Chapter 0027 Loli and Sister Yu

Cinderella in the fairy tale will go back by the pumpkin cart after twelve o'clock.

As the night approached, when the evening banquet began, it was the time when Princess Mira and Xiaolan changed their identities.

At that time, the princess will still be a princess, and Xiaolan will still be Xiaolan.

At this moment, there is only one hour before the dinner party. Princess Mira felt the warm and majestic body behind her, and the color of fascination flashed across her eyes, but there was more sadness in her eyes.

She really wanted to continue snuggling up to Kogoro Mouri, but she knew that there would be no chance in the future.

The citizens of the Kingdom of Visbania are still waiting for their queen to return to govern the country, and it is impossible for Princess Mira to stay in Japan.

Because she knew from the beginning that the time she spent with Mori Kogoro was only a short day, Princess Mira cherished it very much.

Princess Mira turned her body sideways. She had a beautiful angelic face, and her two big talking eyes were like a blue pool on a plateau, clear, quiet, and charming.

The long eyelashes are like butterflies flying in autumn, and the wings flap the joy and lightness of youth.

In the spotless cardamom years, the princess met her lover.

Mori Kogoro understood the sadness in Princess Mila's eyes.

During this day, he also fell in love with this straightforward and bold princess. He didn't regard her as Xiaolan, but fell in love with Mira.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand to embrace the helpless princess in his arms, stroked her soft back with his big hands, his heart was full of pity.

Maori Kogoro naturally knew about the hunting accident that happened before the Visbania Kingdom.

He also knew about the deaths of Queen Sacra and Prince Jill, and Princess Mira had no real relatives.

So he played with Princess Mira all day today, hoping to get rid of his inner troubles.

There is no way, Kogoro Mori can't help but feel sad when he sees a woman who looks exactly like Xiaolan.

But don't want to!On the contrary, he easily robbed a girl's heart.

Princess Mira's head gently rubbed Kogoro Mori's chest, and her voice became softer: "It's so warm! Mr. Mori, your chest is so warm! I really want to hold it all the time!"

Mori Kogoro smirked: "Princess Mira, didn't you say that our progress is too fast?"

He tried to break the sadness in Princess Mira's heart with teasing words, but obviously failed.

Princess Mila stroked Mori Kogoro's beard lightly with her fingers, and grinned: "It's strange, I remember that I really hate men with long beards, but I can't hate Mr. Mori's beard. "

"Maybe it's because I'm handsome!"

Princess Mira chuckled lightly: "Mr. Maori, are you also so narcissistic?"

Immediately afterwards, the two talking eyes lit up, Princess Mira blushed, and quietly lowered her head.

"I heard that if you come to Japan and don't take a hot spring, you don't really have been to Japan."

"Mr. Mori, how about we go to a hot spring hotel next?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help being stunned for a moment, hot springs and hot spring hotels are two different concepts!

Kogoro Mori naturally knows what it means for a girl to take the initiative to invite her to a hot spring hotel.

But for Princess Mira, Mori Kogoro had pity more than desire, he hesitated for a moment: "Mira, this is not appropriate!"

Princess Mira raised her head, her eyes were firm: "But I don't want to leave any regrets tonight!"

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but tremble.

"No, I mean, is the time too short? The dinner will be held at [-]:[-], and it will be less than an hour, which would be too contemptuous of my combat effectiveness."

"Why don't I tell Jiazi that the banquet will be postponed until tomorrow, and you called your subordinates and said that it will be postponed until tomorrow. Let's rest in the hotel all night, how about it?"

Hearing this, Princess Mila's pretty face was about to bleed with shame and anger, and she scolded coquettishly: "Big pervert, big villain, big pervert, I will ignore you!"

Princess Mila turned around and got off the wooden horse, and ran towards the exit of the tropical paradise.

After all, she was an unprofessional girl, so she couldn't hold back when discussing such a hot topic with Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro hurriedly followed.



At the same time, in the bathroom of Mori's home, Haibara's face was quite ugly.

In the bathtub full of bubbles, little loli Huiyuan's head was pinched by Mine Fujiko's proud peaks at the moment, so she looked unlovable.

Little Loli broke free quickly, keeping a safe distance from Fujiko Mine.

"That's enough, Fujiko Mine, what are you doing in my house suddenly?"

The person who took a bath with Huiyuan was the female snitch on the ghost ship, Miss Mine Fujiko.

She has long wine-red hair, a charming pretty face, and her graceful body is even more sexy and seductive under the cover of bubbles, even the bubbles can hardly cover her proud breasts.

The long and slender legs protruded from the bathtub and gently rested on the edge of the bathtub, and the whole person suddenly became extremely lazy and attractive.

Fujiko Mine smiled coquettishly, "You're so cute, Shirley, even your breasts have shrunk!"

"Or is Shirley always this young?"

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