Little Lolita has already made up her mind that if Mine Fujiko comes up again, she will definitely not hold back, and she will give this bullying woman a good lesson.

Naturally, Mine Fujiko also has good eyesight, knowing that Huiyuan is not easy to provoke, he stopped teasing her.

Until Mori Kogoro and Princess Mira came back, the atmosphere between the two women still maintained a weird balance.

Mori Kogoro and Princess Mira knocked Conan down when they passed the office on the second floor.

Poor Conan still doesn't know that her sister Xiaolan has flown to the Kingdom of Visbania, and he has missed many plots after being knocked out.

Conan was completely unaware that the one standing in front of him was a Xibei.

Conan and Princess Mira greet each other warmly, but they only get indifferent eyes from Princess Mira.

Feeling injured, Conan returned to the office on the second floor and began to sort out the information he had investigated about the FBI and dark organizations.

Kogoro Mori pushed open the door on the third floor, and saw Haibara and Fujiko Mine faintly facing each other on the sofa.

However, Fujiko Mine had already changed out of her bathrobe, put on a black leather jacket and leather pants, and tied up her long wine-red hair, looking capable.

As soon as Huiyuan saw Kogoro Mori, he had the backbone, and hurried forward to hug Kogoro Mori's big legs, pretending to be innocent and complaining: "Uncle Maoli, a woman I don't know sneaked into the house, just now she Still bullying me!"

"Oh, it's not honorable to bully a child!"

"Miss Fujiko, we meet again. I don't know what Miss Fujiko wants to do when she appears in front of me one after another."

Feng Fujizi smiled and said: "Detective Maori, you have wronged me, what purpose do I have?"

"It's just that Maori detective, your daughter has been taken away, how can you be so calm?"

Mori Kogoro glanced at Fujiko Mine, but did not answer.

Nonsense, the Great Teleportation Talisman can still be used for the third time this month.

As long as he wants to, he can move to that special plane to see Xiaolan at any time, so he is naturally not worried.

Mine Fujiko turned to look at Princess Mira: "But Princess Mira, Earl Keith somehow took away a girl who looks very similar to you, aren't you worried?"

"Royal struggles for power are not uncommon in history. It is such a simple trick to support a puppet queen and then secretly gather back the power. Don't you care?"

Upon hearing this, Princess Mira said excitedly: "Impossible, Keith is definitely not such a person, and I believe that Mao Li's daughter can't be willing to be a puppet."

"What the kingdom of Visbania needs is their own queen!"

Hearing this, Mine Fuji nodded his head lightly, and the smile on his face became brighter: "But since Princess Mira thinks that Earl Keith can't do this, why don't you just ask in person? I can help you with this! "

Princess Mira immediately put her arms around Mori Kogoro: "Don't worry about your Excellency, I have the help of Maori detectives, and this incident will definitely be resolved smoothly."

Fujiko Mine shook his head: "Although Detective Maori is resourceful, the incident cannot be solved by wisdom."

"I can drive you back to China in a stealth fighter jet, and I'll be back in half a day at most. You won't miss anything by then. How about it? Are you excited?"

But Kogoro Mouri chuckled and said, "Coincidentally, I just arranged a special plane to take Princess Mira back home."

"Sitting in the narrow fighter cabin is naturally not as comfortable as sleeping all the way on the special plane, right, Princess Mira!"

Princess Mira nodded with a chuckle: "I will listen to you, Mr. Maori."

On the side, Mine Fujiko looked disdainful, she didn't believe that Kogoro Mori got the plane.

Ke Mine Fujiko's expression changed completely when he saw the giant Boeing 767 at the airport.

Seeing that luxurious plane, Fujiko Mine stared at Kogoro Mori with bright eyes, as if looking at a human-shaped gold mine, his eyes were full of blazing heat.

Chapter 0030 Little Lolita Who Wants to Rebel

At the airport under the night, Fujiko Mine watched the crew lined up in two lines and bowed, respectfully welcoming Kogoro Mori to board the plane, his eyes full of disbelief.

The owner of this plane turned out to be Kogoro Mori, and Fujiko looked at Kogoro Mori with fire in his eyes almost overflowing, wishing he could pack up and take away the walking diamond king.

The private luxury plane converted from Boeing 767 is the top plane in the world. It is known as the castle in the sky, and there is no way to stop at a small airport.

There are only five privately owned aircraft of this type in the world.

The cost of this kind of aircraft can easily exceed hundreds of millions of dollars, and only a prince like Saudi Arabia or a Russian arms tycoon can afford it.

"Uncle Maori, why do you have a plane?"

Huiyuan pointed to the word "Maori" on the fuselage, with a puzzled look on his face.

Mori Kogoro picked up Huiyuan, and supported his small buttocks with his big hands: "Oh, well, uncle has invested in some small businesses and established a few small companies."

"Afterwards, I exchanged some shares with the shares of the company and Boeing, so my uncle is also a director of Boeing."

"It just so happened that there was a private jet in the Boeing Company that was not sold. It seems that the head of the Morgan consortium in the United States suddenly changed his mind. He defaulted on the contract and refused to buy it. Uncle bought it and added a little money to make it look like it is now."

"Let's go, Xiao Ai, let's board the plane, but we have to take a good look at the plane, and it will be much easier to travel abroad in the future."

This made Mine Fujiko's face twitch continuously, a small business, a small company, and a little money.

Can small companies exchange shares with Boeing?

Can a little money buy this Boeing plane?

She recalled that she was still showing off that she could fly a fighter jet just now, and her little face couldn't help but burn.

The four of them boarded the special plane, and an atmosphere of dignity and luxury rushed over them.

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