Mori Kogoro's arms were instantly wrapped in two soft masses

"Xiao Goro, you are so handsome! mua! mua! mua!"

Mine Fujiko pointed at his knife-like handsome face, and offered a sweet kiss without hesitation, and his red lips imprinted three lip marks on his cheeks.

Then he leaned his head on Mori Kogoro's shoulder, rubbing against it gently like a kitten, like a little nymphomaniac!

This scene not only made Lupine jealous, but Princess Mira and little loli Haibara couldn't help their veins throbbing.

This woman is so slutty!

Little Lolita's eyes glowed red, she moved her short legs quietly, came behind Fujiko Mine, stretched out her small hand and pinched his plump buttocks fiercely.

"Ah~~~" A whisper of ecstasy fell into Kogoro Mouri's ears, making his heart warm.

This woman was born to charm men!

Little Loli opened her mouth and said, "Let go of my Uncle Maori!"

Seeing that Xiao Huiyuan was about to pinch him again, Mine Fujiko let go of Mori Kogoro's arm while muttering. "Stingy! Believe it or not, I stole your man!"

With his arm away from the soft thing, Mori Kogoro felt somewhat reluctant for no reason.

Little Loli stretched out her hand to be hugged by Kogoro Mouri. After she climbed into Kogoro Moori's arms, she took a handkerchief and desperately wiped off the lip marks on his face.

Princess Mila's complexion became a little better at this moment.

But she regretted why she had to speak to Mine Fujiko just now.

Prince Gerald stared at Mori Kogoro, frowning: "Lupine III has already set his sights on the queen's crown, and you knocked out Police Officer Zenigata, so what if Lupine is here?"

"And this woman is Lupine's accomplice, you look very suspicious when you are with her, guards, take them all down for me!"

Upon hearing the order, the guards rushed forward one by one.

Princess Mila immediately rushed to Mori Kogoro, spreading her hands to protect him.

"Who dares to see me? Mr. Mori is a distinguished guest I invited here. He is a great detective from Tokyo, Japan. There is absolutely no way he has anything to do with Lupine."

"If you want to catch them, if you still put me in your eyes, back down!"

Hearing this, many guards showed hesitation on their faces...

And Princess Mira stared at Prince Gerald tightly with her big eyes, and her aura continued to rise, fighting against him.

"Uncle Wang, this is the palace of Visbania, not your prince's palace, and it's not your turn to order!"

Hearing this, Prince Gerald's face turned blue and then pale, and there seemed to be anger rolling in his eyes.

But when he saw the cold light in Earl Keith's eyes, the anger in his eyes was finally suppressed by him, and Prince Gerald chuckled lightly.

"Hehe, it's my uncle who overstepped it. I almost forgot that my good niece is about to become a queen!"

"Well, you have the final say on this matter, anyway, you wore the crown at the enthronement ceremony."

And Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "I think Prince Gerald is also in a daze, and this police officer Zenigata who was beaten to the ground by me can catch Lupine? It's too childish, isn't it?" !"

Fujiko Mine, Lupine, and Daisuke Jigen couldn't help but twitch their brows when they heard this.

"Princess Mila, let me guard the crown you used to ascend the throne. I guarantee that ten more Lupines will not be able to steal this crown!"

Lupine under the table blushed again when he heard this.

And upon hearing this, Princess Mira had a smile on her pretty face: "Okay, I will entrust this matter to Maori-kun! Keith, you will tell Maori-kun the details later."

"Also, send a few people to pull off the money-shaped police officer on the wall. If you are injured, send it to the hospital!"

Seeing Koichi Zenigata on the wall, Earl Keith couldn't help sweating, and nodded immediately.

As for Prince Gerald, he felt that he had lost face, so he walked straight to the side without saying hello, and left the palace hall.

Mori Kogoro and his party followed Princess Mira up the stairs of the palace and walked to the princess' bedroom on the second floor.

As soon as the door of the dormitory was opened, Xiao Lan, who was sitting in front of the dresser, saw Kogoro Mori appear, and saw no one else in her eyes.

Xiaolan immediately rushed over excitedly, Ruyan threw herself into the arms of Mori Kogoro like a forest, regardless of the cute little loli in his arms.

"Dad, why are you here?"

Mori Kogoro also reached out and hugged Xiaolan tightly.

The head of Xiao Huiyuan hanging on his body was immediately wrapped by Xiao Lan's chest, he was almost out of breath, and rolled his eyes involuntarily.

Too foul, hateful big milk orchid!

Chapter 0037 from the anger of the daughter

Xiaolan was wearing a gorgeous golden princess costume and a white hair accessory, which complemented her stunning beauty with a bit of nobility, and a bit of dusty color in her natural and generous appearance.

Mori Kogoro was overjoyed when he saw it. If Haibara and Princess Mira hadn't been there, he would have been unable to restrain himself.

Huiyuan tried his best to peel off the elastic soft flesh, and finally poked his head out, panting heavily, "I was almost suffocated to death!"

She rolled her eyes and looked at the close father and daughter, and couldn't help but say, "Hey! I'm still among you!"

Xiaolan seemed to wake up suddenly, and hugged Huiyuan in her arms: "Xiao Ai, you came with dad too, I'm sorry, my sister left without making dinner for you guys last night."

Little Lolita complained: "It's really worrying!"

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