Every time he sees this scene, Mori Kogoro always feels an indescribable sense of guilt in his heart, and this feeling is like a drug that people cannot quit.

The night is still very long...

The first night on this luxury plane is not destined to be peaceful.



The next morning, Conan woke up from his sleep, only to feel his stomach growling, he was woken up by hunger.

Conan climbed up to the third floor in a daze, pushed open the door, and then stepped into the house on the third floor like a walking dead, yawning and inspecting.

Suddenly, Conan opened his eyes as if suddenly awakened, looking at the empty house, there was no one inside.

He hurriedly opened room by room.

no one!no one!Still no one!

what's going on? ? ?

Conan ran to the living room and saw the letter and money left by Mori Kogoro, his face twisted immediately.

From the Maori's house on the third floor, Conan cried out in grief and anger: "Ah!!! Damn it! You left me alone at home again!"

The shout immediately startled several sparrows on the wire!

Looking at the coin in his hand and the same letter as before, Conan couldn't help thinking that it was bad, and quickly hid out and climbed up the corridor towards the rooftop.

Not long after, there were dull footsteps from below. Uncle Anxi, the owner of the cafe, searched for a long time, but still couldn't find Conan, so he patted his head: "Strange, why is Conan missing?"

"Oops! How can I explain to Detective Maori now!"

Hearing Uncle Anxi's footsteps leaving, Conan let out a long sigh of relief.

I can't stay at home anymore, for now, I can only go to the doctor's place to hide.

Conan has learned his lesson this time, because it is spring break, and the spring break summer camps on the market are also springing up like mushrooms. If it really falls into the hands of Uncle Anxi, there will be no good fruit to eat.



But Xiaolan in the palace of the Visbania Kingdom lived a very happy life, and she really fulfilled her princess dream once.

Numerous maids waited on her, and any matter could be resolved quickly with a single order.

There are countless gorgeous princess costumes to wear, all kinds of exquisite snacks to eat, and living in a fairy-tale castle. One bedroom covers an area of ​​several hundred square meters, full of pink girls' hearts.

Seeing and hearing are exquisite and precious things, wearing expensive jewelry.

Countless ministers saluted her, and she didn't have to bow back.

This feeling is really not bad!

It is Xiaolan who thinks of Kogoro Mori from time to time.

It would be perfect if you have your dad by your side.

But Xiaolan was also a little worried. Although she came to the Kingdom of Visbania because she wanted to help the princess, she still didn't tell Kogoro Mori.

The girl was still worried about whether Mori Kogoro would be angry.



At the same time, in the troposphere at an altitude of [-] meters, the dazzling sunlight came in from the window and shone on Kogoro Mori's handsome face like a sculpture.

Even his eyelids couldn't resist the light and brightness, Kogoro Mori stretched out his hands to cover his eyes and opened them, and then gently hugged Huiyuan from his arms.

He got up and closed the window, then approached Hui Yuan's side, lowered his head and kissed little Lolita's forehead lightly.

He didn't wake Hui Yuan up, let her continue to sleep, got dressed and walked out of the bedroom.

As soon as I came outside, I saw Fujiko Mine sitting on a sofa chair, wearing a yellow tiger fur coat, wearing sunglasses, holding a cup of coffee in his hand, facing the rising sun, and looking at the blue sky outside the window.

The long legs are stacked together, and there is a slight smile on the delicate face, which surprisingly makes people feel very ladylike, quiet and mysterious.

Maybe this is the real Fujiko!

In Mori Kogoro's view, Fujiko has never shed her disguise. Whether it is the bold and seductive person she first met, or the pretended money worship last night, she is not the real Fujiko. She seems to be shrouded in a fog, which makes people feel can not see clearly……

Fujiko Mine finally found Kogoro Mori who was standing beside him, and his expression became lively.

She took off her glasses and gave Mori Kogoro a wink: "Detective Mori, is what you said last night true? If you really ask me to be a secretary, how much salary will you give me?"

"Let me tell you, I won't accept a salary that's too low."

Mori Kogoro also laughed: "It's not that easy to be my secretary. Not everyone can do it. At least two conditions must be met!"

"What conditions?"

"If you have something to do as a secretary, if you don't have something to do as a secretary."

Mine Fujiko clenched his fists, lightly hammered on Kogoro Mori, and smiled coquettishly: "Damn it, Detective Mori, you really know how to joke!"

Sensing his movement, Kogoro Mori moved his eyes slightly, but remained silent.

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