The cabin, which is composed of brown and gold tones, is almost like a palace. Gold has become extremely worthless on this plane, and has become the most common decoration on the walls.

Others include rubies, famous paintings, copybooks, antiques, etc., which have also become decorations on the plane.

Above the luxurious restaurant that is enough for thirty people to have dinner, the top of the cabin is made of fully transparent high-performance aerospace materials, allowing people to wander under the stars and enjoy a dreamlike dinner.

Mori Kogoro's private plane has long been planned for the future, and this luxurious restaurant, which is enough for thirty people to eat, is prepared for his women at that time.

In addition, in the innermost row of bedrooms, there is a very large bedroom.

Oversized bedrooms with large beds and large soaking tubs are ready for the good life ahead.

The cabin is clearly divided into three areas: dining area, bedroom area and entertainment area.

In addition to the small fitness room, the entertainment area also has billiard room, bar, chess and card room, and tea room, which can be described as everything.

Even Princess Mira couldn't help exclaiming: "Mr. Maori, your plane is more luxurious than the royal plane of our Kingdom of Wisbania."

On the other side, Fujiko Mine hugged Kogoro Mori's arm without hesitation, her proud chest tightly wrapped Kogoro Mori's arm, her eyes became affectionate, and her voice became extremely charming.

"Xiao Wulang, do you lack a wife? What do you think of him?"

"People don't eat much, so it's easy to feed!"

Sure enough, Fujiko's style is extremely bold, and his acting skills are excellent. This is true, and other men will believe it if they are not sure.

Huiyuan and Princess Mira looked at the long-legged Yujie who was flirting with her head, the veins on her forehead kept jumping up, and they spat at the same time: "Shameless!"

After all, the two women felt strange, they couldn't help but looked at each other, their eyes intertwined, and the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

No way, did uncle also attack this princess?

Nani, who is obviously just a kid, how could he feel such a big threat.

The eyes of the two women intersected, as if there were flames lasing.

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Fujiko's slender waist, and chuckled lightly: "I don't need a wife, but I still need a secretary. I wonder if Miss Fujiko would like to do it?"

Seeing the two hooking up together, Princess Mira and Huiyuan suddenly turned black, and magic flames rose behind the two women!

"Mori-kun!" "Uncle!"

"It's just a joke, everyone, don't take it seriously!"

Mori Kogoro quickly let go of Mine Fujiko's body, and the faces of the two women became better.

Immediately after the plane was about to take off, Mori Kogoro took the three of them to sit on the sofa seats and put on their seat belts.

After the weightlessness, the plane flew to the Kingdom of Wisbania according to the established route.

Except for the weightlessness at the beginning of take-off, the plane quickly regained its balance, and the four got up and began to visit.

However, the night gradually deepened, and soon the sleepiness began to rise. Princess Mira and Mine Fujiko each chose a bedroom to rest.

As for the little Lolita Hui, Principle excitedly led Mori Kogoro into the oversized bedroom.

Hui Yuan standing on the big bed still looked excited.

"Uncle, uncle, my strength seems to have suddenly become great?"

Mori Kogoro squeezed Huiyuan's tender pink arm, and upon hearing this, he had a strange smile on his face: "Oh, how big is it?"

"Just now I slapped Miss Fuji out of the way, uncle, don't make me angry, otherwise, hum!"

Haibara smirked menacingly, while Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and shook his head: "Xiao Ai, children can't tell lies!"

"I didn't lie!" Huiyuan still firmly believed that his strength had grown.

"Okay, since Xiao Ai thinks that her strength has become stronger, then use the greatest strength against uncle and see if he can push him!"

Hearing this, Haibara immediately started exerting his strength, pushing Kogoro Moori's chest with a pair of small hands, but Kogoro Moori didn't move at all.

Nani?You can still exert your strength before getting on the plane, how could this happen?

Little Lolita used all her breastfeeding strength, her little face flushed red, and Mori Kogoro couldn't help but laugh.

All of this is naturally controlled by him.

Kogoro Mori gave a little effort, and Huiyuan fell on the big soft bed.

"Okay! Xiao Ai has dared to cheat uncle now, it seems that I can't punish you well tonight, so I will punish Xiao Ai and start eating ice cream now!"

Hearing this, little Lolita's expression turned pale.

Originally, according to her script, Kogoro Moori was pushed by her strange force, and then she could threaten Uncle Maori to keep a distance from Princess Mira and Fujiko Mine on the plane.

But now that her strength has faded, she has become that helpless, weak little loli again.

Facing Kogoro Mori's big hand, he has no power to resist, and can only obediently let Kogoro Mori be at his mercy, being turned over by him, turned over; turned over, turned over...

Chapter 0031 The real Fujiko

This newly remodeled aircraft master bedroom finally ushered in its owner.

The big white bed is enough for adults to roll several times on it, and enough for more than [-] people to sleep together.

But there was only a pink and tender little loli on this big bed, wearing only white socks all over her body, and a little blush appeared on her jade-like carcass.

Little Loli knelt on the bed, Xiaomeng's face was turned sideways, her eyes were full of mist, which made people feel pity.

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