body and the gust of wind that kept blowing underneath her.

This was an experience she had never experienced before. She hugged Kogoro Mori tightly with both hands, and responded enthusiastically.

The two fell to the bottom and bounced up again, floating upside down in mid-air, kissing passionately.

Because Mori Kogoro used a shelf to help him hold the dress before bungee jumping, so naturally there will be no nakedness.

Five minutes later, the bungee rope fell down, and Princess Mira was a little deprived of oxygen from being kissed.

However, even though the two were picked up by the speedboat in the center of the lake, they still hugged each other tightly, with no intention of separating at all.

Princess Mila's face was blushing with excitement, she was panting heavily, her big eyes were bright, she looked at the smile on Mori Kogoro's face, and her heart beat faster and faster.

Princess Mila, who was educated in the West, was very bold. She rushed over and clumsily kissed Kogoro Mori on the mouth.

The dog food kept spilling out, and the staff who drove the speedboat couldn't help feeling depressed for a while, so they simply turned their heads away.

When the two returned to the playground, Princess Mila no longer hesitated, and hugged Mouri Kogoro's arm affectionately...

She laughed, jumped, and ran, letting go of all restraint and pressure, just like a little girl in love.

It is quite different from the previous princess who pretended to be strong!

Influenced by Princess Mira, Mori Kogoro also became very happy.

The two will even do some extremely childish things.

In front of the fountain in Tropical Paradise, there is a place like a Colosseum, with a wall carved with a 'Mouth of Truth'.

On the wall is the face of a strange old man, the mouth of which looks like a bottomless hole, which makes people frightened.

Princess Mila didn't dare to put her hand in, instead she kept urging Mouri Kogoro to reach out.

Mori Kogoro put his right hand into the mouth of truth, his acting skills exploded, and the weird old man on the wall also moved at the same time, pretending to bite it off as if he had come alive.

The picture really looked like Kogoro Mori was bitten, and Princess Mila hurriedly pulled out Kogoro Mori's hand in a panic.

After a while of hard work, the two finally pulled out their hand, but Princess Mira was shocked because Kogoro Mori's right palm was missing.

Then the palm came out from under the sleeve, and Princess Mila immediately beat Mouri Kogoro's chest with her fist angrily: "I told you to scare me!" "I told you to scare me! Ah!!!"

In the end, she was embraced by Mori Kogoro, and she spun a few times in mid-air before being put down again.

The two chased wantonly in this playground, without conspiracy, tricks, or reasoning.

There are only bursts of laughter and two hearts that keep getting closer.

At night, on the merry-go-round filled with lights of various colors, Mori Kogoro rides on the merry-go-round with Princess Mira in his arms.

The entire merry-go-round venue was reserved by Mori Kogoro, and there were only two people there under the bright lights.

Mori Kogoro's big hands tightly hugged Princess Mila's soft belly, their heads were pressed against each other, and their bodies fell together with the wooden horse.

But the closer the night was, the more depressed Princess Mira felt.

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