Hearing this, Hui Yuan immediately became angry, it was really embarrassing for old acquaintances to know about her transformation into a flat loli.

"How is that possible? It must have been bigger before. Uncle Maori... ah!"

Haibara came to his senses and quickly covered his mouth.

And Mine Fujiko's eyes lit up: "Detective Maori, does Detective Maori know the size of your breasts before? This is really interesting. Shirley, what special relationship do you have with Detective Maori?"

Huiyuan forcibly calmed down, and asked instead: "Hey, why are you here today?"

Fujiko Mine laughed lightly: "Shirley, do you want to complete that medicine with me, that ideal APTX!"

A disdainful smile appeared on Huiyuan's face: "Then what are you going to do after finishing that medicine?"

"Of course, the first thing is to restore youth. Eternal youth is the hope of every woman. If you can make a fortune and become a rich man, that would be the best."

When Mine Fujiko thought of this, his eyes showed obsession.

Huiyuan turned his head to the side: "I've disappointed you, but unfortunately I'm not researching such a medicine with wonderful effects."

"However, Fujiko, I remember that you were not like this before. After you set your sights on your prey, you would only go forward recklessly and never look back. You were a female thief who would never give up if you failed."

"But now you are obsessed with being young. Obsessed with this kind of thing will not have any good results? Ms. Mine Fujiko."

Chapter 0028 Don't blame me for tearing up tickets

After saying this, the little loli Huiyuan stood up from the bathtub, revealing her white body, and she crawled out with her short legs.

On the other hand, there was a touch of confusion on Mine Fujiko's face, as if she was lost in reminiscence, but she quickly realized it.

It's a pity to let her run away like this. I wanted to study her body carefully!

Then Fujiko Mine got up from the bottom of the water, her white body like suet jade was covered with foam, and her domineering curves were enough to touch the heart of any man.

A pair of slender legs gently flipped out of the bathtub, came under the shower head, turned on the hot water switch, and let the hot water hit her delicate skin.

Water mist rose up, covering his graceful figure.

The indomitable female snitch?

Xiaolan is so kind. When she heard the maids say how dangerous Princess Mira was in, and someone was even secretly murdering Princess Mira, she couldn't help but burst out with sympathy.

Under Earl Keith's flickering, she sincerely asked for help, and raised the issue of diplomacy, Xiaolan boarded the special plane to the Kingdom of Vespania in a daze.

Earl Jiqi acted extremely decisively, as soon as Xiaolan got on the plane, he immediately ordered to take off.

Because it was a plane from a friendly country, the Japanese didn't dare to stop it, so they just watched the plane fly towards Weiguo.

As for Princess Mira's proposal to open a room, it was not realized in the end, and was interrupted by a group of uninvited guests.

As soon as the two got into the car and left the tropical paradise, Kogoro Mori noticed a car following behind.

Today's personal guards are useful, and I really caught fish, but it seems to be some small miscellaneous fish.

Princess Mila also noticed the approaching vehicles behind, a total of three black cars.

Suddenly, the windows of the three cars were opened, submachine guns were protruded, and bullets were fired unscrupulously.

"Mori-kun, be careful!"

Princess Mila rushed towards Kogoro Mori, trying to turn the steering wheel, but Kogoro Mori caught him.

Mori Kogoro showed his driving skills, and he dodged all the bullets with a lateral drift.

The car window was lowered, Kogoro Mori took out a pistol from his pocket, squinted his left eye slightly, and shot it out.

The bullet hit the front tire of the car in an instant, and the car suddenly lost its balance, spinning continuously and hitting the car behind.

The two cars smashed through the fence immediately, rushed down the side of the river, and sank completely after a while.

Kogoro Mori fired another shot, and the bullet hit the gas pedal of the last car.

In an instant, the rear of the car exploded, and the whole car burned into flames. The driver of the car swung the steering wheel in panic, broke through the fence, and fell into the river.

Fortunately, it entered the water in time, and the flame was extinguished immediately, and there was no further explosion, and black smoke rose from the river.

Princess Mira raised her head and looked at Mouri Kogoro with admiration: "Maori-kun, you are too powerful."

"It's nothing, it's just a group of small thieves, with a submachine gun but they can't aim at the tires, they just shoot indiscriminately."

"It seems that they are just hired little characters, just send them to the bubble bath."

"But that's weird. You and Xiaolan changed clothes in the toilet. It stands to reason that no one would know about it. If you put it that way."

Mori Kogoro touched Princess Mira's delicate body with his left hand, and began to grope wildly, not sparing any part.

It made Princess Mira blush and screamed repeatedly: "Damei, Maori-kun, no, this is in the car!"

"Why is this! I'm a princess. I can't stay in the car even if I don't go to the hotel. I don't have any sense of ceremony!"

However, Princess Mira's small hands were obviously not strong enough to resist, and she looked ashamed to refuse, and finally opened her mouth.

"Yayu! Yayu! Kogoro, I beg you, let's find a place that is a little more hidden, and we must not let people see it, or I will have no face to face people!"

At this time, Kogoro Mori pulled out a pendant from the depths of Princess Mila's chest with his big hand. The pendant was very touching. The pendant was a photo of Queen Sacra.

Hearing this, Kogoro Mori tapped Princess Mila on the head, with a speechless look on his face: "Am I so impatient?"

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